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Brandeis U. Offers ‘Whites Only’ Space for White Students to Learn How They Oppress Others

Brandeis U. Offers ‘Whites Only’ Space for White Students to Learn How They Oppress Others

“come to a deeper understanding about how whiteness moves”

This was put together by the school’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, which should tell you everything you need to know.

The College Fix reports:

University offers whites-only space for students to learn how they oppress nonwhites

In an effort to combat systemic racism, Brandeis University’s Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion division is setting aside spaces exclusively for white students.

The catch? They will partake in anti-racist trainings.

Guided by a white staffer, Caucasian students who choose to participate will undergo a six-week training covering all things race so they can “come to a deeper understanding about how whiteness moves,” according to the DEI office’s website. The training is in addition to their regular course load.

The end-game of the program is students engaging in “cross racial dialogues,” which will help white students exchange ideas about race-related issues with students of other races – eventually.

The white students must pay their dues by first undergoing race training among each other, according to the director of mental health education and “racial justice educator” who devised it.

Another segregated space for BIPOC students – the trendy new group identity for black, indigenous and people of color – is still in the works, Joy von Steiger, a clinical psychologist at the private Jewish university, told student newspaper The Justice.

It’s focused on “healing” rather than education because BIPOC students already “live” systemic racism, she said. DEI is also launching “Anti-Racism Working Groups,” which The Justice characterizes as “miniature affinity spaces” targeted by interests such as sports.

Von Steiger explained that the sessions are not mandatory because there is “evidence that would suggest that people forced to do anti-racism education tend to not benefit from it as much as if they were to do it voluntarily.”


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Apparently working in the diversity and inclusion office does not require any knowledge of the law around discrimination. But it’s all for a good cause so it’s fine, right?

I thought those were exactly what colleges got rid of when they were called “fraternities.”
It’s like the Clinton administration cancelling 400,000 kitchen-table FFLs of collector/sellers because “there are more gun dealers than gas stations,” then the Obama administration threatening collector/sellers with legal action if they don’t obtain kitchen-table FFLs.
“We need to be seen doing something,” so they do two diametrically-opposed things.
Yay, Party of Science!

Antifundamentalist | November 4, 2020 at 3:43 pm

Re-eduation Camps for white students? How long before they become Mandatory?

Indian and Chinese students are laughing the asses off.