Experts Now Warning about ‘Severe Flu Season’ and ‘Very Contagious’ Rhinovirus
CDC indicates flu season is getting an earlier start, and end of pandemic restraints resulting in return of colds.
The quest to find an infectious disease worthy of the complete covid pandemic treatment continues.
There are a few new entries to consider this week. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns of a “severe flu season” this year.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned of a severe flu season as reports of the virus and other respiratory illnesses are already higher than normal.
The flu and similar viruses are notably higher in Georgia, New York City, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Washington D.C., the agency said. Usually flu season doesn’t begin to increase until December and peaks in February.
“We’ve noted that flu activity is starting to increase across much of the country,” especially in the Southeast and south-central United States, the CDC’s director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, told NBC News. “Not everybody got flu vaccinated last year, and many people did not get the flu. So that makes us ripe to have potentially a severe flu season.”
In the San Diego area, one school was slammed so hard with the flu that 50% of its students were out sick.
The San Diego Unified School District said Wednesday there have been hundreds of absences at Patrick Henry High School likely due to an influenza outbreak.
The district said, so far, all COVID-19 tests have been negative but found that several students have tested positive for the flu. Typical signs and symptoms include cough, sore throat, runny nose, fever and other upper respiratory infection symptoms, the district said.
A source familiar with the situation told NBC 7 there are hundreds of cases and almost half of the school is affected or absent.
Fortunately, the county reports that no hospitalizations have been linked to the illness.
There are also concerns about the level of contagiousness associated with rhinoviruses (i.e., the common cold virus). There are concerns that the stringent covid pandemic response measures have left people with less immunity to fight off the current strains.
Social distancing and mask-wearing “certainly influenced how little rhinovirus we saw during the pandemic,” Dr. Rosemary Olivero, pediatric infectious disease specialist at Corewell Health Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital at Michigan University, tells Yahoo Life. But, she adds, “that comes with a flip side: Many of us may have lost our short-lived immunity to rhinovirus, which may be contributing to seeing even more of this virus this year.”
But rhinovirus is also “very contagious” and, as a result is “spreading fast,” Dr. Danelle Fisher, pediatrician and chair of pediatrics at Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif., tells Yahoo Life. “Some kids get the common cold from it, and some get much sicker — it can be really bad,” she adds.
Fisher says she’s having conversations about rhinovirus with patients’ parents “multiple times a day.” She continues, “These viruses are stronger than they have been in years.”
While the flu is nasty, and colds are unpleasant, these viruses do not achieve a significant plague status.
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So it’s a normal year then? After all, this time of year that happens EVERY year except when there’s a politically-motivated plague.
Got my flu shot yesterday just like I do every year. At the beginning of flu season “Experts warn…” is the lead in every medical article, while the end is never remarked upon with something like “Experts were wrong again about..”
The medical community thinks we are all sheep and need to be frightened into doing the right thing. Some of us are cranky old goats.
“Experts told by 50 million Americans to jab it up their…”
I am allergic to the flu shot probably the additive Polyethylene glycol, but not sure, anyway, couldn’t, thank God, get the Covid shot and I have had the flu once in my adult life and that’s decades worth
I really don’t know why people get it , it’s always a crap shoot.
I’m not anti vac, but if I’m going to put something in my body, I want to know the good outweighs the bad…
FWIW, I use a betadine nasal spray. Povidone iodine that you get at your local pharmacy. However, that is a 10% solution that you need to dilute to a 1% solution. 9 tablespoons of water to 1 tablespoon of betadine. Put this diluted solution into a nasal spray bottle, hit yourself in each nare when symptoms first start of any rhino infection.
Betadine is what is used in ERs to cleanse wounds prior to sutures, ENT docs have used the diluted solutions for nasal infections. It kills bacteria and viruses on contact. Most colds, flu and other nasties come in through the nose. Catch it at the source. I use it a couple times a day when I’m worried about someone I came in contact with.
I suppose there is a down side, but for episodic use, and without allergies to it, the most that may happen is a minor transient burning when first applied. If you are at all skeptical, and your personal research differs from my post, disregard this entirely.
That works, or you can buy a premixed povidine-iodine spray from Amazon. Or Xlear, with xylitol, which also works. and there’s a bunch more antiseptic nasal sprays that work. Pick one.
