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Point Park U. to Cunduct Campus ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit’

Point Park U. to Cunduct Campus ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit’

“The fact that they are forcing [DEI] into the hiring process and syllabus construction of courses shows clearly that this school is not supporting inclusion by forcing policies that are not universally agreed with”

This is not about education. It is about the implementation of progressive politics.

Campus Reform reports:

University commits to campus-wide ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit’

Point Park University (PPU) in Pittsburgh recently announced a new effort to further diversify the Pittsburgh campus.

The school’s Center for Inclusive Excellence (CIE) revealed its newest project in development: a campus-wide “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Audit.”

Michael Thornhill, CIE Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training and Assessment, told The Globe he is “supposed to use [the audit] department by department to have them walk through every area with an equity lens [so that] we can have more equitable departments, not just from a student’s perspective, being from faculty to faculty.”

One student, however, is not on board with this upcoming initiative.

“The fact that they are forcing [DEI] into the hiring process and syllabus construction of courses shows clearly that this school is not supporting inclusion by forcing policies that are not universally agreed with,” PPU student Tyler Hillard told Campus Reform.

He continued, sharing that if “[PPU is] going to base the course syllabus and new hires on diversity, then they are clearly putting their politics over our education.”

The audit will evaluate the department’s “hiring, recruiting, and syllabus construction.”


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Remember that these audits are never about furthering DEI. They are about funneling money to fellow travelers, and to a lesser extent, about tightening their control over the institution.

The Gentle Grizzly | November 11, 2022 at 1:23 pm

Translation: how many Whites do we expell?

I keep thinking about a phrase I learned in first year German:
“Jawohl, mein Herr!”

Point Park is a marginal school. Surprised it’’s still around.
