Editor of Academic Journal Faces Cancel Culture Mob for Undermining Arguments of Trans Activists
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Editor of Academic Journal Faces Cancel Culture Mob for Undermining Arguments of Trans Activists

Editor of Academic Journal Faces Cancel Culture Mob for Undermining Arguments of Trans Activists

“has previously faced criticism because his clinic encouraged individuals confused about their gender to learn to be comfortable with their biological sex”

When will we, as a culture, stand up to this mob and say enough is enough?

The College Fix reports:

Academic journal editor faces cancel attempt for allowing debate on transgenderism

The editor of a journal on sex and gender is facing calls for his removal because he published an article that undermined claims of the transgender movement.

An open letter called on the Archives of Sexual Behavior to remove Dr. Kenneth Zucker from his position and retract an article titled “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases,” by Suzanna Diaz & Michael Bailey. Bailey is on the board of the journal. ROGD is the hypothesis that identification as transgender could be driven by social pressure.

The article remains live as of June 7 and Zucker remains in his position, however some notes have been added to the paper.

Zucker (pictured) has previously faced criticism because his clinic encouraged individuals confused about their gender to learn to be comfortable with their biological sex, instead of pushing drugs and surgeries on them.

On May 10, a publisher’s note was added to the article which stated that “readers are alerted that concerns have been raised regarding methodology as described in this article. The publisher is currently investigating this matter and a further response will follow the conclusion of this investigation.”

A “supplementary information” section was also removed on May 16 “due to a lack of documented consent by study participants.”

“In recent years, Archives of Sexual Behavior has routinely published articles on LGBTQ+ topics that in our view did not adhere to the highest standards of intellectual integrity and publication ethics, raising concerns over editorial bias. As a result, we have lost confidence in the journal’s editor, Dr[.] Kenneth Zucker,” the open letter stated.

The open letter was signed by 100 people with various credentials who write or review articles for publication on sexual topics. Five of the organizations that signed are LGBT advocacy groups.


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Patients trying to run the asylum, part 2,177

henrybowman | June 10, 2023 at 2:52 pm

“As a result, we have lost confidence in the journal’s editor”
Aw. Cope.