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President Trump and Melania test positive for coronavirus

President Trump and Melania test positive for coronavirus

“ Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!”

Earlier today it was announced that presidential assistant Hope Hicks tested positive. Now the President and First Lady have tested positive as well.


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And we now wait for the outpouring of sympathy from the benevolent Left who claim to only want the best for people, and insist that they are great fans of coexistence with everybody.

…and waiting.

buckeyeminuteman | October 2, 2020 at 1:52 am

We are literally one man away from utter Leftist chaos and domination. Praying for Donald and Melania!

    That’s a mean and uncalled for thing to say about Mike Pence. If something should God forbid happen to the President, the country will be in safe hands.

      alaskabob in reply to Milhouse. | October 2, 2020 at 2:14 am

      Wondering if this meant if anything happened to President Trump that Pence is the last firewall to Pelosi ?

      Hiden Biden is the one in the bunker…basement..not Trumo. To be with the American people is to share the same risks.

        Joe-dallas in reply to alaskabob. | October 2, 2020 at 8:37 am

        Under the presidential succession act of 1947, the speaker of the house (Pelosi) is 2nd in line, following the VP (Pence).

        Based on a review of the statute (by a constitutional scholar), the elevation of a member of congress (the legislative branch) maybe constitutionally ineligible to become president of the executive branch.

        In the rare event of such an occurrence, look for a constitutional challenange. The secretary of state is the 3rd in line, after the secretary of state.

          MarkSmith in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 2, 2020 at 9:18 am

          Under the presidential succession act of 1947, the speaker of the house (Pelosi) is 2nd in line, following the VP (Pence).

          I think you have your history wrong.


          25th Amendment:

          Section 1.

          In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.
          Section 2.

          Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

          If both Pence and Trump are out before a VP is picked:

          3 U.S. Code § 19. Vacancy in offices of both President and Vice President; officers eligible to act

          (1) If, by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify, there is neither a President nor Vice President to discharge the powers and duties of the office of President, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, upon his resignation as Speaker and as Representative in Congress, act as President.

          If Speaker can’t do the job:

          If, by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify, there is no President pro tempore to act as President under subsection (b) of this section, then the officer of the United States who is highest on the following list, and who is not under disability to discharge the powers and duties of the office of President shall act as President: Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Education, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Secretary of Homeland Security.

          Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 2, 2020 at 12:18 pm

          However, if Pelosi were to become President she would have to resign her seat in the House of Reps as it is constitutionally prohibited for her to be both President (even Acting President) and a member of Congress. That would be a clear violation of the separation of powers.

      MarkS in reply to Milhouse. | October 2, 2020 at 7:15 am

      Sorry, but Pence does not have the gravitas or the balls necessary to take on the Left!

      Milhouse: If something should God forbid happen to the President, the country will be in safe hands.

      We agree. Pence would be a steady hand if the President were to withdraw from public life due to health reasons.

    Connivin Caniff in reply to buckeyeminuteman. | October 2, 2020 at 7:03 am

    You are right on the money, buckeyeminuteman. Trump’s re-election is our only chance. Let’s hope he still believes in the hydroxychloroquine, z-pak zinc regimen.

    buckeyeminuteman in reply to buckeyeminuteman. | October 2, 2020 at 7:16 am

    Yes, Pence is a great man. And would make a great President. But there has never been a person in our country who fights for the American people the way Trump does. He takes all the blows, stands up for his policies and day after day emerges with full force against what at times feels like the entire world against him. I don’t think Pence would have the same demeanor or be able to take the repeated blows day after day after day.

His speedy recovery will freak out the swamp.

After initial reaction, would not be surprised if some Democrats started to claim this is fake news out of desperation, like Adam Schiff or Eric Swalwell, among others.

After all, if Trump says one thing, they must say the other.


Please hold the President and First Lady in the palm of your hand. Protect them from this terrible disease and bring them back to health in short order with no lingering effects. Show the people in Your world that you alone control what happens. Illustrate the fact that Satan doesn’t hold all power, you do, and you will prevail.

