American University to Offer Course on What it Means to be ‘Neuroqueer’
“the life stories and knowledge of those who have been labeled or claimed the label of mad, neuroqueer, and/or mentally ill”
Do you ever wonder if the left sits around making up these terms so that they can then write and teach about them?
Campus Reform reports:
American University to offer course on ‘neuroqueerness’
This spring, American University students can learn about “the lived experience of madness” and what it means to be “neuroqueer.”
According to the course description for “Mental Health, Madness, and Neuroqueerness,” the class will, “critically examine how ideas about mental health and wellness are situated in systems of colonialism, white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy.”
The course will also explore, “the life stories and knowledge of those who have been labeled or claimed the label of mad, neuroqueer, and/or mentally ill,” and “the longer histories of mental health discourses and encounters the lived experience of madness and neurodivergence.”
The course falls under the University’s American Studies program and is set to be taught by Professorial Lecturer Tanja Aho, who teaches about “disability and madness, settler colonialism and racial capitalism, and gender and sexuality.” Aho belongs to the university’s Department of Critical Race, Gender, and Culture Studies.
According to Nick Walker, who claims to have coined the term, “Neuroqueer[ing],” is defined as, “the practice of queering (subverting, defying, disrupting, liberating oneself from) neuronormativity and heteronormativity simultaneously.”
Campus Reform has been covering the growing trend of American Universities offering similar queer-focused classes.
The University of Wisconsin offered similar classes last fall including “Queer Bodies” and “Queering EcoFeminism. the University of Washington is offering a course titled “Queer Desires,” which will “[explore] desire and the politics of sexuality.” Portland State University is offering a class titled “Queer Feelings.”
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“What it Means to be ‘Neuroqueer’”
Sounds like nothing a little WWII-surplus pilot Benzedrine couldn’t correct.
Or Panzerchokolade.
“Do you ever wonder if the left sits around making up these terms so that they can then write and teach about them?”
No. I don’t wonder at all, since it’s obvious that that’s what they do.
Now that there’s some cisgendered, heteronormative, imperialistic running-dog horses*t.
(Wow, thats the first time I’ve ever used the Chinese Person emoji. I was SO GLAD that Apple immediately offered me a choice of the white, yellow, brown, or black Chinese Persons! That’s hella woke, Tim!)
I have an emoji collection on my phone where I was able to build the emoji. Reddish hair, blindfish beard, glasses….
Neuroqueer? More like Neuroticqueer.
If I came home on break in college and told my parents I was taking a horseshit class like this my dad would’ve beaten me senseless.
Neuro fiddled while. Rome burned.
I think it is time to start demanding college transcripts as part of an employment application process. Anyone taking classes like this will not be offered a position.
At least basketweaving is a useful skill.