Pskai: Biden ‘Proud to Have’ UN Ambassador Who Called U.S. Founding Principles Racist
“He is proud to have her in that position. She is not only qualified, but he believes she is exactly the right person in that role at this moment in time.”
UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield insisted that America has to acknowledge its own human rights failure before it rejoins the UN Human Rights Council. She claimed she has seen “how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.”
A journalist asked Press Secretary Jen Psaki about the comments, but I wish she had asked the second question first.
She first asked if Biden would remove Thomas-Greenfield, especially since she basically said what China said about the U.S.
Great way to imply the journalist is racist, Psaki:
Is the president going to remove an African-American woman with decades of experience in the foreign service who’s widely respected around the world from her position as ambassador to the UN? He is not. He is proud to have her in that position. She is not only qualified, but he believes she is exactly the right person in that role at this moment in time.
I have not seen her comments. I will say that there’s no question there has been a history of institutional racism in this country and that doesn’t require the UN ambassador to confirm that.
Then the journalist asked Psaki if Biden agreed with her statements, reminding her the Chinese said the same thing to Secretary of State Blinken in Alaska.
Remember, Psaki said she did not read Thomas-Greenfield’s comments:
I would say that I will leave my comments to speak for themselves and certainly I think most people recognize the history of systemic racism in our country and she was speaking to that.
Um, if you have not read her comments then how do you know what Thomas-Greenfield’s comments meant?
I guess she will circle back with us. Also, the comments were everywhere yesterday. How do you not know about them?
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Jen Psaki has mastered Newspeak. We arrived
“We have arrived”
Oh my God! But where?
Nowhere. There is no there, there.
We’re in the pre-crisis mode of a crisis of the likes we could never imagin in our nation: hyperinflation. it’s coming, and it’s being created intentionally – to break us.
Why is this privileged white girl even allowed to have this job? Why has it not been give to a person of color to redress this country’s institutional white supremacy?
I demand she be fired immediately! How dare she even speak in public, much less about ANY issue pertaining to race and people of color. How could she possibly, in her white privileged skin, know anything about people of color or speak about their pain and trauma that she inflicts upon them daily by her very and quite disgusting white presence?
Shame, shame, shame!
She should be immediately cancelled!
We’ll circle back on you wtih that.
She may be dumb, but she’s stupid.
Is she dizzy yet from all the circling back? Actually she seemed dizzy to me going back to her days in the Obama administration.
That statement alone should be enough to send the ambassador packing. There are already enough American hating people in the UN without our own ambassador chiming in.
LOL. You can’t get “more perfect”. Another intellectual giant the nihilistic left is throwing onto the public stage to further humiliate America …
Her reply would be that only white supremacists claim you can’t get “more perfect”.
They’re as predictable as a five year old child. Which, evidently, they think is the average intelligence level of the public school educated/indoctrinated American voting population.
A nation can’t get “perfect” at all. Nations are composed of people, and people are not perfect. Never have been. Probably never will be. The notion that the United States, founded on the ideals of liberty and equality, is evil and irredeemable because it sometimes failed to live up to those ideals is idiotic. This nation’s founders created the most free, most prosperous, most powerful country in the world. The U.S. has done more good for more people than any other country that has ever existed on this planet. These leftist fools, all of whom have enjoyed freedoms and opportunities in this country that they never would have had in the countries of their pre-America ancestors, are so utterly moronic that it’s sometimes hard to believe they even listen to the ludicrous, nonsensical garbage that flows from their ignorant, ungrateful mouths.
Observer: The notion that the United States, founded on the ideals of liberty and equality, is evil and irredeemable because it sometimes failed to live up to those ideals is idiotic.
Nor did the Ambassador say such a thing.
Observer: These leftist fools, all of whom have enjoyed freedoms and opportunities in this country that they never would have had in the countries of their pre-America ancestors …
Bellyacher: “America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check which has come back marked ‘insufficient funds’”.
Bullshit. America has spent trillions of dollars on welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, etc., for decades. For decades we have also had in place laws and policies that give preferential treatment to blacks and other minorities in hiring for jobs, government contracts, college admissions, etc. Any debt owed to blacks by this country has been paid back many times over, starting with the hundreds of thousands of lives sacrificed in the civil war. Enough is enough.
Observer: Bullshit.
So the speaker is a bellyacher? Or not?
Shaddup, you cultural appropriator.
ThePrimordialOrderedPair: You can’t get “more perfect”.
Perhaps English is not your first language. The idiom is deeply rooted in the language, such as this 18th century example: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union …”
Um, you’re the idiot. “We the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union…”
If she said we’re an imperfect union she was clearly referring to this quote, which evidently she is aware of and you are not. Our founders explicitly acknowledged that the old union had been imperfect, and that they aimed to make it more perfect than it had been, but they never claimed or supposed that it could not be made more perfect yet.
