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Princeton University Holds Vigil Over Alleged ‘Noose’ Found on Campus Construction Site

Princeton University Holds Vigil Over Alleged ‘Noose’ Found on Campus Construction Site

“We believe the best way to pro-actively and nonviolently counter such hate is to overcome it with expressions of love affirming diversity and the equality of all people”

This happens so often and usually turns out to be nothing. The left seems to see nooses everywhere.

The College Fix reports:

Princeton U. to host vigil over ‘noose’ nobody knows anything about

Princeton University, along with The NAACP of Trenton, New Jersey, will be hosting a gathering today, June 27, regarding an alleged noose discovered at a campus construction site a little over a week ago.

According to The Daily Princetonian, a contractor at the “only accessible to authorized personnel” site found the “noose,” and the university immediately “engaged” the contracting company after it was reported.

In a campus-wide email, Vice President for Campus Life Rochelle Calhoun said “Princeton vehemently deplores this appalling act of hate — the University has zero-tolerance for racist and harmful actions such as this. Such actions do not represent the bedrock values shared across our community.”

Calhoun did not mention where the “noose” was discovered.

In a Facebook post, the Princeton Office of Religious Life noted today’s event is dubbed “Gathering to Overcome Symbols of Hate with Love and Faith” which will “bring together people of faith and good will to strongly reject such symbols of white supremacist violence and hatred.”

“We believe the best way to pro-actively and nonviolently counter such hate is to overcome it with expressions of love affirming diversity and the equality of all people, through a coming together of what Dr. King called the Beloved Community,” the post reads.


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It’s the summer, I guess they have nothing better to do there than creating such events and spending work time at them.

Okay, how long till this one is uncovered as a hoax?

The Friendly Grizzly | June 28, 2021 at 2:36 pm

What nonsense! Where has the country’s sense of proportion gone?

Who said it was a noose?? Are they sure it just wasn’t a rope?? Oh, never mind, I forgot these are college educated people!

Hoax. It’s always a hoax. Or some idiot who doesn’t know what a noose looks like. Either way, no actual story here.