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Report Says More Than 500 Harvard Students Violated School’s COVID Policies Last Year

Report Says More Than 500 Harvard Students Violated School’s COVID Policies Last Year

“A total of 108 students were referred to the Community Council over the summer, with three students ultimately being removed from on-campus housing.”

The pandemic gave scolds a whole new way to hector others over their behavior. What an awful time to be in college.

The Harvard Crimson reports:

More than 500 Students Violated Harvard’s Covid-19 Rules Last Year

More than 500 students violated the College’s residential community compact guidelines over the 2020-21 academic year and the summer of 2021, according to an annual report released by the Dean of Students Office Thursday.

The College created the Community Council — composed of students, faculty members, and other affiliates — ahead of the 2020-21 academic year to oversee and enforce the community compact, a list of residential guidelines meant to complement the College’s social distancing and testing protocols amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a “non-disciplinary body,” the Community Council works to review violations of the community compact and issues subsequent warnings to non-compliant students, though it also carries the authority to send students home for not following the College’s coronavirus guidelines.

A total of 440 students were referred to the Community Council for violating the community compact in the last academic year, according to the report. Of those, eight students were found to have not committed a violation, and 36 students were removed from on-campus housing.

A total of 108 students were referred to the Community Council over the summer, with three students ultimately being removed from on-campus housing.

The most common violations for students during the academic year were related to not adhering to the College’s testing protocol and failure to complete Crimson Clear, a daily coronavirus symptom attestation that was mandated for students living on campus. Over the summer, the most common violations involved the testing protocol and the off-campus travel protocol.


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That’s a huge underestimate

This is the same state that sent Ted Kennedy back to the Senate eight more times after there was no question in anyone’s mind that he was complicit in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne; you’re looking for intelligence in Massachusetts?

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to paracelsus. | October 5, 2021 at 3:37 pm

    Eight times? Still, I know what you mean. Likely mostly Baahston votes and the universities were responsible.

Sounds like a lot of disciplining from a non-disciplinary body.

Unbelievable how they’re policing students about this.

Even more unbelievable that student (and/or their parents) tolerate it.

I wish all students in these universities would have all deferred, taken a leave of absence, or just plain quit.