We pray in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who defeated death and burial, rose from the grave, and now rules in Heaven with You. Amen.

My initial reaction?

Bullshit. He just HAPPENS to test positive less than a month before election?

Take a second test, with sample taken and analyzed by a doctor that you actually trust.

    mrtomsr in reply to Olinser. | October 2, 2020 at 9:48 am

    There are a lot of reports of false positives out there! A confirmation test would be prudent, unless it derails an October surprise of some type.

      I’d bet he’s been tested multiple times last night, BUT as I recall, the test will give positives if it picks up dead shed virus particles from other people, and they had a close advisor with verified COVID, so it *might* be from that.

      Probably not, but it’s a possibility.

        Sanddog in reply to georgfelis. | October 2, 2020 at 11:26 am

        I wouldn’t be surprised if he tested positive but I’d be interested to know the cycle threshold on the test, if they did use RT-PCR.

Concerns me as it will stop campaign trips

Wishing them both Godspeed to a full recovery.

Now waiting for the “they go low, we go high” people to go lower than ever before in their reactions.

Wishing them both Godspeed to a full recovery.

Now waiting for the “they go low, we go high” people to go lower than ever before in their reactions.

Every election we have an October surprise, but I thought it was going to be Biden (October isn’t over yet, and this is 2020). If there is a god in heaven, please hear millions of prayers for our President, First Lady, and country.

Eventually, 60-70% of the population will have contracted the virus. The vast majority will never know they had it because we were asymptomatic and didn’t get tested. That is the normal trajectory of all viruses. It’s how we attain her immunity.

Trump etal got tested. No reports whether any of them had symptoms. Why the big deal? Look at all of the professional athletes that have been infected. Any reports of how many of them actually became sick? Certainly none died.

Let’s not blow this out of proportion. The sooner more people get infected, the sooner we reach herd immunity. It’s the healthy people who are now getting infected. It’s inevitable and for the population at large, it’s a good thing. It means we are closer to the end of the virus.

    Pasadena Phil: The vast majority will never know they had {COVID-19} because we were asymptomatic and didn’t get tested.

    Antibody tests are still preliminary, but the actual infection rate is thought to be about twice the case detection rate. Even if the infection rate is three times the case detection rate, that would mean a fatality rate of about 1%. If a hundred million people in the U.S. were to become infected, that would result in a million deaths. But even if the fatality rate were just 0.5%, that still hundreds of thousands of more deaths.

    Pasadena Phil: It’s inevitable

    That’s contradicted by the many places that have avoided uncontained outbreaks, including South Korea and Vietnam, among others.

      Petrushka in reply to Zachriel. | October 2, 2020 at 12:32 pm

      New York suggests the disease virtually disappears when confirmed cases reach two to three percent of the population. I can think of lots of possible reasons, all speculative.

      The most reasonable conjecture is that a lot of people have partial immunity and simply don’t get very sick.

      The combined death rate for New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut is 34 per day, and has been constant for a couple of months. These are the states that had the most cases and deaths early on.

        Petrushka: New York suggests the disease virtually disappears when confirmed cases reach two to three percent of the population.

        Except that the coronavirus has not virtually disappeared in New York City. If the area had reached herd immunity, then you wouldn’t be able to trace outbreaks to people ignoring social distancing requirements, as such measures would be irrelevant. And if the City hasn’t reached herd immunity, then it’s should be clear that the rest of the state hasn’t.

        Another way to look at it. Even if New York City had reached herd immunity, it should be clear that the rest of the state, and most of the nation have not, as they have not reached nearly the levels of New York City. That means there are hundreds of thousands of more casualties to be expected.

          Petrushka in reply to Zachriel. | October 2, 2020 at 6:33 pm

          34 is the total deaths per day for what was the four worst states in the country. States include their cities, so NYC can’t be having lots of deaths.

          These numbers have been stable for a couple of months.

          Even places like Spain, France and UK that are having a surge in cases are not seeing a big surge in deaths.

          Pasadena Phil: 34 is the total deaths per day for what was the four worst states in the country.

          And a thousand new cases every day, while Mississippi has had more cases per million than New York State.

