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‘Diversity in Recruiting’: LinkedIn Implements Feature Allowing Recruiters to Find People by Their Demographics

‘Diversity in Recruiting’: LinkedIn Implements Feature Allowing Recruiters to Find People by Their Demographics

“LinkedIn may use your personal demographic information in recruiting features to surface qualified members that may diversify the group of candidates displayed to recruiters.”

LinkedIn has a new feature called “Diversity in Recruiting.” It’s exactly what it says. You can allow recruiters to find you based on your demographics.

“Our vision is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce, and we are working hard to ensure that all members have equal access to these opportunities,” the company wrote on its webpage. “One way to make sure people have equal access is to understand the gender, race, ethnicity, and other important demographic information of our members and then to measure whether or not all are being afforded opportunities equitably on our platform.”

Because who doesn’t want recruiters and employers to choose you based on your sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, sex, and military service?

The Daily Wire mentioned that LinkedIn updated its help page concerning how it uses personal demographic data:

  • For diversity in recruiting: LinkedIn may use your personal demographic information in recruiting features to surface qualified members that may diversify the group of candidates displayed to recruiters. This would include your profile among those shown to recruiters from companies that have made public commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Your answers to these personal demographic questions are never directly shared with recruiters or companies. You can opt out of this use of your personal demographic information in your settings.

Your personal demographic information won’t be shown on your profile or disclosed to others on LinkedIn. LinkedIn uses demographic data that you provide via the Self-ID form to correct any binary gender inferences we may have made. When you share demographic information on Self-ID through the free text boxes, LinkedIn may put the information you share into broader categories. For example, if you enter “Straight,” we may put you into the category “Heterosexual”, “Cis Woman” into the “Female” category, and “Korean” to the “East Asian” category. If you would like to learn how your free text entry may be categorized, please contact us.

LinkedIn added: “Being counted and represented in a way that members truly identify with is important to fostering economic opportunity for all, and we want to make sure we are learning and listening to get it right.”

OK, being identified how you want? Fine. But I can only think of one reason someone would want to be hired based on demographics. They don’t have the skills necessary for the job.

Since George Floyd died in May 2020, businesses, schools, agencies, governments, etc, jumped on the social justice bandwagon. They’re more obsessed with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) than anything.

It seems like every place implemented DEI positions and policies.

But three years later, DEI jobs have fallen off the map quicker than any other job. It also gives off the sense that the hiring and policies are nothing but a show because we all know it is:

Employers have cut DEI roles at a higher rate than others, according to a February study from workforce analytics firm Revelio Labs.

More than 300 DEI professionals departed companies in the last six months, including Inc., Twitter Inc., and Nike Inc., the report found. These diminishing roles have left observers questioning whether the sense of urgency to increase workforce diversity that corporate leaders made almost three years ago was genuine or simply a reactionary business decision to mitigate reputational risk.


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“You can allow recruiters to find exclude you based on your demographics.”

The law of unintended consequences has never been repealed.

Gotta love the brown background in the announcement; it isn’t to obvious.
EEOC anyone?

Can’t those who use LinkedIn sue for racist discrimination? The only reason to include race etc is so companies can discriminate on the basis of race.

This is an organized tool to engage in discrimination that should be excluded in the employment field, unless one wants to spout pronouns or the like.

LinkedIn is trying to beat Anheuser-Busch to the finish

Where there’s a market, someone will sell into it. LinkedIn is just trying to hustle for what’s out there. I’m sure they feel really good about themselves for it, too.

Someone should be able to find grounds to sue them – a class action suit would seem to make sense – but showing damages sounds like it owuld be very difficult.

diversity: racism, sexism, ageism, political congruence (“=”), and other class-disordered ideologies.

“But I can only think of one reason someone would want to be hired based on demographics. They don’t have the skills necessary for the job.”

I can think of another: because they don’t want to lose an opportunity to someone else who uses the demographic button to outscore you for a job. If I have to identify as a Jamaican war widow, game on.

They are owned by Microsoft.

Microsoft’s chief legal officer (along with all the other Wa tech companies wrote a friend of the courts letter supporting boy’s using the girls restroom at schools. The cited that if this were not allowed, they would have trouble recruiting talent, as the parents of these tranny boys would be afraid to live in Washington. This was circa 2016/7.

Suburban Farm Guy | April 20, 2023 at 11:13 pm

Paging Elizabeth Warren

Remember: Linkedin is owned by Microsoft.

nordic prince | April 21, 2023 at 1:13 am

DIE: you can hire any race you like, as long as it’s not white.

Whites need not apply.

Ditto for 50+.

caseoftheblues | April 21, 2023 at 7:14 am

Hmmmm…. Is THIS the systemic racism we have been hearing about…

E Howard Hunt | April 21, 2023 at 8:58 am

Time for a name change- Inked in.

Well, it’s time. Closing the LinkedIn account.

    jhkrischel in reply to MAJack. | April 21, 2023 at 11:23 am

    I closed back when they started to send fake invites to people from me.

    I think the class action would be if they only allow you to exclude whites, but don’t let you exclude non-whites. I mean, if you’re running an NBA team, and you have whites under-represented, by their logic I should be able to filter just for white basketball players.

I’m sure this will will not lead to any sort of over representation in the demographics of those interviewed or hired greater than the % of the base US working age population. /S

I’m laughing my ass off at the skills listed in “Stacey Ann”‘s screenshot.

For those not in the know, those are the low-skilled clerical-equivalent jobs in software engineering.

Let the lawsuits commence.