New Analysis Suggests Six Colleges in Massachusetts Will ‘Perish’
“Galloway used multiple data sources, including the U.S. Department of Education, US News & World Report and’s Student Life Scores.”

This is just the beginning. New England is a hub of higher education. If this happens in Massachusetts, you better believe it’ll happen in other parts of the country.
Mass Live reports:
Clark University, Mount Holyoke College, UMass Boston and Dartmouth are most likely to ‘perish,’ according to new analysis
Colleges and universities have a lot to think about as they sprint toward a fall semester that, for many, begins just a few short weeks from now. Revenue is expected to be down, it’s unclear how many students will be coming back to campus (and pay for room and board), and many colleges were struggling financially long before the economic headwinds of the coronavirus pandemic.
Experts have predicted the closing of 10% to 20% of colleges, but a new analysis of higher education institutions goes a step further: It names names — and 24 Massachusetts colleges are on the list of those schools expected to “perish, struggle, survive or thrive.”
Scott Galloway, a New York University marketing professor, is an outspoken critic of how higher education collectively has handled back-to-campus plans. In a blog post, he built a quadrant-style breakdown of 437 U.S. colleges and universities, detailing schools’ value compared with their tuition and which ones are more or less vulnerable to Covid-19.
Galloway used multiple data sources, including the U.S. Department of Education, US News & World Report and’s Student Life Scores. The dataset is not peer-reviewed, and Galloway calls it a working document. Some of the local universities on his ranking, as you might expect, took issue with his “snappy graphics,” saying they’re already adjusting to the new normal, and suggested his methodology doesn’t include the details that have helped their campuses stand the test of time and tribulation…
Galloway’s dataset includes six Massachusetts colleges labeled as likely to “perish,” in the current operating environment:
– Clark University
– Mount Holyoke College
– Simmons University
– University of Massachusetts, Boston
– University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
– Brandeis University

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This wouldn’t be a problem if universities stopped being stupid and realized their students are not at meaningful risk of contracting or spreading covid-19.
I’m fine with all of them going down the tube–the fewer centers of indoctrination we have, the better
Dartmouth AND Mt. Holyoke? Wow. those have lots of big money alums and old money support. If they go, So will many many others.
Also, I agree with rochf.
Remember many of their alums are disgusted by the Communists run pod people producing universities, and are not contributing a penny to them.
I think you’re confusing the Ivy League Dartmouth, in New Hampshire, with the U. of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, which is the school involved here.
Yes the initial wording is confusing though cleared up later. I was thinking, “Dartmouth in trouble?!? Aren’t they in NH anyway?”
The big schools will be fine, but the mid-sized state schools are ripe for consolidation, especially in areas where two or more universities are near each other.
You could also see back-end centralization, where schools remain as a brand, but management functions like HR, IT, and even admissions could be centralized among a set of schools.
But ultimately, the leftward march of these institutions will continue. There’s just nothing stopping it.
It ends when they run out of other people’s, and that is coming very quickly.
At this point, are any of these schools anything more than idiot leftist circle-jerk echo chambers? If not, they can go right ahead and perish.