“(O)ur founding documents and principles” are what permitted us to make the human rights advances that we’ve made since the founding, including the abolition of slavery and the Civil Rights Act. If those documents hadn’t permitted it, she’d be working on a plantation today. Or she might even own her own slaves.
DaveGinOly: If those documents hadn’t permitted it, she’d be working on a plantation today.
In fact, the original U.S. Constitution failed, and the U.S. plunged into bloody civil war.
Obviously your knowledge of history is as imperfect as your understanding of the USA. But keep up with the race hustle—it pays well to the unsavory and dishonest.
Yup. Of course about 100 year separated the writing of the Constitution and the Civil War. Away wtih you, you ignoramus and cultural appropriator.
TheFineReport: Of course about 100 year separated the writing of the Constitution and the Civil War.
Three score and fourteen years from enactment to the start of military conflict. The U.S. Constitution failed to resolve the issue of slavery through constitutional means. The result was civil war.
The founding principles are Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, without diversity (i.e. color judgments) or sexism for all Americans: the People and our Posterity, is the antithesis of racism and other class-based bigotry. Lose your Pro-Choice religion.
n.n: The founding principles are Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, without diversity (i.e. color judgments) or sexism for all Americans
Overheard in a slave quarters, July 1776:
Psaki, or indeed any Democrat, supporting the bad guys is simply not news. Jen and her ilk support this anti-American ambassador because they share a common opinion of America and of Americans.
I’m sure the UN is more than happy to welcome a CRT black supremacist into their ranks. Anyone who hates America is their friend.
White America is the enemy. The source of all of America’s and all of the world’s problems.
The world was a veritable Garden of Eden before the white devils began sailing forth from Europe.
Or so the neo-Marxist secular Genesis story goes.
Soon we’ll be told the accounts of Aztec, Mayan, and Incan human sacrifices are a myth. Lies the white devils spread to justify their invasion and geocide. And so on and so forth.
geocidegenocideYou’re too late. We’ve already been told that for decades. And those whose entire knowledge of history comes from school believe it.
So then, logically, Biden agrees with the Chinese Communists who said that the USA has NO MORAL AUTHORITY TO CRITIQUE THE CHINESE ON UYGHURS GENOCIDE IN CHINA.
To Linda Thomas-Greenfield – It’s a free country – no one forces you to live here if you feel the USA is so evil as to be equated with countries that commit genocide in the present day. If you want to stay, try not to assist our opponents around the world. Especially if you represent the USA to the rest of the world.
When the next 9/11 hits Comrade Biden, Comrade Thomas-Greenfield, and all their fellow travelers and apparatchiks will be telling us we deserved it.
Back in 2001 only a few radical left wing tenured professors were openly saying that (many who agreed stayed silent). And they were roundly condemned. Now their students are running the country.
Ugly and stupid, this is the effluent that has separated the federal government from the citizens of a formerly United States. The Russians take considerable amusement with her.
I doubt if even Biden would get close to this one.. But, who knows, maybe they will circle back and all go down the drain.
Of course our constitution and bill of rights are racist. And the only way to fix it is to strip every citizen of their rights and the government will tell us when we’re allowed to speak and what we’re allowed to say. They’ll tell us where we are allowed to live and decide if we’re allowed to own property. They’ll assign us jobs and provide an education that will make us the dumbest people in the world… but non-racist.
It’s a shame Psaki never studied history. If she did, she’d know that she’s not going to be protected if this administration’s course reaches its inevitable conclusion. This is how you get a civil war that ends with heads on pikes.
Morons are running our country. But maybe we’re the morons, for tolerating it.
Were black slave owners white supremacists? In his book, Larry Koger lists names of black slave owners and how many slaves they owned. Shouldn’t black descendants of black slave owners pay reparations?
My cats use to circle back chasing their tails
Critical Race theory is now government operating procedures, we are screwed
Mary Chastain: She claimed she has seen “how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.”
The original U.S. Constitution didn’t just permit slavery, but allowed slave chasers to cross state lines, to invade Boston or Bangor, to pursue whom they claimed were escaped slaves.
The Founders were well-aware of the “original sin” of slavery.
I’m sure the fact that there were tens of thousands of indentured servants in the country at that time had nothing to do with that.
Sanddog: I’m sure the fact that there were tens of thousands of indentured servants in the country at that time had nothing to do with that.
Sure, the Union tore itself apart over indentured servants held for a term of service, and not chattel slavery whereby children for born into slavery in perpetuity.
For your sins, you ignorant cultural appropriator, may you get 20 Covid vaccines in one day.
And this had what to do with white supremacy?
Milhouse: And this had what to do with white supremacy?
The claim concerned “how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.” The racial nature of American slavery is well-established history.
I daresay there are a lot of Americans who are not “proud” to have an anti-American bigot representing the country at the United Nations.
The dumbest motherfu-kers in the world are running our country. And we’re tolerating it.
Biden was in the bottom of his law school class – and it shows.