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Academics Conduct Study on Racism in Dog Names

Academics Conduct Study on Racism in Dog Names

“[The] findings demonstrate the remarkable durability of racialized names”

Does anyone in higher education look at things like this and realize that for most people this comes off as beyond parody?

The College Fix reports:

Study: ‘Racialized’ dog names result in longer awaits for adoption

A recent study claims that dogs with “racialized” names face longer waits for adoption than canines with white-sounding monikers.

UCLA’s Natasha Quadlin and Bradley Montgomery of Ohio State, both sociologists, note in Social Psychology Quarterly that, like non-human names, perceptions of Black names (such as “Leroy”) are “tied to slower times to adoption, with this effect being concentrated among pit bulls, a breed that is stereotyped as dangerous and racialized as Black.”

“[The] findings demonstrate the remarkable durability of racialized names,” according to the study abstract. “These names shape people’s behavior and their impressions of others even when they are attached to animals—not just humans.”

Rottweilers and Dobermans with black-sounding names also were adopted at slower rates.

Campus Reform noted how various academics jumped on the study as further evidence of American racism. Temple University Center for Anti-Racism Research Director Timothy Welbeck tweeted “WhY iS EveRyTHingG aBOuT rACE? Because everything is about race …”

University of Texas at Austin sociology Professor Chantal Hailey wrote “Anti-blackness is so pervasive it even expands to dog names” and Georgetown public policy Professor Don Moynihan said the study is an “[i]nteresting example of how racialized names still evoke bias even when dealing with non-humans.”

Interestingly, a year ago The College Fix reported on a University of Denver study which claimed “animal control enforcement and punishment disproportionately hurt people of color.” Things like “rabies vaccination requirements … and investigations of cruelty, abuse and neglect” can “reinforce structural or racial inequities,” according to its researchers (emphasis added).


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JackinSilverSpring | July 24, 2022 at 9:36 am

Is insanity a required qualification for academia? Sounds like it is.

Jack Klompus | July 24, 2022 at 10:07 am

Sociology sure has come a long way since Emile Durkheim and C. Wright Mills. What a truly honorable branch of the humanities.

Here I though it would be complaints of King, Queen, Princess, Prince, or Duke…, it’s Leroy.

Jack Klompus | July 24, 2022 at 11:09 am

Sam Fuller had it figured out years ago.

If it has gone this far, it is clearly systemic….in the leftists.

They find racism under every rock, because that is where they live.

How exactly did they determine what they considered a “black” name?

To put it another way, by what racist method did they begin their quest for racism?

So according to the University of Denver blacks don’t take care of their pets?

RandomCrank | July 24, 2022 at 5:34 pm

Can I name my lab retriever of color (LROC for short) “Blackie” and declare that all dogs matter?

George_Kaplan | July 24, 2022 at 8:25 pm

Since when is Leroy Black? Leroy Jethro Gibbs is a White guy – possibly the most famous iteration of the name, Then there’s Leroy Jenkins, a character played by Ben Schulz – also a White guy. The name itself is Norman i.e. French speaking Vikings. So where is the basis for claiming the name is Black?!?

healthguyfsu | July 24, 2022 at 11:01 pm

It’s not a well-kept secret that many Black people like to take on these breeds and treat them horribly to create some kind of angry attack dog. What is called racism by academic social dbags, is simply common sense. I didn’t think about it until now, but it makes a lot of sense and

By the way, every rescue I’ve ever visited or adopted from has renamed the dogs that come in to their care, so I think this is pure dogsh*t.

    amatuerwrangler in reply to healthguyfsu. | July 25, 2022 at 4:36 pm

    I volunteered for many years at our animal shelter. Most of the dogs and some cats were re-named. For variety, if nothing else, and it gave the workers something more fun to do than the normal routine.

    I wonder if anyone informed those “academics” that the breeds mentioned — “pit bull”, Doberman, and Rottweiler — are very hard for shelters to adopt out, for a variety of reasons, none of the racist names. Mostly size. Where I worked most were shuttled of to the appropriate breed-specific rescue group.

    I find it amazing that people will go into debt, approaching 1/4 million, to learn to be that stupid..

      The breeds mentioned also have very bad reputations as being overly aggressive. I’m not sure if that’s earned or not, but it might help to name a Rottweiler “Smiley” or whatever to make him more adoptable. Unless only white people smile, and then it’s just clear-cut racism.

A friend had two dogs named “Comma” and “Period.” Given enough time, some goofy leftist would probably make something out of that too. These people have far too much time on their hands.

I’m retired and have a Lot of time on my hands, but every moment of my day is more constructive than that of these “academics”.
Reminds me of the dog that showed up on my doorstep one summer. It took a few days of him* hanging around before my wife agreed to add him to our backyard. I interrogated him extensively, including waterboarding him, but he never would identify himself. He carried no identification. No pockets, you know. I examined him all over, but he had no tattoos or other identifying Mark’s. So, I finally gave up and called him Shorty. I guess he was not offended by that because we became lifelong friends.
* Before we all had to have specific pronouns.
Be of good cheer.

Had black lab who answered to DarkyBarky, DarkyB or just Dark

So, if I call out to my male Retriever that is black in color, ‘Come here, boy…’ that’s RAY-CYST?

What a friggen joke we’ve become