Ibram Kendi Claims Republicans Who Oppose COVID Lockdowns Are Like Slave Owners
“the slaveholder clamoring for his freedom to infect, and the enslaved clamoring for our freedom from infection”
The left claims that when it comes to COVID, we have to trust “the science.” Is this science? How does this even make sense? Also, is this scholar aware that the Republican party was founded to end slavery?
The College Fix reports:
Critical race theory bigwig says those who oppose COVID lockdowns are like slave owners
One of the most prominent voices in the contemporary critical race theory/anti-racism movement asserted in a recent podcast that those who resist COVID-19 lockdowns are akin to … slaveholders.
Ibram Kendi certainly is no stranger to such hyperbolic comparisons. A month ago, he claimed opposition to teaching critical race theory in schools is like fighting against the Brown v. Board of Education decision of almost 70 years ago.
During the 2020 elections, Kendi argued the term “legal vote” is “racist.” And, perhaps most notoriously, during Amy Coney Barrett’s U.S. Supreme Court hearings he compared white people who adopt black children to “colonizers.”
As reported by The Post Millennial, in Kendi’s last podcast he calls the contemporary U.S. a “slaveholders’ republic.” He references an article he wrote for The Atlantic last year in which he says there is “something about living through a deadly pandemic that cuts open the shell, removes the flesh, and finds the very core of American existence: the slaveholder clamoring for his freedom to infect, and the enslaved clamoring for our freedom from infection.”
Says the anti-racist guru: “There’s no difference between that and the individual saying, ‘I should have the freedom to infect people. I should have the freedom to kill and exploit and harass and terrorize and enslave people.’”
Self-described anti-racist Ibram Kendi says that Republicans who oppose lockdowns are similar to murderers, terrorists & slave holders. https://t.co/9789aeaPnU
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 31, 2021
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I have to wonder just how disproportionate the economic harm caused by lock downs was on minority owned small businesses and the neighborhoods they serve. There is also the whole low vaccination rate among minorities (and who can blame them?).
How this yahoo ever got picked as an expert on anything is a question for the gods to answer.
He’s considered an expert because he’s noisy.
Kendi is the Anti-Cassandra:
everything he says is untrue, yet everybody believes him.
Who can blame them? I can. It’s one thing to base your rejection of the vaccine on the objective danger, it’s another to base it on false comparisons to Tuskeegee and how many blacks were on the research team. The former makes you well informed, the latter a garden variety racist.
When the only tool in your bag is a hammer … (you know the rest).
Ibram Henry Rogers.
just another cheesy race hustler, apparently taking over for Al “the sharpster’ Sharpton
Just passing the torch to a new generation. And the bottles, rags, gasoline, matches, and good throwing arms.
What a piece of crap that Kendi fool is …
Then – Blacks being locked down, unable to go anywhere, and not getting paid is good. Republicans espousing freedom for slaves is dangerous, evil, and radical.
History as rewritten – Slavery was bad, but don’t believe any claims about Republicans being pro-freedom.
Now – Blacks being locked down, unable to go anywhere, and not getting paid is good. Republicans who espouse freedom for citizens are dangerous, evil, and radical.
Has the Left’s playbook actually changed?
Memo for Kendi/Rogers: Racism can’t be nearly the problem you think it is. If it was, your idea of “upward mobility” should now be “moving from the fields to the house.”