Iran-Backed Houthis Linked to Massacre of African Migrants After Biden Lifted Terrorist Designation
At least 44 migrants killed by fire, hundreds injured.

President Joe Biden lifted the terrorist organization label for the Iranian-backed Houthi militia Ansar Allah in Yemen a few weeks ago.
Now the jihadi group has been blamed for horrendous crimes against African migrants in the country.
Reports indicate Ansar Allah, Arabic for Allah’s defenders, is linked to the fire at a migrant detention center in Yemen’s capital Sanaa last week. It killed at least 44 migrants and injured hundreds more, The Associated Press and Arab news outlets report.
The Associated Press, on Saturday, reported the brutal massacre:
A leader of the migrant community in the Yemeni capital on Saturday called for an international probe into a fire that tore through a detention center last week, killing at least 44 people, mostly Ethiopian migrants.
In a news conference in Sanaa, Othman Gilto, who heads the Ethiopian community, blamed “negligence” by the Houthi rebels who control the capital, as well as the United Nations, which has aid agencies present in Yemen. The fire also injured more than 200 people, he said.
Some 900 migrants, mostly from Ethiopia, were detained at the facility — including 350 inside a warehouse — when the fire took place on Sunday, according to the International Organization for Migration.
The Embassy of Yemen in the United States confirmed the latest atrocity committed by the rebel terrorist group.
The “Government of Yemen has categorically condemned the heinous crime committed by the Houthi militias against African migrants detained in prisons of Houthis in Sanaa,” a statement posted by the embassy on Twitter said.
Last month, the Biden administration removed Iran’s proxy Houthi militia from the list of designated terrorist groups, reversing a decision taken by the outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The move was among a series of steps taken by the Biden White House to appease the Iranian regime into settling for an Obama-style nuclear deal with Washington.
While the Biden State Department exonerated the Houthis, the jihadi militia’s official motto says everything you need to know about them: “Allah is Greater, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam.”
Much like Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ansar Allah has emerged as an important tool in Iran’s strategy to export terrorism beyond its borders.
In recent years, Tehran has used Ansar Allah to target neighboring Gulf Arab countries. In September 2019, Iranian forces and Houthis carried out devastating drone and missile attacks against Saudi oil fields, destroying the kingdom’s two main oil facilities and disrupting the global oil supply.

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We are in a total free-fall. It’s amazing.
But Biden isn’t runnimg anything.- the leftist loons like susal rice behind the scenes are running everything. This is only 40 days in.
Building takes generations, but destructuon takes days. Rice and friends are destroying everything.
I’ve said for a number of years now.
Stupid, cloistered liberals that have never travelled outside their coastal enclaves can’t grasp a simple truth of the world:
The US is one of only a handful of countries in the entire world where it is NOT ACCEPTABLE to be openly racist.
If you want to see actual, real racism on display, walk around for a week with a black person in China, not to mention the open racism that both the Japanese and the Chinese display towards each other. In the Middle East, tracking the various ways that the Sunni/Shia hate each other gets complicated really quickly, and they BOTH are openly racist towards the Kurds.
And we haven’t even BEGUN to break down the various levels of hatred and discrimination in the castes in India.
Misleading labels to cover up the sectarian nature of the slaughter. It is simply shi-ite , sunni fighting for supremacy.
Once again the pedophile gives aid and comfort to the terrorists.
So proxy wars are back in vogue.
The decision to remove the terrorist label was not based in reality. Unless the Biden administration is playing a long game with Iran in which we remove the label and take other steps towards appeasement knowing that Iran and it’s proxy groups would be unable to resist acting. In which case we can say ‘gosh we tried to work with them but we now realize the sanctions terror designation ECT are 100% required until Iran demonstrates that it is a reliable and responsible nation’.
I don’t think that is the case.