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Slow walking ballots to the military, fast walking guns to Mexico and free cell phones to Cleveland

Slow walking ballots to the military, fast walking guns to Mexico and free cell phones to Cleveland

Military absentee ballot requests down 92% in key battleground state Virginia

The government has become quite efficient under Obama at fast walking guns to Mexico and free cell phones to Cleveland, but has ignored its obligation to secure and promote absentee ballot requests from the military.

Via Virginia Watchdog:

A 92 percent drop in absentee-ballot requests by military personnel in Virginia is raising concerns that the Pentagonis failing to carry out a federal voting law.

With only 1,746 military voters in Virginia requesting absentee ballots so far this year — out of 126,251 service members in the state —the Military Voter Protection Project says the system has broken down.

And it’s not just in the Old Dominion. MVPP Executive Director Eric Eversole reports significant declines in absentee-ballot requests by service members across the nation.

Compiling data from Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, Illinois, Ohio, Alaska, Colorado and Nevada, Eversole’s organization found that military families have requested 55,510 absentee ballots so far this year. That’s a sharp decline from the 166,252 sought in those states in 2008.

Oh, and by the way, the government also is making sure military contractors don’t send out sequestration layoff notices prior to the election by requiring that only contractors who comply with the request for a delay will have their layoff notice expenses paid by the contracting agency. That’s right, your tax money being used to promote Obama’s campaign effort.

But don’t dare ask someone for a voter i.d., that’s voter suppression.

The fish is rotting from the head down.


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franciscodanconia | October 1, 2012 at 2:22 pm

It was difficult enough for me to get a ballot while in uniform, so it would appear that despite the law passed 3 years ago which was supposed to help the situation, it’s made it worse. I was born on a night, but it wasn’t last night, this is a deliberate voter suppression scheme.

Hey, as long as Sandra’s Sisters can get their “free” birth control, and womyn in uniform can get their “free” abortions, as is well in the Republic, right?


My simple three-step plan to save America:

1) Mandatory two-year service in the military for all Americans, a la Singapore and Israel, to break the intergenerational transmission of dysfunctional, self-destructive behaviors leading to poverty and violence, mostly seen in inner-city residents, and replace them with values conducive to success in life.

2) Replace all multicultural, diversity gobbledygook classes with strict civics classes taught in more and more no-nonsense charter and private schools. Here is the model:

“Spitting in the Eye of Mainstream Education”

“Three no-frills charter schools in Oakland mock liberal orthodoxy, teach strictly to the test — and produce some of the state’s top scores …

… Not many schools in California recruit teachers with language like this: “We are looking for hard working people who believe in free market capitalism. . . . Multicultural specialists, ultra liberal zealots and college-tainted oppression liberators need not apply.”

Read this article, save it in your Favorites, and email it to everyone you know:

3) Count no ballots before all military ballots have been fully counted.

The answers are there. So far, the will is not.

Romney should send out a notice saying that if he wins, no agency will be permitted to spend funds to encourage law breaking. Furthermore any government worker that interferes with the right a soldier to vote will be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law.

But one last piece just to put the fear of god into this administration, announce that if Mexico requests an extradition of Attorney General Holder for his involvement in the murder of Mexicans, A Romney Administration will extradite Holder to Mexico to face justice for his crimes. Obama can pardon Holder holder his crimes in America related to Fast and Furious, but not for Mexico’s charges. Obama’s pardons have no affect there. Romney should also consider prosecuting Holder for his contempt of congress citation, as Obama can’t pardon him for that since it wasn’t a crime against the United States of America.

    But one last piece just to put the fear of god into this administration, announce that if Mexico requests an extradition of Attorney General Holder for his involvement in the murder of Mexicans, A Romney Administration will extradite Holder to Mexico to face justice for his crimes.

    It puts the fear of god into me.

    I can’t find words to describe how dangerous this precedent would be.

    Only in absolutely extreme last-resort circumstances should we allow foreign governments to try American officeholders, and quite possibly not even then.

      imfine in reply to gs. | October 1, 2012 at 3:36 pm

      Holder is not an “office holder”, he is a political appointee. That and Office Holders are prosecuted for criminal acts all the time. The more dangerous precedent is let political appointees carte blanche authority to do what ever the hell they want regardless of what the law says.

      If Holder testifies that he did so under Presidential Orders prior to the election, than that’s Obama’s crime, otherwise off to Mexico with him.

        1. Holder is not an “office holder”, he is a political appointee.

        As Newt would say, What?!

        There is an extensive Google discussion of this. Here is the oath:

        “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

        Boldface mine.

