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Border Patrol Says 5,000 Migrants Were Under Texas Bridge on Sunday

Border Patrol Says 5,000 Migrants Were Under Texas Bridge on Sunday

The update comes out on the same day HHS said officials apprehended 884 unaccompanied children on Thursday.

Remember this video from Bill Melugin at Fox News?

A few Border Patrol agents told Melugin the video shows 4,000 migrants. But another one said 5,000.

5,000 migrants in one day.

Then I saw a report about unaccompanied migrant children:

More than 800 unaccompanied migrant children were apprehended in a single day this week, as the numbers of migrants coming to the southern border continue to surge with no sign of slowing down despite the heat of the summer months.

Health and Human Services announced that 834 unaccompanied children and teenagers were apprehended on Thursday, significantly higher than the 30-day average of 512.

It means that there are a total 2,784 children in Customs and Border Protection (CBP) custody, and 14,523 in HHS custody. The Biden administration has focused on transferring children apprehended at the border from CBP to HHS custody and then to sponsors or parents already in the country – often illegally themselves. On Thursday, 612 children were discharged from HHS custody to parents or guardians.


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The 2021 Biden Victory Squad, COVID Courier Division.

Crimes against humanity, upon both the aliens trafficked and upon lawful residents subjected to covid and crimes when the trafficked are intentionally set free

Colonel Travis | August 6, 2021 at 12:26 am

Purposefully destroying America, half the country applauds.

The immigration angle is such a sham. Texas has terrible vaccination rates, maybe if Abbot wasn’t to busy posturing and vaccinated this wouldnt be an issue. What might a sensible policy look like? I see a lot of botching and moaning from the right bit no substantive policies at all. Just like with everything happy to criticise no matter how bad faith an argument yet when it comes to action nothing. Conservative of the Trump type are now empty vessels with no policy and no substance

    Doctor-Elect Disco Stu_ in reply to mark311. | August 7, 2021 at 7:47 am

    Okay, here’s a policy approach both substantive and sensible:

    ENFORCE the freakin’ immigration LAWS!

Nobody Voted For The Destruction of America.

(Well, other than the lunatic Marxists)

Stop calling them “migrants.” They are ILLEGALALIENS. When you use the left’s words you shift the narrative in their favor, even when you are arging against them.

Totally callous, lawless and indefensible insanity. Yet, the vile and totalitarian Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks persist.

5,000 under one bridge all at the same time. This is no accident. This is an illegal alien “Flashmob”

Sex-Trade must be flourishing with all these ‘children’ being trafficked. Are we becoming Thailand?