Students at Mizzou Renew Calls for Removal of Thomas Jefferson Statue
“We’re not enslaved anymore, but then you have to see someone who enslaved your ancestors, and it’s kind of like you’re kicking a horse when it’s down”

Higher education deserves the apocalypse coming to it in the near future.
The College Fix reports:
Mizzou students once again want statue of Thomas Jefferson removed
In an example of what could be the next phase of the current Black Lives Matter protests sweeping the country, students at the University of Missouri are — once again — calling for the removal of a Thomas Jefferson statue.
Mizzou sophomore Roman Leapheart told KOMU he began a petition because he “just had something that was bothering” him.
“We’re not enslaved anymore, but then you have to see someone who enslaved your ancestors, and it’s kind of like you’re kicking a horse when it’s down,” Leapheart said.
Mizzou students tried to get the Jefferson statue taken down five years ago during the racial upheaval which had wracked the campus. They said the statue is “offensive, oppressive, and celebrates a ‘racist rapist.’” When a group of conservative students had defended the statue, they were dubbed “literally the epitome of privilege” and were accused of “celebrat[ing] a predatory slave owner.”
The new petition states “Mizzou has no room for a racist slave owner on our campus, in the Quad, where thousands of black students pass by everyday.”
Interestingly, Leapheart must have slept through a few history classes because he refers to the TJ statue as a “Confederate monument.”

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Faux outrage on steroids.
This will only stop if it is stopped.
George Washington also owned slaves. The next goal of the “woke” elitists will be to change the names of everything that’s named after Washington: The state, the District, etc.
Since Jefferson was slightly involved in writing the US Constitution, will they insist we do away with that next? Wait – let’s not give them ideas …
As a Missouri voter, I’d say its time for more budget cuts at the University of Missouri. No point in subsidizing a university that doens’t educate its students any better than this. No point at all.
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