“more white Democrats (59%) than African Americans (47%) support affirmative action in college and university admissions”
Seeming uniformity of support on liberal campuses and HR departments does not reflect reality: “Americans are more than twice as likely to say that the consideration of race and ethnicity in admissions decisions makes the overall admissions process less fair (49%) rather than more fair (20%).”
As we await the Supreme Court’s ruling on Affirmative Action, Pew has published a Survey showing widespread opposition to racial preferences in college and university admissions:
The survey – conducted from March 27 to April 2, 2023, among 5,079 members of the Center’s American Trends Panel – finds that Americans are more than twice as likely to say that the consideration of race and ethnicity in admissions decisions makes the overall admissions process less fair (49%) rather than more fair (20%); 17% say this does not affect the process.
The Pew article has this summary as to the details behind its findings:
Ahead of a closely watched Supreme Court decision that may significantly affect the admissions practices of some of the nation’s top colleges, half of U.S. adults say they disapprove of selective colleges and universities taking prospective students’ racial and ethnic backgrounds into account when making admissions decisions. Fewer (33%) approve of colleges considering race and ethnicity to increase diversity at the schools, while 16% are not sure….
… Americans are nearly three times as likely to say they strongly disapprove of colleges doing this (29%) as they are to say they strongly approve (11%)….
About three-quarters of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (74%) say they disapprove of these practices, including 48% who strongly disapprove. Just 14% of Republicans approve of colleges considering students’ racial and ethnic backgrounds when making admissions decisions.
By contrast, a narrow majority of Democrats and Democratic leaners (54%) approve of colleges doing this, with 19% approving strongly. Around three-in-ten Democrats (29%) disapprove of the consideration of race and ethnicity in college admissions.
Nothing shocking that vastly more Americans disapprove of Affirmative Action, and that such disapproval is greatest among Republicans. But the finding as to how support varies among racial groups may surprise you:
Nearly half of Black Americans (47%) say they approve of colleges and universities considering prospective students’ racial and ethnic backgrounds when making admissions decisions, compared with 29% who disapprove (24% are not sure).
Among Hispanic Americans, identical shares approve and disapprove of these practices (39% each). Both White and Asian Americans are more likely to disapprove of colleges doing this (57% of White adults and 52% of Asian adults) than to approve (29% and 37%, respectively).
First thing to note is that there is less than majority support among Black Americans for Affirmative Action, and substantial opposition. By contrast, support is stronger among whites.
Digging deeper, the biggest advocay group for Affirmative Action are white Democrats:
Roughly six-in-ten White Democrats (59%) approve of race and ethnicity being considered in college admissions decisions, while about a quarter (26%) oppose this. An identical share of Black Democrats express opposition to these practices, while half express support. Black Democrats are more likely than White Democrats to say they’re unsure (23% vs. 15%).
About half of Hispanic Democrats (48%) say they approve of race and ethnicity being considered in college admissions decisions. Views among Asian Democrats are fairly divided: 48% say they approve of these practices, and 42% say they disapprove.
Jonathan Turley boiled down these Pew Findings:
That means that more white Democrats (59%) than African Americans (47%) support affirmative action in college and university admissions.
While this may seem surprising, it’s not shocking to those of us who follow the movements on campuses and elsewhere. The uniformity of support on liberal campuses and in corprate HR departments for Affirmative Action does not reflect reality.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
White, entitled Democrat socialists are the greatest threat to this country ever conceived.
Add transexual vivisection, and you have the end of civilization as we know it.
Yes, yes, but I feel fine.
Have your upvote, you silly thing!
I don’t doubt it. When you look at the data even with getting in, the ride isn’t easy and many would rather quit than put up with it. This is just the usual liberal self loathing.
There doesn’t seem to be a breakdown by male v female in the study data. Unfortunate b/c men and women have very different life experiences in relation to affirmative action/quotas and targeted recruitment/promotion. It would be very interesting to see how much of the support comes from ‘white’ female respondents.
We can infer that quite a bit does but that is only by extrapolating from the higher support among those with a 4 year degree. This sub population is majority female with a large and growing gap over males. Given that ‘white’ women benefit from similar programs it would make sense that they would be more likely to continue to support these sorts of programs.
