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Victor Davis Hanson Calls Higher Education the ‘Ground Zero of Woke’

Victor Davis Hanson Calls Higher Education the ‘Ground Zero of Woke’

“Many of our once revered and most hallowed institutions are failing us.”

Victor Davis Hanson has written a new essay in which he diagnoses much of what’s wrong with higher education and how it is affecting the country.

From American Greatness:

Ground Zero of Woke

Many of our once revered and most hallowed institutions are failing us. To mention only the most significant ones: our top-ranking military echelon, the leadership of our federal investigatory and intelligence agencies, the government medical establishment—and of course the universities.

For too long American higher education’s reputation of global academic superiority has rested mostly on the sciences, mathematics, physics, technology, medicine, and engineering—in other words, not because of the humanities and social sciences, but despite them. The humanities have become too often anti-humanistic. And the social sciences are deductively anti-scientific. Both quasi-religious woke disciplines have eroded confidence in colleges and universities, infected even the STEM disciplines and professional schools, and torn apart the civic unity of the United States. Indeed, much of the current Jacobin revolution was birthed and fueled by American universities, despite their manifest hypocrisies and derelictions.

Never in U.S. history have elite universities piled up such huge endowments, which soared during the lockdown. Harvard has $40 billion, Yale $30 billion, Stanford $28 billion, Princeton $25 billion and so on. The tax-free income from these huge sums ensures equally extravagant budgets that are somewhat insulated from market realities—at least in the sense that the larger endowments grew, the more likely university costs rose beyond the annual rate of inflation, and the greater aggregate student debt rose.

Just as importantly, spending per pupil is rarely calibrated to whether graduating students leave better educated than when they arrived—the ostensible purpose of universities.

Read the whole thing.


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Read Professor Hanson’;s great new book , The Dying Citizen, It is a must read together with Mark Levin;s American Marxism on the threat posed by the woke agenda

I have been following VdH for years. Through several books and at least three blogs