Harvard Prof Who Allegedly Lied About Ties to Lab in China, Indicted by Federal Grand Jury
“was arrested in January on allegations that he hid his involvement in China’s Thousand Talents Plan”

This professor was the chair of the chemistry department at Harvard. The lab in China was allegedly paying him $50,000 per month.
FOX News reports:
Harvard professor indicted after allegedly lying about ties to Wuhan university, recruitment plan
A Harvard University professor was indicted by a federal grand jury Tuesday on charges that he lied to U.S. officials about his ties to a Chinese-run program aimed at furthering the communist superpower’s scientific and technological development.
Dr. Charles Lieber, 61, who chaired of the department of chemistry and chemical biology, was arrested in January on allegations that he hid his involvement in China’s Thousand Talents Plan, a program designed to recruit people with knowledge of foreign technology and intellectual property to China.
“He is the victim in this case, not the perpetrator,” Lieber’s lawyer, Marc Mukasey, told The Associated Press after authorities announced Lieber’s indictment on charges of making false statements.
“But he’s also a fighter — he always has been — so we’re not taking this lying down,” Mukasey said. “We’re fighting back. And when justice is done, Charlie’s good name will be restored and the scientific community again will be able to benefit from his intellect and passion.”
Authorities say Lieber was paid $50,000 a month by the Wuhan University of Technology in China under his Thousand Talents Program contract and awarded more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at the Chinese university.
In exchange, prosecutors say, Lieber agreed to apply for patents and do other work on behalf of the Chinese university.

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$50k a month. Nice! A few questions come to mind.
1. For how many months?
2. Did he report it to the IRS?
3. How much of that is the lying shyster raking off?
Wow. If so, it sounds like the Chinese thought they were buying rather a lot.
On the other hand,
Authorities say Lieber lied
If these “authorities” are anything like the FBI, this could all be rubbish.
Will he be charged with spying for the Chinese or just lying to the FBI?
Hang the SOB.