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U. Florida Rescinds Admission for Student Over Years-Old Racist Comments on Social Media

U. Florida Rescinds Admission for Student Over Years-Old Racist Comments on Social Media

“prospective student who posted racist comments in social media will not be joining the University of Florida community this fall”

The craziest aspect of this story is that the effort to cancel this young woman appears to be led by an 18 year-old Disney star.

The College Fix reports:

University of Florida rescinds admission to student for old ‘racist’ posts; she’s getting death threats

Liberty Woodley had the misfortune to be a 16-year-old after the creation of Instagram.

She’s now lost her spot at the University of Florida thanks to a rich, privileged actress who has made it her mission to shame colleges into rescinding admission offers for students whose social media have offended her.

Skai Jackson dug up her nearly two-year-old posts and made a spectacle out of Woodley (above), leading the taxpayer-funded institution to publicly rescind Woodley’s acceptance offer without explicitly naming her.

The 18-year-old Disney star posted images of Woodley’s Instagram and Twitter profiles and her high school’s post that she had received a merit-based Florida Academic Scholarship. Woodley had confessed as a 16-year-old on Instagram that “i really try so hard not to be a racist person, but i most definitely am … & it gets the best of me sometimes.” She complained that two black girls sitting behind her “won’t shut the fuck up” and “i want to punch them,” and said they were “most definitely crackwhores.”

The University of Florida said Monday night that a “prospective student who posted racist comments in social media will not be joining the University of Florida community this fall.” WCJB reported that the student UF mentioned was Woodley, though the school refused to confirm it.

Woodley’s family told The Gainesville Sun before UF rescinded her acceptance that she was getting death threats and “hate-filled messages.”

The family knew about her offensive social media posts back in January and “marched her to the principal’s office,” said her father Tom, who teaches and coaches baseball at her high school. “We are not racist people. That is not the case and that’s how it’s being portrayed.”


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If the loud girls were white crackwhores, would Woodley have been disciplined for mentioning them?

healthguyfsu | June 11, 2020 at 10:20 pm

Any grounds for lawsuit against little miss thang of the Disney channel?

Gremlin1974 | June 12, 2020 at 8:06 am

Sounds like the DOE needs to get involved and pull funds from this government funded institution for violating this young ladies first amendment rights.

    Gremlin1974 in reply to Gremlin1974. | June 12, 2020 at 8:07 am

    A public figure who obviously has a grudge against a private citizen and who uses their fame, status, and money to defame that private citizen? Please tell me she has grounds to sue.