Or daily nasal irrigation with the mix I use- 1 tsp uniodized salt, 1 tsp xylitol, 1 tsp erythritol, 1/2 tesp baking soda. Started over a decade ago for allergies and stopped using or needing antihistimines. Increased to 3-4 times a day if I came down with a URI to keep breating. Only had symptoms 3-4 days iunstead of 8-10. My theory- each rinse flushed out viruses, giving the immune syatem a chance to catch up faster to viral load. My first Amazon order of xylitol was March 2017. That’s when I stopped getting colds and flu. During the covidiocy someone suggested in a blog comment section I look into using erythritol instead. And that turned into also. Both xylitol and erythritol kill germs when ued a oral rinse. When used together, in the handful of studies that did that- they worked better together then alone. Though they’re both sugar alcohols, they react differently with viruses and germs, because they are different… Two avenues of attack are better then one.
Interesting. As I was experiencing nightly dry mouth from my CPAP, my dentist recommended an OTC xylitol tablet that you stick to your gum every night and which promotes oral moisture as it dissolves by morning. I had no idea the stuff had germ and virus-fighting properties as well. The only real downside to them is that if you aren’t careful to keep them well away from your dog, you can poison him.
I, too, was going to get my flu shot, but, then, paranoid that I am, began to wonder just what was in that “flu shot.”
It’s not that I don’t trust the pharmaeutical companies that the produce the flu shot, but, y’know, even paranoids have enemies.
Not just that, but we have documented cases of pharmacies (almost always Walgreens) giving people who come in for the flu shot, the COVID shot instead, No thanks.
On no! The common cold is rearing its ugly head! We’re D-O-O-O-O-O-O-M-E-D!!!
Quick! Universal Mail-in Ballots! Fire up the vote harvesting apparatus!
these viruses do not achieve a significant plaque status
Oh no, now they’ll destroy my teeth, too?!
As to flu and cold – I hope the one thing that the dempanic taught us is that if you’re sick – especially coughing and sneezing and nasty stuff running out of you – you should stay home and wash your hands and face a bit more. We had really gotten away from that basic sanitation until Wuhan Flu came along.
Also, let your kids eat more dirt. That will help them stay resistant to cold and flu.
Comes along with the home garden, you can be sure.
I do think employers will be more supportive of people taking sick days than in the past
And I’m sure people will and are taking advantage of it.
As a nurse, I had to be dying before calling in, and in fact, I took one sick day every 5 years as an average.
Would feel guilty because I knew how difficult it was to get replacements. Although I must say, o er time was good, real good.
I was with my husband for a day procedure today and part of me said, “ you can do it, go back, make those bucks”….
A little sunshine helps too. I’m 65, I’ve always worked and played outdoors. I’ve never had anything more than a cold.
I was never sick till I got cancer…
Just saying….
Same for my sister
Very weird and yet our genetic testing was negative.
80 percent of our family , aunts, uncles, grandparents all died of cancer, yet no markers
Of course my Dr was right, he said the markers are there, just the testing isn’t good enough yet.
Hence my children have to be screened like they are 60. But that’s a good thing
Either that or you live someplace like Love Canal. Cancers aren’t always genetic. My father worked with asbestos most of his life, and it took him.
Nobody ever got sick from living at Love Canal. The whole story was essentially a hoax.
Science has forgotten about our built-in immune systems. Germophobia is the main enemy of immunity. Getting dirty is good for us. Just wash up after you’re done.
Today the CDC votes on recommendation of China flu shots for kids school vaccines?
How can they make anything mandatory that’s experimental?
If they do this, it’s going to be War!!!
CDC does not make laws and should be abolished at any rate
But the board that does is just as corrupt and incompetent as the CDC and will agree …giving their masters billions more and permanent immunity. No idea what or if any of the politicians supposedly accountable to voters will do if anything because this mandate is NOT wanted by the majority for their kids…. our government stopped giving a damn a long time ago what we want or want is in our best interests.
If the CDuhC says it, you can take it to the bank!
So, when you stop with protocols that tamp down respiratory viruses (but not so much the special one — weird), respiratory viruses get to infect again. Plus all the natural immunity from exposure (which is a thing with most viruses, but not the special one — weird) isn’t there so more people susceptible.
