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Tufts University Rejects Calls From Student Activists to Boycott Jewish Campus Organizations Over Israel

Tufts University Rejects Calls From Student Activists to Boycott Jewish Campus Organizations Over Israel

“We strongly oppose this renewed campaign at Tufts”

Are schools finally recognizing the ugliness of the BDS movement? It certainly looks like Tufts does.

Campus Reform reports:

University ‘rejects’ students’ call to boycott Jewish campus organizations over Israel

Tufts University’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has released a new Boycott Sanction and Divestment campaign and pledge against Jewish organizations on campus.

The targeted campus groups include Tufts Friends of Israel (FOI), Tufts J Street, TAMID, and Tufts Hillel.

Patrick Collins, a university spokesperson, told Campus Reform that Tufts “rejects the BDS movement, elements of which we believe are rooted in antisemitism. We strongly oppose this renewed campaign at Tufts.”

“It is particularly disappointing that the Students for Justice in Palestine have chosen to ask fellow students to boycott not just companies but other student groups on campus,” Collins continued.

The demands also call for students to not “study abroad in Israel or participate in Birthright, not taking the Visions of Peace course, and not participating in the Tisch Summer Fellowship with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).”

In its Mar. 14 Tufts Observer opinion piece, SJP claims that Tufts Friends of Israel “actively whitewashes history” and that J Street U Tufts chapter’s two-state solution “position fundamentally promotes the maintenance of the settler-colonial status quo.”

The group states in its opinion pieces that its aim is “to make it economically and politically unviable for [I]srael to continue its violent occupation and colonization of Palestinian land.”

“We see Palestinian liberation as a crucial part of our collective liberation from racism, capitalism, colonialism, sexism, and all other interconnected systems of oppression” SJP’s seven-page pledge states.

SJP’s boycott was met with swift backlash by the Tufts Jewish community.


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It’s a good thing the university put the kibosh on these “demands” at this early stage. Like blackmail, these demands never end, but get more outrageous.

I can see how this SJP group might stage a “protest” where they go through the town with a list of Jewish-owned businesses, smashing windows and spray-painting “Jude” on the ones they don’t burn down.

Want to really blow their minds? Start a Yiddish language program.