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‘Schizophrenic’ Trans Student Admitted to Northwestern Law Published Bizarre Rants in Law Journal

‘Schizophrenic’ Trans Student Admitted to Northwestern Law Published Bizarre Rants in Law Journal

“This is the story of the time I overcome a crippling misdiagnosis by a white bitchy psychologist; it is also the story of how I came to terms with myself as a transgender woman”

This is such a strange story. What is going on at our law schools?

The Daily Wire reports:

‘Schizophrenic’ Transgender Student Terrorized Top Law School, Ranted About ‘Gavel Dildos,’ Sex With ‘Trumpies’ In His Own Law Journal

One of the nation’s most prestigious law schools admitted a transgender student who in his application dismissed his diagnoses of mental disorders as coming from a “white bitch” psychiatrist in “Amerikkka,” then later cursed out a feminist law professor as transphobic and sent bizarre emails to the entire student body, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Wire.

Northwestern School of Law capitulated to the student, Ishani Chokshi, and even gave him his own law journal, which published his screeds likening judges’ gavels to “dildos.” And last month, a year after Chokshi graduated, a prestigious law journal published a “legal paper” by him that details his purported sexual escapades with seven men.

On May 3, Northwestern Law’s Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology published “Of Law and Men,” attributed to “badgaltranny,” an alias of Chokshi, in which he wrote, “I, an Indian-American transgender woman, share stories of my sexual escapades with seven Trump supporters.”

The publication of the profane screed in a reputable journal gives insight into the culture that has overtaken top law schools, including the shouting down of a conservative federal judge by Stanford Law students who said they felt too unsafe to participate in a debate.

As law schools scrambled to increase “diversity” by admitting more minorities, the highly selective Evanston, Illinois, school bit at Chokshi’s application, which an email he later sent to the whole school suggested consisted of a “personal statement” railing against whites and the West and delving into his sexuality.

“This is the story of the time I overcome a crippling misdiagnosis by a white bitchy psychologist; it is also the story of how I came to terms with myself as a transgender woman,” the personal statement began. “It puts me in the clichéd paradox of having to prove my sanity to you, something I like to think I already did for my undergraduate thesis and didn’t intend on repeating for anyone (especially not a bunch of lawyers).”


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henrybowman | June 13, 2023 at 2:00 pm

Equity demands that the psychotic receive proportional representation in all careers. Where else will future playwrights get their Sweeney Todds?

Aren’t all trans schizophrenic?

    artichoke in reply to Peabody. | June 13, 2023 at 3:38 pm

    Once they cut off/out the only working genitals they’ll ever have, they expect to feel cured of that. Wonder why it doesn’t work …

Another shameful episode at my alma mater. It ran off the rails when hiring Bernardine Dohrn (Mrs. Bill Ayres, whose father had been chair of the university’s board) as faculty in the 90’s.

Just a slightly extreme case among the slightly less extreme majority of the next generation of lawyers.

Well, I dodged a bullet there. I wanted to attend NW law after attending undergrad. I’d be mortified to have it as part of my resume. My poor school.

The high profile law schools are more prominent targets and have been infected first. It looks like a school at a smaller, less visible university bears looking into for a legal education.

William Downey | June 14, 2023 at 10:16 am

Obviously, Evanston is no longer “highly selective.”

There was a time when highly selective indicated that unhinged persons need not apply.

Publius_2020 | June 14, 2023 at 7:01 pm

“One of my seven Trumpies, I found off Bumble. He was an old
high school jock who wanted me to suck him off until I told him we
went to high school together (he hadn’t recognized me). Then he
quickly blocked me. I used to fantasize a lot about high school jocks.”

This is a quotation from the excrement that the “Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology” chose to publish. If I was being charitable, I would muse that Manson and Kaczynski had already been published.

Publius_2020 | June 14, 2023 at 7:01 pm

“One of my seven Trumpies, I found off Bumble. He was an old high school jock who wanted me to suck him off until I told him we went to high school together (he hadn’t recognized me). Then he quickly blocked me. I used to fantasize a lot about high school jocks.”

This is a quotation from the excrement that the “Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology” chose to publish. If I was being charitable, I would muse that Manson and Kaczynski had already been published.

So, this individual was admitted to the Bar in what State?