Net, after two years+ releasing the lockdown lets other viruses do their thing again. OMG.
I am also shocked to learn that gambling is going on at Rick’s.
If basically nobody had flu for 2 years, where is this virus coming from?
A damp market in Tarpon Springs.
Indeed. Flu infections dropped to nothing during the “pandemic.”
Try some “flu fighting gain of function” instead of increasing its lethality…
From Dr. Panda this morning:
Vote scheduled for Thursday. Will also further grant permanent legal immunity to Pfizer and Moderna
The steal is on, folks.
I really do think this will e the red line, everyone who is t woke will pull their kids out and home school
Only the poor and illegal’s will be in public school. Still funded by us, until we dont
We know, and knew before the ‘rona, a portfolio of ways to make people more resilient vs. resp viruses, inflammation accelerants, and cardio-vascular antagonists.
We coulda developed out of the pan-national spasm a Yuuge — Tremendous. even — insight into supporting treatments, mitigations, and protocols, and outcomes including breakdown by demographic.
Everybody who dies of the flu hereafter had some chance of living that was left on the table by us systematically declining to learn a thing from this pan-national experiment we could never in good conscience run on purpose.
We paid the price. We’re declining to take every lesson from it trying to get our attention.
You are free to take any and all precautions. I have a life to live. My cost/benefit analysis says “go out and have a good time.”
“Go out and have a good time” is one of the mitigations, one our gracious overlords didn’t investigate, calibrate, or promote.
Get outside. Take a walk. Goose up your mood. Have some human social contact.
Instead, we have mutating directives about masks — showing up again where I am, under the “Oh my god; there’s a variant!” of the moment — and food service are still swabbing down tables every 13 seconds with extra-special stuff because “kill the ‘rona.”
Well they investigated it for their own entertainment.
I’ve never had the food at the French Laundry, but for $300/plate, it damn well better be an EXTREMELY good time.
The government refused to allow any of those things. Yet there are a lot of us who know about them. Prevention- sufficiently high Vitamin D level. 50 ng/ml or so should be the target. Studies on this go back decades- a higher Vitamin D level correlated with a better outcome, and a lower one with a worse outcome, in every URI studied. Including turberculosis. Studies also show 40% of the US population is deficient in Vitamin D blood level. Meaning <20 ng/ml. Official recommendation of the NIH and CDC to doctors- don't test patients for Vitamin D blood level unless showing clinical signs of Vitamin D deficiency, which means they're already really sick.
Prevention #2 See my post above along with mrtomsr's post.
Prevention #3: The I-PREVENT protocol developed by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, routinely denounced as a right wing bunch or doctors who don't pay attention to science.
Treatment options: Several. The I-CARE protocol
The MATH+ protocol
My son's medical practice in FLorida utilized the I-CARE and MATH+ protocols. They have't lost a patient to covid. But that's NOT EVIDENCE according to official medical authorites because it hasn't been tested in years long double blind studies. Neither has the only thing they say to use against it- the vaccine that doesn't work. But that's different.
I just received another blood test to see if I have covid antibodies, the surest way to tell if you've had it. Still none. The Red Cross used to routinely test. I give blood/platelets on a regular basis- always negative. Not vaxxed. Do the nasal irriagtion, not obese,
I take several, but mot all, the supplements in the I-PREVENT Protocol, and do some, but not all, of wht is recommended. And take some supplements not in the protocol but recommended by others. So far it's working. Haven't masked except when forced to, haven't social distanced, and had several CDC defined close exposures to people with the dreaded covid. But I'm a study of one, an anecdote, not a statistic.
“Do the nasal irriagtion,…”
That one’s a bigger deal than generally thought. Of course, we left the oppy for population-scale correlation analysis on the table, because only the jab was discussable.
Just who, if anyone [not a Leftist] believes anything recommended by the CDC or the Federal government. I don’t have any children at home, but you can bet that if they start trying to mandate COVID and/or other mRNA vaccines on children I will be talking to my grown children in reference to my grandchildren.
Subotai Bahadur
I really don’t think the credentialed/governing class understands how much credibility they have squandered during the Rona Saga. ‘Trust us’ isn’t going to fly with a great number of people any longer.
