The Left Turns Against Chicago Teachers Union as Classes Canceled Again Over COVID
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The Left Turns Against Chicago Teachers Union as Classes Canceled Again Over COVID

The Left Turns Against Chicago Teachers Union as Classes Canceled Again Over COVID

When you lose Nikole Hannah-Jones: “We have to be able to talk abtthe [sic] harms of remote learning in a society where vaccines are available for all teachers…”

The left finally realizes that school closures and remote teaching are not good for kids. It ruins their education and well-being. I’d be happy if the kids hadn’t already lost a year of school, which led to suicides and a mental health crisis.

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) shut down the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) on Wednesday because they are sssssoooo concerned about Covid even though literally everyone else is doing just fine.

I’d take the CTU seriously if they didn’t constantly try to start fights and interrupt school. It seems every year they find some excuse

They refuse to strike a deal with CPS so classes won’t happen again on Thursday.

The right went after CTU but guess what. The left, including a surprise person, criticized CTU as well.

Nikole Hannah-Jones. Yes, Hannah-Jones made sense to me.

Yes, let’s ask a teacher who also happens to be a teacher.

How about a parent?

A student!

My mind is blown. I’m hoping this brings the CTU down a peg or two. Even Psaki said schools have all they need to remain open.

Has the CTU not seen that there are literally no COVID tests? It’s like finding the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow!

CPS is ticked off:

CPS representatives blasted the decision in a late Tuesday statement, saying they are “deeply concerned” about how it will affect the health, safety and well-being of district students and families.

“Despite six months of active, good-faith discussions with the CTU, despite the fact that more than 90 percent of our staff is vaccinated, despite proven and implemented COVID-19 safety measures, and despite little evidence of in-school transmission, our teachers are not willing to report to work,” the CPS statement read.


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Steven Brizel | January 6, 2022 at 7:32 am

This union wants to be paid for doing nothing It should be decertified now | January 6, 2022 at 7:56 am

The simple answer is to stop paying their salaries. See how fast they go back to work.

“despite the fact that more than 90 percent of our staff is vaccinated, despite proven and implemented COVID-19 safety measures, and despite little evidence of in-school transmission, our teachers are not willing to report to work,”

Maybe some of them are scared because they know the vaccines are worthless.

The bigger issue is childhood development.

Things need to be learned by certain ages or the development of those skills become permantly retarded

ABC’s by kindergarden
addition and subtraction by 1st grade
simple multication and division by 3rd grade
basic reading skills 1st through 3rd grade

good example is learning new language after age 20, vs learning in elementary school, becomes much more difficult to become proficient.

You have studends in inner city schools which are typically 1-3 years behind their peers in the suburban schools, now those same kids are 2-4 years behind. (note more inequity due to pro-racist policies of the democrat party)

So the path liberal media walks now is that COVID is the most dangerous, deadly infectious disease known to mankind and it’s why you MUST be vaccinated and masked or else you can’t even see your dying relative in the hospital, but their covid policies and the vaccine (which doesn’t make you immune) are so effective that this lethal cough suddenly doesn’t matter? How to admit omicron isn’t a big deal without actually admitting it, I say.

CTU is in the wrong, but let’s not forget who set the tone for this discussion. It’s the democratic party that uses covid as a golden ticket to push policy, up to and including the attempted/encouraged establishment of a national identification system based on your personal vaccination history. They were the ones who insisted school closures were for everyone’s own good despite abysmal returns on test scores and record youth suicides. But now that schools closing can be seen as a referendum on vaccine effectiveness? Nut up or shut up says Joe “I swear I don’t know how that corpse got into my office” Scarborough.

Just admit omicron isn’t a public health threat. Vax or no vax. But they won’t. Because Pfizer said so.

    henrybowman in reply to SeymourButz. | January 6, 2022 at 7:25 pm

    “CTU is in the wrong, but let’s not forget who set the tone for this discussion.”