“Given that ‘white’ women benefit from similar programs”
But now that white men can be white women, that gravy train is routed through East Palestine.
Democrats: “It’s OK to Be White (Knight)”
That photo is the stuff of nightmares. If the audio were to accompany it, I might be tempted to slit my wrists.
In view of the stated consequences, I will not post a URL, but if you have a morbid fascination, you can always websearch “liberal screams in her car about RBG.”
Maybe Whites (especially Democrats) think it’s a good idea because they can pull a Racheal Dolezal or Elizabeth Warren and identify as a minority knowing full well that no one will call them out until like g after they’ve reaped the rewards.
“The uniformity of support on liberal campuses and in corporate HR departments for Affirmative Action does not reflect reality.”
No it doesn’t. It reflects white guilt powered by illiberalism..
Breaking it down further by gender would be most revealing. These white women are nuts.
Ive always believed AA is not even about “fairness”.
I’ve always found it to be utterly insulting to Black Americans, claiming in not so many words, that “you are and always will be inferior and thus require a leg up or will fail without our benevolent help.”
THAT is disgusting.
That’s right, and every two years, black voters come back for more of it. That is what CRT in the class room is about.
And it is harmful to black/other professionals because people can’t be sure if they are competent due to AA policies.
A black, female doctor might be the beat doctor in the world, but I will never know it because I know they can be selected for and pass med school even if they don’t meet the minimum requirements.
All polls are skewed in one fashion or another and undoubtedly never actually reflect reality.
The question which should be asked is: “Are -you- currently working a second job to pay college tuition for another person whom you view as disadvantaged?”
If not then the individual is not actually pro-Affirmative-Action at all, but rather merely supports stealing from others on behalf of allegedly “disadvantaged” persons.
Was at lunch with my son and DIL next to a large table full of suburban white leftist women whining about being called “Karens” for this, that and the other assorted complaints they had about wanting to see the manager, etc. We all just started to laugh and said in our best Buenos Aires Spanish (which is a very difficult combination of Spanish dialect intermixed with French, Portuguese and Italian that few US Latinos understand), “If the hairdo fits….” The women at the table next to us didn’t understand we were laughing AT them, not WITH them.
White liberals are the most racist and bigoted people I’ve ever met. They use wokeness to excuse their awful, bigoted behavior they display in their everyday lives. I’ve seen firsthand white liberals started a rumor and gossip campaign to smear a minority worker so that their preferred white coworker got the promotion. Disgusting. And their white liberal supervisor believed the whisper campaign, which showed her intelligence and critical thinking skills.
“I’ve seen firsthand white liberals started a rumor and gossip campaign to smear a minority worker so that their preferred white coworker got the promotion.”
What I want to know is how they blamed it on MAGA Republican white supremacists afterward.
I wish these white leftist women would do the right thing and stop reproducing.
They’d have to figure out how to use birth control, and may not be smart enough.
Another Thursday without a ruling on either AA case. Taking more time than usual for Roberts to torture the Constitution?
Malcolm X warned us about White Liberals.
The root problem is our education “system,” which has been ruined in the name of “equality.”
Instead of really bringing up the quality and rigor of underperforming schools, we have raided the good schools, taken their resources and dispersed them God knows where. We also got rid of the parochial schools.
When I went to parochial school, it was a quiet place to learn. We were focused on school subjects, and good behavior was required all around. When my oldest son went to public elementary school in the “best” system in Maryland, to open the glass door to the school was to be hit with a wall of sound. It was chaos every day, and the after school people told me their job was not to see to (or even allow) homework!
When I took Geometry in a military school, it was puzzle-solving time, and every kid in class understood it. When my youngest took geometry in the “best” system in California, the teacher was a meek little girl that could barely speak loud enough for me to hear her in a closed room. The entire class was failing.
In that high school, the parents were no longer allowed to contribute funds for band uniforms — it was unfair to the other schools. Only the State was allowed to buy band uniforms, and there wasn’t enough for everybody, so nobody got any.
The State supplied food at the schools, even in summer when there were no classes, even for schools where the parents paid for their own kids’ lunches.
The worst thing we ever did to our school children is make up a Department of Education. This action did not make anything better: education levels have declined ever since, everywhere.