          The reproductive number (R0) of the virus varies depending on population density and social organization. The U.S. is generally at equilibrium R0 = 1 with some social distancing and masks. If everyone were to simply resume their previous lives, R0 would grow above one. If everyone would buckle down and wear a mask, R0 would drop below 1.

Outbreaks die out. But most of those infected do not die.

2smartforlibs | October 2, 2020 at 6:29 am

Keep your powder dry.

If Joe Biden can campaign from a bunker, our President can lead us from wherever he is in quarantine.

The reaction of the left will be predictable.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to amwick. | October 2, 2020 at 8:45 am

    It just occurred to me that the left acts like manic depressive, meaning that their current manic phase will be by a collective depression when Trump continues to govern, recovers, ad wins the election.

caseoftheblues | October 2, 2020 at 7:24 am

Take note that the death being hoped for is exactly what the left wishes for everyone on the right. Nothing would make them happier to have every Republican die…at their very core the left is nothing but a death cult.

In addition the First Lady tests pregnant.

Stuck for two weeks in isolation with a supermodel. How will he ever survive it?

The Friendly Grizzly | October 2, 2020 at 8:35 am

He only did this to avoid the next two debates! /sarc tag for the humor-impaired.

Look for the stock markets around the world to crash on news that Biden might actually have a chance now.

The leaches will come out try to change policies as if trump is dying.

ScottTheEngineer | October 2, 2020 at 9:01 am

Would rather get Coronavirus from a Trump rally, The guy behind you at Walmart or the gas pump handle the last time you filled up?

Ya know he started one of the hydroxychloroquine cocktails within moments of the test results coming back. They’ll be fine.

Best comment I’ve seen so far is (paraphrased) Trump will go through anything to spend two weeks in quarantine with a supermodel.

This ain’t a big deal except that it will interrupt in person POTUS travel and rallies. He can perform every duty required.

Better yet, when he comes out the other side he can hammer the Rona issue.

MSM – Trump lacks empathy

Trump – I had the Rona and it wasn’t fun but we got through

MSM – Trump dodges and doesn’t answer question x

Trump – No that’s Sleepy Joe hiding in his basement. I went into a quarantine protocol and still performed my duties as well as campaigning and interviews via teleconference

The CDC says that people who contract the virus, have a 99.99% recovery rate. We need to stop treating this as if it was a death sentence. Something the press and the left have been beating into everyone’s head for the last 6 months

    CommoChief in reply to Wade Hampton. | October 2, 2020 at 12:11 pm

    Wade, point taken. The fact that Trump is now positive and the MSM will be beating the various doomsday scenarios, no matter how implausible, brings the Rona issue to a head.

    Once on the other side of the Rona, the doomsayers and the folks they have deceived into believing that the Rona is the Andromada Strain or Captain Tripps will be forced to reevaluate.

    There could be no higher profile case of Rona than POTUS. When he emerges from quarantine the example of a 70+ year old beating it down and carrying on with his life and duties will be too much of an example to ignore.

    Imagine how effective Trump will be in bashing blue state government for their lockdown as a Rona ‘survivor’. The MSM will try to refute it but average voters will have seen the evidence and will judge for themselves.

    A true 2020 style black swan ‘October Surprise’.

    Wade Hampton: The CDC says that people who contract the virus, have a 99.99% recovery rate.

    Can you provide a citation? Most CDC studies show a mortality rate of 0.5% to 1.0%, or about 5 to 10 times higher than for the seasonal flu. This is consistent with the death count of over 200,000 for the coronavirus, and about 20,000 per year from the seasonal flu.

    Notably, COVID-19 is still causing about 800 deaths per day in the U.S. This trend is expected to continue through the winter months when it will be coincident with the seasonal flu.

      CommoChief in reply to Zachriel. | October 2, 2020 at 1:14 pm


      Speaking of citations.. You state that ‘covid is CAUSING 800 deaths daily’.

      Can you please explain how many of the 800 people had other conditions that made them susceptible and what those conditions are?

      Can you also please explain how many of those 800 with conditions making them more susceptible to covid would also have been susceptible to seasonal flu?

