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English Prof at UC-Berkeley Tells Students to Burn ‘Transphobic’ Book

English Prof at UC-Berkeley Tells Students to Burn ‘Transphobic’ Book

“steal Abigail Shrier’s book and burn it on a pyre”

So we have finally come to the point where progressives are advocating the burning of books. Frankly, I’m surprised it took this long.

Campus Reform reports:

Berkeley English prof tells people to ‘burn’ ‘transphobic’ book

A University of California-Berkeley English professor encouraged her followers to purchase a book criticizing the transgender movement, then “burn it on a pyre.”

Following criticism, Target removed Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, which discusses the effect of the transgender movement on young girls, from its site on Nov. 12. However, the department store chain reversed its decision the next day, returning the book to its shelves.

University of California-Berkeley English professor Grace Lavery criticized those who approve of the book’s message: “If you don’t think the phrase ‘transgender craze that’s seducing our daughters’ is transphobic, I presume it is because you don’t believe transphobia is real.”

Lavery then pointed out that Target does not carry many academic works about transgenderism.

She then called upon her followers to “steal Abigail Shrier’s book and burn it on a pyre.”


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“the department store chain reversed its decision the next day, returning the book to its shelves.”

I am honestly surprised at this response from Target. Perhaps its management got stung with reduced sales the last time it decided to go Woke, and thereby discovered the relationship between going Woke and going broke?

As for the prof, I’d prefer not to burn anything, but if it comes down to a choice I think I’d prefer to burn book-burning profs over burning books.

What’s more important: a supposed psychological condition at most (“transphobia”) or young women or girls permanently ruining their bodies and fertility?

She’s distracting us from the more important issue with the unimportant “transphobia” complaint.

    bullhubbard in reply to artichoke. | November 27, 2020 at 9:30 am

    Transphobia (like other bastard words with the “phobia” suffix) is a neologism used deliberately to avoid discussion, like a squid squirts out ink to evade predators.
    A phobia is an irrational aversion to something. Most thoughtful people’s objections to minors’ elective sex reassignment surgery or to hormone use to develop female secondary sex characteristics is quite reasonable, and at the very least the book in question deserves a fair criticism.

    It is not surprising at all that an “English professor” at Berkeley would advocate burning books. There is absolutely nothing worthwhile any longer in the academic study of language and literature. Like the rest of the Humanities the disciplines have been ruined with bogus political ideology which began with the fawning worship of Foucault in the early 1980’s and has metastasized into the idiotic, nonsensical, politically left ideological morass we currently see in academia. English departments everywhere are responsible for spawning the current totalitarian “activist” bent in academia.

“University of California-Berkeley English professor Grace Lavery criticized those who approve of the book’s message: “If you don’t think the phrase ‘transgender craze that’s seducing our daughters’ is transphobic, I presume it is because you don’t believe transphobia is real.”

No, it’s because I don’t believe transgenderism is real. It’s just another Alinskyite hammer with which to bludgeon America, sanity, and reality.

    daniel_ream in reply to Dantzig93101. | November 26, 2020 at 3:05 pm

    Transgenderism is real. It’s an entirely predictable self-destructive coping mechanism for adults suffering Complex PTSD as a result of extreme childhood sexual abuse.

    In prior decades they would have turned to cutting, drugs, or alcohol.

      bullhubbard in reply to daniel_ream. | November 27, 2020 at 9:39 am

      Yeah. Now they are encouraged to cultivate their self-destruction and are called “heroic” for their deranged acting-out.

      Imagine if there were a mainstream minority of loudmouths advocating cutting or addiction to heroin or alcoholism as emblems of a special social status that deserves nurturing and encouragement.

      Following one’s sexual or “identity” proclivities, no matter how twisted, should be a private matter. If there were not a small but growing number of narcissistic “activists” bullying the wider community into accepting their bullshit as normal or wholesome, I would not be writing this and there would be no need to bother being concerned with what was once a rare condition.

      bullhubbard in reply to daniel_ream. | November 27, 2020 at 9:47 am

      Another thought: Transgenderism is BOTH real AND a political Alinskyite political bludgeon.

I don’t even play a lawyer on TV, but isn’t it a crime for an authority figure to direct others to commit theft?

    Antifundamentalist in reply to henrybowman. | November 27, 2020 at 7:58 pm

    She didn’t. She “encouraged her followers to purchase a book criticizing the transgender movement, then ‘burn it on a pyre.’”

    It rather defeats the purpose of her objections, but as long as the vendors get paid and the author receives royalties…burn away! There’s no such thing as bad publicity, and more people will read the book to see what the fuss is about. Though personally, I think that any educator advocating the burning of any book should be summarily fired – because a real teacher would educate and use critical thinking rather than suppression to defend their ideas.

Is this professor small in stature, wears a small black mustache, attained the rank of corporal and has all of his supporters great him with Seig Heil? I believe I remember him as little Adolph Hitler. Burn the Books, open the concentration camps, fire up the ovens to keep the Jews and Christians warm, and this will solve all of the worlds problems.

Why are idiots like this professor allowed to see sunlight and breathe our air?

One of the greatest improvements to higher education would be to free students from the requirement of taking any English Department courses. And as for the Berkeley schmucko, she should be prosecuted for an incitement to crime–stealing a book. And as for hopwto address a transgender type, how about Freak?

    Dantzig93101 in reply to JAB. | November 28, 2020 at 11:50 am

    “As for higher education, it will actually be higher. To begin with, all applicants to college will be required to go through Marine Corps boot camp, reconstituted to the standards of 1965. This will work miracles. Our pansified little darlings will then know what trouble is and not go all limp over Microaggressions.”

    — Fred Reed

Cameron Hanson | November 28, 2020 at 6:22 pm

Transphobic? meaning an unreasoning illogical fear? no, folks are not afraid of gender dysphorics. contempt, pity, indifference, maybe one of those, but not fear.