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Mexican President Claims Photo Proves the ‘Alux’, a Mythical Woodland Elf, Exists

Mexican President Claims Photo Proves the ‘Alux’, a Mythical Woodland Elf, Exists

Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador claims a photo shows an “alux,” a mythical woodland elf.

“I share two photos of our supervision of the Mayan Train works: one, taken by an engineer three days ago, apparently from an aluxe; another, by Diego Prieto of a splendid pre-Hispanic sculpture in Ek Balam. Everything is mystical.”

I don’t know if Ancient Aliens ever did an episode on the aluxe. I bet it did and I missed it. An excuse to binge!

The aluxe comes from the Mayans. From Ancient Origins:

Every place has its own legends – some being truer than others. Around the globe, you can find many legends about small human-like creatures causing chaos wherever they go. Some of these creatures are called goblins or golems, while others may be elves or even poltergeists. Mexico is no exception to these types of legends. In Mexico specifically, lives a Maya legend about “ little people ” that has been passed down for centuries. This legend is of the Alux, a kind of spiritual little person that causes mayhem, mischief, and destruction wherever it goes.

When visible, Aluxes (or Aluxob, in the Mayan language) are only knee-high and have wide, owl-like eyes. They are also quick in their movements, and some have even been said to have the body parts of other animals including iguanas, deer, macaws, or coati. Other physical descriptions are similar to those of sprites, spiritual fairy-like creatures. In some regions, Yucatan locals say Aluxes can appear in more frightening forms, including dark shadows or shapes with glowing red eyes.

The website said the elves only show themselves when they want to be playful.


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Does this mean that they will be pouring across the border soon?

The still you used looks like it could be a bobcat butt with one leg obscured (and one ear visible over the body).

Also, it must be aliens. Both of the pics on the tweet “failed to load”. Typical UFO stuff – making all our pictures fuzzy, over-exposing film, etc.

I would like to believe this is true, but . . .

My wife is directly related to these things, but she’s a Dlux model.


It’s good to know we don’t have the only delusional president.

Nah, that’s Whoopi Goldberg!

I’m pretty sure that’s a pic of the Leprechaun from Crichton, Alabama about 20 years ago.

actually saw a couple of these myself–after a long afternoon / evening drinking at la macarena in acuna–knew they weren’t any of the local kids as they didn’t ask us for $$$

Now they have Ewoks in Mexico?

Frakking Disney, ruins everything.