They are going to have to show their work every time. Raw data revealed, all conflicts of interest revealed, independent replication of their experiments to confirm the results, 100% total transparency, all potential side effects trumpeted not downplayed or ignored.
They aren’t even making an effort to begin attempting to earn trust, instead they want to ignore the past two years of mistakes, falsehoods, deception and the injection of political ideology into what should be a neutral, evidence based, transparent process.
That’s their real problem. They can’t show their work. Remember, we just found out that they never actually tested their “vaccine” to see if it blocked transmission of the virus. If they didn’t even do that, then it’s worthless and they have no credibility whatsoever.
Agreed. Just condemning a treatment, such as Ivermectin (shown to be effective in an entire Indian province), effectively cancelling it with the blessing of the CDS and our social media overlords, is not enough.
When Pfizer refused to share their data with India regarding the efficacy and safety of their RNA vaccine, it sent chilling warning bells to me. That is the very antithesis of the scientific method, particularly in clinical science, where lives are at stake.
Apparently, for Pfizer, the bottom line is more important than your, um, bottom.
“…recommended by the CDC or the Federal government.”
They “recommend”, in the event pretty well, in aid of the interests of their constituencies.
Their constituencies aren’t the population at large, and the interests include neither long life nor prosperity among that population. (Nor peace, in the event.)
We’ve all heard this tune before. Little libtard boys crying wolf.
Now ,we simply don’t believe anything this government OR the CDC OR MSM. says. They can ALL take their (non) wisdom (such a JOKE)) and place it where the sun doesn’t shine.
The good news from the Wuhan Coronavirus fiasco is that we now have a cure for the common cold.
1. You can greatly limit the illness by taking optimal Vitamin D. I’ve been alternating 125 and 250 mcg (micrograms) per day for years. Vitamin C, 1g, and a multivitamin with zinc and trace selenium are also good. This amount of vitamin D is about 10x the RDA, which is useless.
2. At the sniffle stage, up the zinc and add an ionophore. I’ve had very good luck with zinc 5mg and elderberry (unknown amount of quercetin) lozenges.
3. If you or your family members tough it out and get sick, treat according to this reference.
Note that, for my family, Ivermectin gets results in a day.
4. If you have an antiviral nasal spray, or a nebulizer and antiviral liquid (hydrogen peroxide, for instance), it won’t hurt and may help very quickly. If it works, it should work in about a day.
After this fiasco, I am not taking a flu shot, nor anything produced by Moderna nor Pfizer.
Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!
and all this time I thought it was the sky that was falling
On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit reported that the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices would be voting today on whether or not to include the COVID-19 vaccine as part of the schedule for students attending public schools.
Today, it passed. They voted 15-0. Without objection.
Oh wow
We have Donkey Pox and A bad case of Rino virus…
I confused the receptionists at the clinic today when they asked me if I had been exposed to MonkeyPox in the last three weeks, and I replied “No MonkeyPox, but way to much DonkeyPox.”
Rhinovirus. “RINOvirus” is what plagues the Republican Party. 😉
Hopefully, every dirtbag in Washington DC gets it.
This is just stupid. Rhinovirus literally refers to an affliction of the nose. Shut up and try to earn some credibility back, for the country’s sake.
Experts and pedo joe’s CDC shouldn’t be in the same sentence.
Can’t wait to read the paper when my net copy of J. Du-UH! arrives in the mail
I used to have MANY sinus infections and DR visits for the antibiotics and THEN I just started blowing my brains out! When I got out of my shower I’d blow my nose until NOTHING came out. The nasty stuff lessened and finally nothing but clear and – poof – no more sinus infections! I went from four or more severe infections per year to only ONE – bacterial infection – a couple of years ago. Try it – can’t hurt!
Basically what nasal irrigation does. Clears out the crap. More thoroughly. And constant nose blowing irritates tissues. At least, it does for me.
I couldn’t believe how much crap came out of my nose and sinus cavities the first two weeks after I started daily nasal irrigation.
Shower, spicy food, whatever it takes to loosen you up. Moving to Arizona greatly reduced my sinus problems. A fresh bottle of sriracha reduces what’s left.
No, the CDC is indicating that they aren’t classifying the flu or a cold as covid anymore, and have stopped ordering hospitals to so classify them, so suddenly those diseases are back, as if they ever left in the first place.