      How many of those 800 died with covid v from covid?

      What was the average age for those 800? What were the living arrangements; were they in a group setting?

      Throwing out the number 800 a day doesn’t really tell us much.

        CommoChief: Can you please explain how many of the 800 people had other conditions that made them susceptible and what those conditions are?

        The primary correlation is with age.×657.jpg

        CommoChief: Can you also please explain how many of those 800 with conditions making them more susceptible to covid would also have been susceptible to seasonal flu?

        They may very well be susceptible to flu, but COVID-19 is five to ten times more deadly than the seasonal flue. It is also likely to leave permanent damage in some patients.

          CommoChief in reply to Zachriel. | October 2, 2020 at 3:41 pm


          The takeaway is that the only number that counts when reviewing deaths are the ‘excess’ deaths that can be attributed to covid.

          The age based correlation has been clear for some time. The folks who insist the Rona is justified for shutting down the nation are deliberately ignoring the risk factors.

          The current level, assuming upon a reexamination of the deaths holds up, makes the Rona a bit more dangerous than the 1968 episode and less dangerous than 1957. Neither of those episodes caused a self imposed economic shutdown.

          Another factor to consider is the number of deaths from group home settings; nursing homes. These facilities are far more prevalent today than in 1957 or 1968.

          One final point, how many of the frail elderly who died with Rona wouldn’t have been alive to die in 1957 or 1968 because of medical advances in treatment of underlying conditions?

          Once we as a nation begin a thorough analysis of the Rona and the misguided policy preferences the American people are going to be outraged. The panic porn needs to stop.

          CommoChief: The takeaway is that the only number that counts when reviewing deaths are the ‘excess’ deaths that can be attributed to covid.

          It’s beyond a statistical anomaly. Excess deaths are a good indicator and are consistent with the death count.

          CommoChief in reply to Zachriel. | October 2, 2020 at 7:23 pm


          I am not arguing that Rona doesn’t exist, nor that it isn’t deadly for a very small subset of the population. No question on those points.

          What I am arguing is that simply looking at total deaths attributed to Rona is not a very good way to determine the scope of Rona compared to either 1957 or 1968.

          1. There is a difference between death with and death due to Rona.
          2. That difference doesn’t seem to have been made in the reported statistics.
          3. This is exacerbated due to incentives for recording the death as due to Rona for federal emergency aid.
          4. The huge percentage of deaths in group settings; nursing homes. These homes didn’t exist in 1957 or 1968 on the scale they exist today.
          5. Medical care improvements since 1957 and 1968 mean many more frail elderly are alive today v then. Since you have to be alive to die from Rona the simple fact is that the Rona has more targets likely to die today than then.

          There are other factors as well. Lets stick to these. Eventually the statistical analysis and forensic accounting will be done on these ‘official numbers’ of deaths. That accounting will definitely show that when adjusted for the factors I described the true number of deaths due to Rona will fall dramatically.

          The reason that the comparison to 1957 and 1968 are important is that both occurred post WWII; in modern America. In neither of those periods did we shut down the national economy.

          The reckoning for the bureaucracy and their allies in facilitating a hostile takeover of the national economy to damage a political opponent will be coming. The wider American population will be furious when they learn the true extent of the fraud.

          CommoChief: That accounting will definitely show that when adjusted for the factors I described the true number of deaths due to Rona will fall dramatically.

          The standard means used to study pandemics in retrospect, such as looking at excess deaths, show that deaths due to COVID-19 are likely an undercount.

      Mac45 in reply to Zachriel. | October 2, 2020 at 2:03 pm

      You can not depend upon CDC mortality or infection statistics where COVID is concerned. The problem is with the classification protocols.

      Most cases of death attributed to COVID-19 infection are the result of a positive test for exposure to the virus. Some of these deaths showed no symptoms related to COVID. And, exactly what are the symptoms of COVID? The CDC keeps expanding them to the point where COVID shares symptoms with two dozen other diseases. Then we have the deaths which were attributed to COVID which had no test for exposure. How many of these are really COVID induced? Finally, you have deaths from such things as physical trauma which are classified as COVID related based upon a post mortum test, as happened in Florida in the case of a traffic fatality.

