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VIDEO: Bill Maher Slams Higher Education as a ‘Grift’

VIDEO: Bill Maher Slams Higher Education as a ‘Grift’

“giant luxury daycare centers”

Bill Maher is like a clock that’s right once every few months. His assessment of higher education here is pretty decent, especially with regards to the cost of college.

Deadline has details:

Bill Maher Slams Higher Education As A “Grift”, Likens It To Scientology

Bill Maher took his weekly aim at coddled college students tonight, this time cherry-picking a couple campuses that have amusement park-style water slides to back up his assertion that colleges “are giant luxury daycare centers.”

On HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher, the host slammed students for, as one report suggests, studying less than five hours a week, and he mocked course loads in “sports marketing,” “advanced racist spotting” and “You Owe Me An Apology 101.”

Maher’s New Rules rant was prompted by President Joe Biden’s American Families Plan, which the host said would spend “hundreds of billions” of dollars “so everyone can go to college.”

The Right, Maher said, calls the plan “social engineering,” while Liberals “see more schools as the answer to everything.”

Higher eduction, Maher said, “is a racket that sells you a very expensive ticket to the upper middle class.” He asked, “Is it really liberal for someone who doesn’t go to college and makes less money to pay for people who do go and make more?”

Actress Lori Loughlin, who served two months in prison for her role in the 2019 college bribery scandal, “recognized one good scam deserves another,” Maher said. He also compared higher eduction to Scientology, with both requiring increasingly costly levels of advancement.

Watch the video below:


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henrybowman | June 7, 2021 at 4:20 pm

“He also compared higher eduction to Scientology”

A fair point. I’ve always suspected that “Kendi” was “Xenu” spelled sideways.

“a very expensive ticket to the upper middle class” doesn’t guarantee arrival at the destination. Since the payoff is less they have to entice people with the lazy rivers and other aspects of the experience. This whole multi-decade boondoggle has been a big disaster. Let’s not throw good money after bad.

Even with existing subsidies and cross-subsidies, many would be better off not going, or attending the cheapest possible place. Students who belong in college will be able to get into some in-state public that won’t charge too much — unless you’re in Pennsylvania or Virginia where they charge a lot for in-staters too.

Ex-Oligarch | June 9, 2021 at 1:07 pm

Interesting that Maher has absolutely no idea what professional librarians do. Hint: they don’t shelve books.