        2. Since my cold is flaring up, I won’t go into things like “proof”, “reasonable doubt”, “precedent”, and “national sovereignty”, except for this:

        The next time a government officer has to make a decision that America is bitterly divided about, I damn well do not want that officer to be worrying about standing trial in another country.

          imfine in reply to gs. | October 2, 2012 at 10:40 am

          Even postal have taken that oath, it doesn’t make them office holder, does it?. What Eric Holder did was against the law, its not just a deeply contentious issue on which people disagree, everyone agrees what happened was deeply wrong, unlawful and immoral. He armed in contravention of federal law, his Oath AND the US Constitution Mexican Drug Cartels which are currently waging wars against our ally Mexico, people who engage our military and murder our citizens as well as profit by spreading addictive poisons that have been banned in this country.

          That makes him guilty of Treason, Murder, Perjury and Contempt of Congress in his pursuit to Obstruct Justice and bring his activities to the light of day. Unless he can point a finger to Obama he has violated the law. He acknowledges the criminal nature of what he has done by obstructing an official Congressional investigation into what happened. That goes against a core check in the balance of our government with a cynical denial of those lawful subpoenas.

          If making this individual answer for his crimes before the people he has harmed is some sort of slippery slope, than the “slippery slope” has no meaning. Holder routinely extradites people, including federal employees (office holders by your definition) who commit crimes abroad. I see no compelling reason to deny him the same justice. there’s no downside to force a traitor to tell his victims’ family’s why he murdered their loved ones. On contrary their is an upside, by letting future “office holders” know that murdering innocent people for political gain is and will forever be illegal and that they too can be prosecuted for it even if the current President pardons you for it.

          gs in reply to gs. | October 2, 2012 at 5:18 pm

          Even postal have taken that oath, it doesn’t make them office holder, does it?.

          I rest my case.

1. I commented the other day that Atwater or Carville would have made an opposing incumbent President rue the day he tried to impede the military vote. Afaik the Romney campaign has yet to be heard from on this.

2. That said, note that Bush, Gore, Kerry, and McCain are veterans whereas neither Obama nor Romney has served. The troops don’t have one of their own in the election.

Obama’s goal was a total overwhelming assault on our nation on so many fronts so as not only to confound our ability to respond but to exceed the public’s good-faith imagination, its willingness to believe the truth of malicious intention. Who would ever believe that ALL these things were one man’s fault, or that the sum of them could only mean one thing: a truly treacherous leader dedicated to American dissolution.

Of course he intended to deny the military their absentee ballots. So he did it. Just like everything else. He just does it. Why not? It works. He sanctions Fast & Furious to discredit the 2nd Amendment. He uses the Gulf oil spill to discredit the entire oil drilling industry and fakes “expert” reports from the DOI then refuses to obey a court ruling to issue drilling permits. Why not? He can. He sends out the EPA to “crucify” businesses. Why not? He can. No one in the media cares or investigates. Those on the “right-wing” who do are ignored or smeared as extremists. Even stories which do, through cunning and dogged bravery, break through the membrane of the media into the mass culture — such as ACORN — simply reach a dead end of blamelessness. No one ever connected ACORN to Obama or fashioned a larger piece about the left and how all its subversive satellites connected up to each other and to Obama’s past and intentions. Now ACORN is back with 100 different new names.

And so now we’re down to Mitt Romney’s ability to make a coherent and compelling case against this anti-American rapacity in a debate controlled by four Obama-enabling interrogators.

We’re really down to this question: can a voting public of civic aware and outraged Americans to put an end to this incipient tyranny? And even if we do, what is the plan for putting an end to the massive institutional forces which will remain, and which will go back to work to re-install it?

Voter ID and voter suppression, “slow walking ballots to the military” – these are concepts related to “equal distribution” of votes. It’s similar to the equal distribution of wealth whereby (we’re told) the intent is to promote equality, although in practice it means “some are more equal than others.”

The voting issue is to make sure that all votes are equal, although some votes will “count” more than others.

MaggotAtBroadAndWall | October 1, 2012 at 2:46 pm

Romney needs to highlight both issues in the first debate.

Find the conversation Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen just had with Megan Kelly- they talk about all of this! Worth watching.

[…] Military absentee ballot requests down 92% in key battleground state Virginia […]

Hey prof… Ya gotta give the administration credit as knowin’ what their priorities should be!

For the rest of us, utter disgusting, reprehensible, unethical and really come as no surprise given the key players histories.

The only cure as I see it, we all had better vote to evict in November because this may well be the last chance to save the Republic and all for which it used to stand (for).

Credit (or blame) where it’s due: Republicans.

Republicans could be making an almighty stink about this (and a whole lot of other things). If the national media won’t listen, go local. If the local media won’t listen, make coordinated speeches and run ads. Lots of noise will force someone to notice, sooner rather than later. Then you’ll have your opening.

Republicans don’t care. Why else would they stay silent, even when it would benefit them to speak out?

Republicans (definitive specimen: John Boehner) are corrupt big-government political degenerates just like the Democrats. Republicans are not Marxists, but if going along with Democrat Marxism lines Republican pockets with graft, they aren’t going to say anything.

In one crucial way, Republicans are even more evil than the Democrats: unlike Republicans, Democrats act in the best interests of their base, to whom they keep their promises.