      And, then we have the testing, itself. At the moment, anyone who tests positive to recent exposure to the virus, whether they exhibit any symptoms or not, is being counted as a COVID infection. Never in the history of communicable diseases have we seen a 75% asymptomatic infection rate [Studies of COVID positive test subjects place the asymptomatic infection rate from 40%-96%]. Seasonal flu has a symptomatic case rate of about 10% of the US population, during a severe year [asymptomatic flu cases are estimated at 5-10% of the population, 1/2-1x the rate of symptomatic cases]. That would be 30 million people actually infected and diagnosed by symptomology, during a six month flu season. So far, in the same time frame, the US has logged ~7.2 million cases, most of which are asymptomatic and based upon exposure testing. If only half those cases are asymptomatic, that reduces the number of COVID symptomatic cases to 3.6 million. Again, we have no idea what the true numbers are, because the classification protocols, for COVID symptomology, have been all over the map. One thing that is interesting, is that prior to March, 2020, the CDC reported that the number of cases of influenza was 13 million, with 22,000 deaths directly attributed to a flu virus.

      Now, because of the way the medical profession and public health has treated COVID classification and reporting, we are never going to have accurate numbers of the true infection rate or morbidity due to the illness, in 2019-2020. We will have to wit for this time next year to actually have aa realistic measure of the rates of infection and death from COVID. Look for the CDC to drastically reduce the number of cases and deaths from COVID in 2019-2020, in the US, by January 2022.

      So, exactly how dangerous is COVID-19? Who the heck knows, at this point?

        Mac45: Most cases of death attributed to COVID-19 infection are the result of a positive test for exposure to the virus.

        Excess mortality figures offer confirmation. The number of reported deaths is likely an undercount.

          Mac45 in reply to Zachriel. | October 2, 2020 at 4:09 pm

          Under-count? How can anyone tell? People are being counted as covid deaths who actually died from heart disease, pulmonary problems, strokes and a host of other causes, and, because they either tested positive for COVID exposure, exhibited a common presumed symptom of COVID or simply because a doctor decided that the NOVEL COVID virus might have been present, they are being classified as at least COVID related. We even have several verified deaths from physical trauma as being COVID related [the most egregious being the man who died from physical trauma suffered in a motorcycle accident].

          Look, COVID likely has a higher mortality rate among certain at-risk groups than seasonal flu. However, the mortality rate for every other disease in the world is based upon the number of deaths from symptomatic cases. I reiterate, we don’t even know, for sure, what the symptoms of COVID are. The “official” symptomolgy keeps changing and expanding. This is all guesswork; speculation. And, on top of all that, we do not know if we have a proven therapeutic treatment for COVID. We do have one for most influenza strains.

          The bottom line is that we still do not have an adequate basis to make any clear estimates of the seriousness of the COVID virus. And, we won’t, until we go through another season, with more accurate data on number of actual cases and the deaths which can be directly attributed to the disease.

          Mac45: Under-count? How can anyone tell?

          From excess deaths, as we noted.

          Mac45: However, the mortality rate for every other disease in the world is based upon the number of deaths from symptomatic cases.

          That is incorrect. For instance, people are rarely tested for influenza unless they are sick enough to seek medical care. Hence the case rate and the infection rate are quite different. The mortality rate for influenza is typically 0.1% or so, based on estimates of number of infections.

          Mac45 in reply to Zachriel. | October 2, 2020 at 7:07 pm


          Excess deaths do not prove that any given agent is the dominate factor. It is a guess.

          Now, the flu is interesting. Again, we have a guesstimate as to how many actual flu infections actually occur in any given year. The usual breakdown for seasonal flu is, death, hospitalization, medical treatment and symptomatic/no treatment. Death and hospitalizations are relatively easy to confirm, as there is usually some pathology indicating that an influenza infection actually exists. Medical treatment is less reliable because the diagnosis is usually restricted to observed symptoms, without a confirming test to identify the infecting agent. And, then symptomatic/no treatment is simply a guess.

