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Harvard Student Newspaper Finds More Than 80% of Faculty Identify as Liberal

Harvard Student Newspaper Finds More Than 80% of Faculty Identify as Liberal

“we’re seeing college campuses become this ideological bubble”

Frankly, I would expect this number to be higher, but it’s a good reminder about the lack of political balance in higher ed.

WPMI News reports:

Survey: More than 80% of Harvard faculty identifies as liberal

American universities are facing heavy criticism from conservatives who say the institutions are stifling free speech and promoting progressive ideas.

The Harvard Crimson, the school’s student newspaper, released its annual survey of the faculty of arts and sciences in April, revealing that more than 80% of Harvard faculty respondents characterized their political leanings as liberal or very liberal while only 1% of respondents stated they are conservative and no respondents identified as very conservative.

In addition, a little over 37% of faculty respondents identified as very liberal — a nearly 8% jump from last year.

College watchdog group Campus Reform says the issue is larger than Harvard.

“I think it comes from the top down because when you have a university where 80% of the faculty are liberal and only 1.5% of professors are conservative, there’s not much room for getting to discuss or learn about conservative or even moderate principles. So we’re seeing college campuses become this ideological bubble,” said Campus Reform’s Alexa Schwerha.

YouGov, a global public opinion and data company, surveyed more than 22,000 Americans about how a college education affects a person’s political ideology and found most college graduates say college makes people more liberal.


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In other news, 19.9% identify as Marxist and/or “Progressive”

“Harvard Student Newspaper Finds More Than 80% of Faculty Identify as Liberal”

Was there a grant involved? Tell me that a grant was involved.

Most of the 20% who did not identify as liberal were thinking of canceling the survey over the lack of choices farther to the left.

The Gentle Grizzly | August 9, 2022 at 5:14 pm

In other news, n.n uses the word Select in a comment, the resident grizzly continues with his piano practice, and I can still get good eats at Ala’s Kabob.

That few? I was sure it was in the upper 99th percentile.

Of course, “going along to get along” is tacit acceptance of the socialist mental disease.

    tbonesays in reply to Dimsdale. | August 10, 2022 at 2:55 pm

    I am surprised that only 20% of Harvard faculty identifies as radical. I suspect they knew this would be published.

Why is this even news?