Palestinians ‘Celebrate’ Terrorist Murder of Jewish Worshipers at Jerusalem Synagogue With Sweets and Fireworks
“Palestinians praised the massacre with fireworks and sweets that were being distributed on the streets.” Second attack, carried out today by a 13-year-old, results in more injuries.

The killing of 8 Jewish worshipers by a Palestinian gunman on Friday triggered a wave of vile ‘celebrations’ across Gaza and the West Bank.
“Celebrations were held in the West Bank cities throughout the night to hail the Jerusalem terrorist attack. Palestinians praised the massacre with fireworks and sweets that were being distributed on the streets,” the Israeli TV channel i24news reported Saturday.
Disgusting! On the day that the world remembers the horrors of the Holocaust, Palestinians are celebrating the murder of innocent Israelis in Jerusalem with fireworks and dancing. This is the result of decades of Palestinian incitement and hate that the world ignores.
— Ambassador Gilad Erdan גלעד ארדן (@giladerdan1) January 27, 2023
On Friday evening, a Palestinian terrorist gunned down 8 Jews and wounded several others as they were leaving a synagogue in an East Jerusalem neighborhood.
“After entering and attacking the people in the synagogue, the shooter reportedly started chasing after people who were trying to escape,” the Jerusalem Post reported. “He then attempted to flee the scene by car and fired in the direction of Israel Police officers. The officers fired back and killed him.”
The slain terrorist was identified as Fadi Ayash, a 21-year-old Palestinian from an Arab neighborhood in East Jerusalem.
After a terror attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem in which 7 people were killed tonight, this is what the streets of Gaza looked like: celebrating the death of innocent civilians who were slaughtered because they were Jews.
— Emily Schrader – אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر (@emilykschrader) January 27, 2023
The Times of Israel reported the disgusting display:
Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza on Friday celebrated a terror attack that killed seven Israelis and wounded at least three others at a synagogue in Jerusalem.
Palestinian media reported celebrations in cities across the West Bank, including Ramallah, Nablus and Jenin, and parts of East Jerusalem.
Videos showed fireworks, celebratory gunfire, drivers honking horns, bonfires and crowds chanting in the streets.
Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza on Friday celebrated a terror attack that killed seven Israelis and wounded at least three others at a synagogue in Jerusalem.
Palestinian media reported celebrations in cities across the West Bank, including Ramallah, Nablus and Jenin, and parts of East Jerusalem.
Videos showed fireworks, celebratory gunfire, drivers honking horns, bonfires and crowds chanting in the streets.
Masked men flashed victory signs and passed out treats in the West Bank city of Hebron.
At several locations across the Gaza Strip, dozens of Palestinians gathered in spontaneous demonstrations to celebrate the attack, with some coming out of dessert shops with large trays of sweets to distribute.
In downtown Gaza City, celebratory gunfire could be heard, as cars honked and calls of “God is great!” blasted from mosque loudspeakers.
This is beyond disgusting! Palestinians in East #Jerusalem 'celebrating' the murder of Jewish worshipers with fireworks.#Israel
— Vijeta Uniyal (@iUniyal) January 28, 2023
Jewish Couple who Rushes to Help the Wounded Among the Dead
Israeli authorities revealed the identify of the fourth victim of the Jerusalem synagogues shooting: 14-year-old East Jerusalem resident, Asher Natan.
The fourth victim of the shooting attack last night in Jerusalem’s Neve Ya’akov neighborhood is named as 14-year-old Asher Natan,” The Times of Israel disclosed. “Earlier, the names of three of the victims were published. Eli, 48, and Natali Mizrahi, 45, a couple that had gone outside to try and help those who had been shot, and Rafael Ben Eliyahu, 56.”
Two of the victims of the synagogue shooting were identified as a Jewish couple who rushed to the scene to help the wounded.
“A couple were rushed to save the wounded in the shooting attack in Jerusalem were named Saturday as two of the seven Israeli victims killed by the Palestinian gunman,” the Israeli news website Ynet reported. “Eli and Natali Mizrachi, who wed just two years ago, left their homes to help those who were hurt after the attack, and were shot by the terrorist who was still on the loose.”
Eli (48) And Nataly (45) Mizrachi came to aid the wounded at the #terror attack yesterday in #JerusalemSynagogueMassacre , they were murdered for that 😔 may they rest in peace..
— 🇮🇱Yossi Zilberman (@YossiZilberman) January 28, 2023
Palestinian Terrorist Shoot 2 Israeli
Meanwhile, the wave of terror continues to rage against innocent Israelis. On Saturday morning, a 13-year-old Palestinian terrorist armed with a handgun severely wounded a father and son, aged 45 and 22 respectively, in Jerusalem’s City of David.
“An Israeli father and son were shot and wounded in a terror attack outside Jerusalem’s Old City, police and medics said Saturday morning,” The Times of Israel reported. “Police said the attacker was a 13-year-old Palestinian from East Jerusalem. He was shot and wounded by armed civilians.”
A Palestinian terrorist, only 13 years old, perpetrated a terrorist attack near the City of David in Jerusalem a short while ago. 2 Israelis were injured. The terrorist was neutralized&his weapon seized.
Palestinian kids are taught from early age to aspire to become terrorists
— Ofir Gendelman (@ofirgendelman) January 28, 2023
Face with new wave of Palestinian terror, the Israeli government is considering a new law aimed at deporting the family members of convicted terrorists. Palestinian families often play a key role in indoctrinating and raising boy to aspire for martyrdom and are handsomely rewarded by the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority with salaries and big financial payments under its “pay-for-slay” scheme.
“Sealing the terrorists’ houses and arrest of family members is also among the possible steps, “the TV channel i24news reported. “A political source on Saturday detailed the steps that are expected to be taken by Israel’s government following two terrorist attacks that rocked Jerusalem the last 24 hours.”

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And Ben & Jerry’s will honor the murderer with a new flavor, “Suicide Bombe.”
Do they have a suggestion box? It could be something refreshing streaked with blood and bits of human remains. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Ben & Jerry don’t care much. They are too busy polishing their pretend halos.
People who celebrate this way are sadistic. How sad and sick that this is the most joyful of things. How can you call yourself a defender of human rights and not take into account the dynamic of what’s going on. It goes back to the Mufti. Nothing has changed. Yet the critics wear blinders. Shame!
Savages they are. Savages they will be.
What’s needed, desperately, is a mandate by the Netanyahu government that all Israeli citizens who are Jewish must remained armed 24/7. They have to realize that these soi-disant “Palestinians” will not rest until every last person in the land west of the Jordan who doesn’t adhere to Islam is dead
I’d settle for a law that allows people to be armed as of right, and not depend on the whims of the police and/or the defense minister. Right now Israel has no RKBA, and in the “territories”, where a gun license is a literal necessity of life, it’s a favorite tactic of the authorities to threaten to take your license away if you don’t do as you’re told, or to actually do it and leave someone helpless.
Vile disgusting people. They need to be deported like the Sudeten Germans after WW II.
Remember that the current international community considers that to have been a war crime.
The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist
I long ago ran out of sympathy for the Palestinians. They’re a people so twisted up with hatred that they have no desire to live in peace.