    Browndog in reply to CalMark. | October 1, 2012 at 3:48 pm

    You see it from school boards and city councils, to the high offices on Capital Hill.

    Once the powerful are allowed to be corrupt, only the corrupt will become powerful.

    Honest brokers need not apply…

    n.n in reply to CalMark. | October 1, 2012 at 5:01 pm

    Democrats keep their promise to fulfill dream of instant gratification to a representative minority of their base. In other words, they do just enough to receive public recognition. Their primary appeal is their promise to grant people’s base desires, which, unfortunately, also corrupts the providers and beneficiaries.

    In one crucial way, Democrats are more evil than Republicans: they promise submission with benefits in lieu of liberty.

    In one crucial way, Democrats are more evil than Republicans: they denigrate individual dignity and devalue human life.

    In one critical way, Democrats are more evil than Republicans: they promise to normalize behaviors which constitute evolutionary dysfunction, including the elective termination of unwanted children.

    The Democrats exploit men and women’s base desires, including dreams of instant gratification, in order to advance their political, economic, and social standing. Their philosophy engenders fundamental corruption.

    Unfortunately, the alternative is Republicans, Libertarians, etc., and while their principles are superior, they cannot prevent and can only react to exceptional corruption.

    I’ll agree with you on one point. The Republicans need to be vocal in their opposition. They must expose the crimes committed by the current administration. They must speak plainly and on causal issues. Their silence and timidity suggests weakness or worse. If the latter, then there is no real alternative to Democrats, and exceptional corruption now mimics fundamental corruption.

      CalMark in reply to n.n. | October 1, 2012 at 6:05 pm

      If Republicans “Walked the Walk” and backed up their campaign rhetoric, Democrats wouldn’t be getting away with anything. Screaming bloody murder about Democrat lies, crimes, and corruption would be a powerful deterrent. That doesn’t happen. So, it keeps on.

      Case in point: House finds AG Holder in contempt. So what? So nothing. Boehner refuses to file criminal charges. It’s nothing but political kabuki.

      Moralists say that a man who, by doing nothing, abets evil he could prevent is more evil than the evil-doer. I stand by my argument: in some ways, Republicans are worse than Democrats.

      We need to vote for them as “place-holders,” then get rid of every stinking one of them, whether with replacement Republicans or members of a new party that replaces the feckless, cowardly GOP.

        Lina Inverse in reply to CalMark. | October 2, 2012 at 12:41 pm

        Boehner can’t file criminal charges, our Constitution wisely kept that power out of the hands of the Congress. A civil lawsuit has been filed.

        Impeachment and defunding are the only stronger actions he could take; the former would die in the Democratic Senate, the latter he just doesn’t have the guts to do when the Democrats hold both the Senate and the White House. I’m not sure exactly how he could usefully use it anyway, it’s a blunderbuss of a tool.

You can add to this mix the late announcement that Lockheed-Martin has succumbed to the administration’s “guidance” that the company need not conform to the WARN Act regarding layoff notices in cases of mass labor reductions.

The administration simply stated that “they” would pay for any severance costs by the company with money they don’t have nor are scheduled to get.

How far can this administration ignore the laws of the land without penalty?

It’s just freakin’ unbelievable!

    CalMark in reply to GrumpyOne. | October 1, 2012 at 7:06 pm

    Living in Chicago, seeing how Obama did business, I warned everyone I knew. Everyone I knew just laughed at me.

    Corruption, once established as “business as usual” in a political system, is almost impossible to exorcize.

    Even if Romney wins, will have have the stones to root it out? Or would he allow Dem Fifth Columnists to remain in and undermine his administration from within, like George W. Bush? I suspect, the latter. (If he even gets elected.)

      Lina Inverse in reply to CalMark. | October 2, 2012 at 12:43 pm

      Almost all of those Fifth Columnists are Civil “Servants”, who can’t be fired for political reasons. I hate to say it, but we need a return to something like the hated spoils system if we’re going to save the Republic.

BannedbytheGuardian | October 1, 2012 at 7:22 pm

So far this is only requests for absentee ballots. Perhaps most military will be in VA on Nov6. How long does it take to send a request -3 days ? There is still time.

I am not certain how it works in Va -but will there be offices open on or near base to vote early ?

I am finding it hard to believe the military are lambs to the slaughter . I don’t presume to know for whom they ill vote but if they are not repared to fight for their own voting rights then they are more the soldiers of the movie ‘Buffalo Soldiers’ than General Patton’s.

Where are Kelly’s Heroes when they are desperately needed.? Are they pussies or military men?

[…] so far this year. That’s a sharp decline from the 166,252 sought in those states in 2008.via » Slow walking ballots to the military, fast walking guns to Mexico and free cell phones to Clevela….Related Stories:Obama to Soldiers Overseas: No Voting for YouTechnorati Tags: Absentee ballot, […]

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