    You write as if the Democratic party opposes CTU’s actions because of some COVID narrative. No, they oppose it because if they let CTU take the Democrat narrative to that level, the entire party is going to have their asses handed to them in November.

    It’s a case of “Wait, wait, you’re getting high on your own supply, dial the stupid back now or we’re all screwed!”

LOL: we are all in this together..

Teachers in unions are self-identifying as non-essential… End their gravy train

Axelrod: Omichron ??

As I said yesterday, the Chicago teachers have been paid for the last 18 months for not teaching in person. Why would they want that to change? It’s a UNION, for goodness sakes. Unions do what unions do.

I live in suburban Chicago. The suburban schools are open. Schools know how to re-open. The CTU simply wants to be paid for doing nothing.

The Biden admin specifically and the d/prog/MSM generally are not likely to be able to thread the needle. During the campaign both Biden and Harris cast significant doubt on the vax for partisan political purposes. Post inaugural they pivoted so far as to take credit for the vax distribution created under DJT. IMO, they hoped to simply take credit for the groundwork DJT laid as Covid receded in the face of vax immunity and natural immunity creating a herd immunity. Reality intervened with delta and Omicron.

Those who portrayed Covid as the plague are trapped by their rhetoric and their decisions. Observe the attempt to deflect ‘blame’ as Northern States got hit in their normal seasonal pattern v the South and sun belt States this summer during their seasonal cycle. High cases in red States = bad policy and evil intent, while high cases in Blue States = it’s seasonal and out of our control.

Same problem with teacher unions and other public sector unions. These folks got put first in line for vax and booster, receive taxpayer funded PPE and testing, got billions for on site remediation of physical plant. Many still won’t go back to work. The admin now must make a choice. Support students, parents and taxpayers by insisting upon a return to work, using coercive measures and incessant demands from the bully pulpit or side with a core d/prog constituency public sector union members.

    henrybowman in reply to CommoChief. | January 6, 2022 at 7:27 pm

    “High cases in red States = bad policy and evil intent, while high cases in Blue States = it’s seasonal and out of our control.”

    “Trump is in power, but I can shut down the virus.”
    “I am in power and I tell you nobody can shut down the virus.”

    alohahola in reply to CommoChief. | January 6, 2022 at 8:39 pm

    Trapped, indeed!

    No one knows how to back out. Very sad, but very funny, too.

1. The statistical probably of dying from the FauciFlu if you’re under 60 is about 0.01%.
2. The statistical probability of dying from the FauciFlu if you’re under 18 is effectively zero.
3. Vaccines don’t keep you from getting it, or transmitting it.
4. Masks do infinitely more harm that good.

Now then, let’s talk about the efficacy of Chicago’s teachers. Their schools graduate a very large percentage of kids who can’t read or do basic math. Just why the hell are they still getting paid?

Overall, Chicago should just close their schools and let the school system privatize. Offer parents a voucher for half the current cost of public school and watch how much education improves in Chicago.

Teachers, as a class of people, are, like journalists, the enemy of the American people.

    henrybowman in reply to mbecker908. | January 6, 2022 at 7:29 pm

    “Teachers, as a class of people, are, like journalists, the enemy of the American people.”
    Teachers’ excuse is that the vast majority of them work for the government, so, no surprise.
    Wish I knew what journalists’ excuse was.

Pasadena Peabody | January 6, 2022 at 3:33 pm

Remote learning?

Ha ha. They barely learn anything in the classroom.

There are TWO elements at work here! One is the POWER GRAB by the Teachers’ Unions. They think they have the NUMBERS to force their non-work but full pay policy and be rewarded by the democrats as always! And “B”, this is an ELECTION YEAR! Democrats KNOW they are on incredibly thin ice due to their already exposed massive frauds and are looking to be “with” parents who VOTE (or at least have their votes MADE for them)! This is just a game for the democrats – one that they would gladly lose if not an election year. Like the POS oblama once said “elections have consequences”!

The left is mad because indoctrination requires constant input, and the children are out of their clutches for too long.