Some Students May be Welcomed Back to Campus by Virus Testing Robots
“to facilitate on-campus testing of students, instructors, and staff”

Welcome to the future. I’m so glad I went to college in the 80s.
Campus Reform reports:
Students to be welcomed back to campus by virus testing ROBOTS, teachers behind glass
A number of unique solutions have cropped up as colleges create measures by which to safely re-open their campuses while preventing further spread of the coronavirus.
Preliminary steps for many schools include the establishment of teams tasked with evaluating how best to bring students back to campus, such as Amherst College, which announced the creation of “a student task force that will help us consider our options and come up with creative solutions to whatever challenges we face.”
Schools are still in the process of assembling plans for the fall semester, as colleges face a variety of challenges which include accommodating classes and academic affairs, adjusting residential and student life activities, and addressing the possibility of the virus manifesting itself on campus…
As for fall planning, Boston University intends to utilize “specialized robots” to facilitate on-campus testing of students, instructors, and staff, and “students with roommates in high-density dorms might be tested more regularly.”
Instead of offering antibody and antigen testing that the public has become familiar with, the university will opt for the RT-PCR test, which is “a test that detects the genetic material of the virus,” according to BU professor of biomedical engineering Catherine Klapperich. “The test can take small amounts of that viral genome and amplify it until a lot of it is present in the test well. The test well will light up if it’s there,” explains Klapperich.

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