Black Student Senator at UC-Berkeley Faces Recall for Apparently Refusing to Represent White Constituents
“if you are white and i [sic] make you anxious, good”

Her official bio and social media posts suggest that she is a far left activist.
The College Fix reports:
Black UC Berkeley student senator who refuses to represent white constituents faces recall effort
Members of the University of California Berkeley community are calling for the resignation of a student senator after a number of posts demeaning white people surfaced on the student politician’s Twitter page.
Gabbie Sharp, who is listed as an independent on her official Associated Students of the University of California bio, is a black student senator responsible for a number of tweets accused of belittling whites and Latinos.
Her social media posts have drawn the ire of her constituents.
In her official bio, Sharp explains that she exclusively advocates for the communities that placed her in power at the school, namely “the Black community, Queer and Trans community, as well as the Berkeley Student Cooperative.”
It is this exclusive treatment that proponents of the recall say is unfair to the greater Berkeley community.
“As an elective official, you shouldn’t decide who you serve. Gabbi was elected to serve the student body—not to serve particular races or groups in the student body. If a white elective official came out and said ‘I only represent and serve white people’ then I’d be pissed. That’s not how the world works. Elective officials serve the community,” one user wrote in the comment section on a post about Sharp in Berkeley’s subreddit.
While her Twitter profile is now private, a number of her tweets are archived in a Google Drive folder along with plans to organize a recall, prompting students to now discuss advocating for the senator’s resignation.
Sharp’s posts — such as “why did this whitino call herself lightskin?,” “if you are white and i make you anxious, good,” and “I couldn’t be an African American Studies professor because I’d be kicking the non Black motherfuckers out for their dumbass thoughts” — are on display in the drive as evidence against Sharp as students contemplate taking steps to attempt to remove the senator.

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I predict a bright future for Gabbie Sharp as an elected Democrat. She will make an excellent addition to “the squad.”
However, she might want to go into anti-racism consulting instead as it is also well suited for her talents and almost as lucrative as being in Congress, but with less need to (sometimes) lie to the media about her preferences and goals.
Why would anyone attend Berkeley expecting anything else than rampant wokie-style racism?
“if you are white and i make you anxious, good,”
You don’t make me anxious … you p*** me off. Not because you’re black but because of how you think and how you act … which makes you a royal pain in the a**.
She’ll run in what was Ron Dellums’ old district.
These loonies seem hell-bent on starting a race war, don’t they?
Do they seriously believe they’ll win it?
Well … they seem to be doing well enough so far …
It’s charming that she was so open in her comments. Many others feel and intend to act the same but hide it with smooth excuses. At least this one can be removed.