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Viterbo University Cancels Classes After Racist Messages Found on Dorm Door of Black Student

Viterbo University Cancels Classes After Racist Messages Found on Dorm Door of Black Student

“We are deeply saddened and troubled because we’ve had two hate-filled and racist incidents happening on campus this week”

We do not have all the details, but this looks a lot like other stories we have covered, which turned out to be hoaxes.

WIZM News reports:

Classes cancelled Thursday for demonstration, after racist comments directed at Viterbo student

Classes will be cancelled from 12:30-1:50 p.m. Thursday for a student demonstration, after two racist incidents at Viterbo University were directed at a student this week.

The incidents occurred Monday and Tuesday in the residence halls, where someone wrote racist comments on a female student’s door, as well as on social media.

One of those comments written on the door of the student said “leave our school.” Other hateful racist remarks directed at this student were screenshot from Snapchat.

“We are deeply saddened and troubled because we’ve had two hate-filled and racist incidents happening on campus this week,” Viterbo President, Dr. Glena Temple told WIZM on Wednesday evening. “So, we are currently supporting the victim of these attacks and we are actively investigating who might be involved in these terrible acts.”

After talking with WIZM, Temple shared a campus-wide email that said a student demonstration will take place in the Assisi Courtyard “in solidarity with the victim for the hateful acts and support our BIPOC community as a whole.”

Temple called it a heinous act. She told WIZM that racism and bigotry are never tolerated at the university and “hate absolutely has no place here.”

She said the events were totally inappropriate and added that Viterbo’s first priority is the safety of the victim, as well as the rest of the students and faculty.


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66oriolesBrooks | March 12, 2021 at 10:11 am

Or it could be true. Do nor knock a story until you can report something like, “The Chancellor of Viterbo College announced that the report of a note was a hoax. Just a bad joke gone wrong.”

“Classes cancelled Thursday for demonstration …”

So somebody wrote something bad and the response is to stop learning and get lots of people together to complain and wave signs about it.

Whether it’s a hoax or not the response is insane.

    CorkyAgain in reply to irv. | March 12, 2021 at 1:00 pm

    Did the victim perchance have a test scheduled for that day and she hadn’t studied for it?

      henrybowman in reply to CorkyAgain. | March 12, 2021 at 2:16 pm

      You laugh, but there was a case recently where a guy graffitied his own car with hate slogans, beat it up, and poured sugar in the tank so he could get his insurance company to total it and get out from under some financial obligations.

The Friendly Grizzly | March 12, 2021 at 10:25 am


“leave our school.”

How is that racist? Maybe she’s just a bitch.

healthguyfsu | March 12, 2021 at 7:51 pm

Man, I wish I was a black student. I could cancel class, get someone fired, or duck a test whenever I wanted to.

Wouldn’t help my grades or my job prospects though.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to healthguyfsu. | March 13, 2021 at 6:27 am

    Then, move to Evanston IL and collect a reparations check for $25,000. Oh, and, the local branch of the NAACP says that’s “not enough”.

Fake but real

So a tiny liberal arts school (~1700 students) that nobody knew the location of (LaCrosse, WI) now wants to get noticed? I had to search it because nobody in the house ever heard of it.

These small schools need to be careful. If some of the more generous alumni decide to be a little less generous, they might find their endowments being drawn down.

Look for whoever gets the most sympathetic publicity from this, and who benefits the most in the school’s pecking order, and you will likely find the perpetrator.