          See how this works? While pure science is designed to create viable theories to explain observe data. But, it is also currently used to produce data to confirm a previously proposed theory. The trick is to figure out which is which and whether the conclusion is accurate..

          Mac45: Excess deaths do not prove that any given agent is the dominate factor.

          Science doesn’t deal in proof of mathematical certainty.

          Mac45: It is a guess.

          No. It is supporting science evidence.

          We see hospitals filling up with people who show the symptoms of COVID-19 and who test positive for the coronavirus. Perhaps some of the associated deaths were due to other causes in people who just happened to have the infection, leading to an overcount. Perhaps some people die at home who were never diagnosed, leading to an undercount.

          So we consider an experiment. We look at excess deaths. The hypothesis is that there will be excess deaths on the order of those counted as having died from COVID-19. And that is what we observe.

          Now, does this prove our hypothesis? No. But it is supporting evidence. Two independent lines of evidence pointing to the same conclusion is certainly stronger support than saying “Is not.”

        cktheman in reply to Mac45. | October 2, 2020 at 4:59 pm

        I agree with most everything you wrote, but this is not accurate- “Never in the history of communicable diseases have we seen a 75% asymptomatic infection rate”.

        There are many, many viral infections that are asymptomatic in >90% of infections (due to more than one factor). The list includes a number of serious bad boys like Polio, Yellow Fever, Equine Encephalitis variants, etc…

        Covid might be one of them, I don’t know, but your 100% correct to not trust the numbers reported by the CDC and other sources.

          Mac45 in reply to cktheman. | October 2, 2020 at 6:47 pm

          Actually, Yellow fever is ESTIMATED to produce asymptomatic cases in 55% of those infected. The kicker, is that there is no physical test data which confirms this. It is all done through statistical “studies”, of which there are over a dozen. The problem with these results is that they constitute only a theory, as no empirical data exists to support it. In other words it is simply a guess.

          Mac45: The problem with these results is that they constitute only a theory, as no empirical data exists to support it.

          On what do you think the statistics are based? They’re an analysis of empirical data.

At his age recovery is 94.5%, he will come out like a lion that’s been caged


    LibraryGryffon in reply to gonzotx. | October 2, 2020 at 12:17 pm

    I’d expect his odds of recovery to be much higher than that since he is obviously in much better physical condition than most people his age, and even many much younger.

Neither the President nor the First Lady are in the high risk category. They remained active until an infection was detected, and will now follow reasonable precaution and isolate themselves, for their protection and others. They will receive an early, low risk treatment (e.g. HCQ+, Ivermectin), and will, as in most cases, return to public life in short order. That said, infection may not be preventable (neither early treatment nor vaccine), but disease progression can be mitigated with several effective, low risk Planned Pathogen protocols.

    n.n: Neither the President nor the First Lady are in the high risk category. They remained active until an infection was detected

    The mortality rate for someone in their 70s is several percent. The president is also significantly overweight and has a problem with his cholesterol.

      The excess deaths in NYC’s senior care facilities really skewed the statistics. His cardiopulmonary state is above average, and he doesn’t have other comorbidities and contributory conditions (e.g. incontinence).

      Cholesterol? He should make good use of it, take his lady’s hand, go together on a vacation to a warm, sunny climate, and convert it to Vitamin D. That said, on the ship, with close proximity, sustained contact, a virtually closed environment, and a senior population, the mortality rate was comparable to observation in other circumstances. Aside from Planned Parent, the risk has been observed to be correlated with the comorbidities common with age, and delayed, late treatment to mitigate disease progression.

        n.n: His cardiopulmonary state is above average, and he doesn’t have other comorbidities and contributory conditions (e.g. incontinence).

        We understand Trump also has excellent health insurance, unlike many of his fellow Americans.

        In any case, per the medical community, Trump is in a high-risk category due to his age and obesity; but most in his situation still recover.

Old and cold: Trump getting the Wuflu is payback for his killing 200 hundred thousand million billion trillion people.

New and bold: Trump is faking getting ill.