You could not have a more clear statement of the Democratic Party philosphy of government supremacy.
It’s a theme which resonates with liberal Democrats, but will it resonate with the remaining Blue Dog style Democrats and unaffiliated voters?
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Or, as rendered in the original Italian…
“Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato.”
Count. Me. OUT.
The only charter that makes any of this legitimate says just the opposite. WE delegate rights…on approval…to government to empower it to do CERTAIN things. Not vise versa.
Ronald rises to disagree with that:
this should appear in almost every commercial that the Republicans run
From time to time, there’s a news story about a minor suing to be declared an adult and, thereby, be removed from parental control.
On Nov. 6, I think there a considerable number of people who will take a step, one of many required, to revoking the “nanny state” conditions that exist at many levels of our government.
As I said before, if the Republicans are the “Party of 1812”, then the Democrats are the Party of 1984… George Orwell’s 1984.
And let us respond with Clint Eastwood’s words:
“We own this country. […] Politicians are employees of OURS“
the Democrats are an extremely disturbed group of people.
That sure sounds like a “You didn’t make it” moment to me. If the GOP cannot exploit that little double entendre, they are feckless.
That sure sounds like a “You didn’t make it” moment to me. If the GOP cannot exploit that little double entendre, they are feckless.
I agree with this one.
That sure sounds like a “You didn’t make it” moment to me. If the GOP cannot exploit that little double entendre, they are feckless.
So much better this time! But, ask yourself this question, are you better off for having said this three times! Well, Fellow, are you? 🙂
./sarc off
Given that a major party puts in their mission statement (platform) that you can kill a a baby up to the time of birth ; it is a small step to the state has the authority to choose how and when you shall die. I shy away from Nazi referances but thats what this is folks. And then they feel free to express it multiple times in open Convention?
“Government is the only thing we all belong to:” more collectivist BS thrown at the wall in hopes that it will stick.
I don’t belong to you, government. And, you are tea tax away from being thrown overboard.
You know… For the first time I am REALLY concerned about the pivotal outcome of a presidential election. In times past you simply accepted the fact that the opposition might be in control for four years but there WOULD BE a “next time.”
Now, I’m not so sure. The democrat platform is beyond radical bordering on the absurd. They seem to have no sense of what the American public feels OR desires. They ARE the ones that are out of touch. They certainly have no shame.
The fiscal problems that face this nation will NEVER be solved by a community organizer. If regime change is not affected this go around, there might not be a “next time” opportunity where a cure can be applied.
Once we fall into the abyss, we will be the same as Greece but a lot larger and with a lot more misery.
Most of you who read this blog are lot younger than I am and my cry to you is that I’m glad that I am not one day younger than I am.
Folks, the fan is running and the doo-doo catapult is locked, loaded and ready…
You know… For the first time I am REALLY concerned about the pivotal outcome of a presidential election. In times past you simply accepted the fact that the opposition might be in control for four years but there WOULD BE a “next time.”
Now, I’m not so sure. The democrat platform is beyond radical bordering on the absurd. They seem to have no sense of what the American public feels OR desires. They ARE the ones that are out of touch. They certainly have no shame.
The fiscal problems that face this nation will NEVER be solved by a community organizer. If regime change is not affected this go around, there might not be a “next time” opportunity where a cure can be applied.
Once we fall into the abyss, we will be the same as Greece but a lot larger and with a lot more misery.
Most of you who read this blog are lot younger than I am and my cry to you is that I’m glad that I am not one day younger than I am.
Folks, the fan is running and the doo-doo catapult is locked, loaded and ready…
Equally of concern to me is the line before the “Government is the only thing we all belong to.” [n.b., Speaker/writer did not pass English grammar.]
Prior to that line, the narrator says (emphasis in original) “We DO believe you can use government in a good way.” The problem is that they are like little creators–any government they create for any use at all is deemed “good”.
“All your government is belong to us.”
For the Fatherland and the Fuhrer.
Heil Hitler.
It most certainly sounds like the Democrats believe the government OWNS us!! We are not sovereign citizens; we are not even subjects; we are PROPERTY!?! This is HUGE, people, IMHO!!!
This should go VIRAL, just as Obama’s “you didn’t build that!” slip did.
Even more so, this should, because it reveals how the Democrat Party views individuals, views CITIZENS – we are PROPERTY, EVERYTHING we earn, that we possess, BELONGS to government, in their minds!!
What a “tell” – a peek behind the curtain, to see the MONSTER they’ve been hiding with all the Styrofoam columns, pretty bling, and lofty rhetoric. Very revealing, indeed.
I heard this first on Mark Levin’s radio show last night. Shocking beyond belief!
The RNC, Romney (or his PACs) – AND all the Senate and House election races – need to create a commercial!
One way to USE THIS very revealing “tell”: play this clip, then move/cut to Eastwood and his “…we own this country…” lines at the RNC, then POUND that contrast home with a question: “Do you believe we ‘belong’ to our government?” Or “Do YOU ‘belong’ to our government?” or even, “Do YOUR CHILDREN ‘belong’ to our government?”
This COULD BE the end, if used correctly. Between “we didn’t build that” and now this, not to mention the REAL ISSUE screaming to most of us – the horrible US economy! – this could END Obama’s and the Democrats’ hopes of ANY win in November!
Let’s roll. 😉
The motto of my ancestral homestate is: “Live Free or Die!”
Very true words and most apt for this coming federal election!
I apologize for the double posting above but something went haywire including two “time outs.”
Love this blog!
Me too.
The motto of my ancestral homestate is: “Live Free or Die!”
Very true words and most apt for this coming federal election!
I was a democrat since I could vote, not anymore.
This is the freak show they’ve turned into. A completely freak show with true hatred for what makes this country great. Not the govt, but the people and for the freedom for people to pursue their dreams, etc.
the Obama democrat party ==> freak show.
Prof: Your new fancy server s hanging up on comment submissions! That’s the reason for the repeats on this posting! Cheers and that’s the price of sudden fame!!!!!! 😉
“Government Is The Only Thing We All Belong To” ?
“All your freedoms are belong to us”
[…] Beers with Demo and Professor Jacobson/Legal Insurrection: “The Government is the only thing we all belong […]
This video reminds me of the creepy movies Hitler-sympathizer Walt Disney produced about “Tomorrowland” for Disney World. You sit in a moving “theater-in-the-round” and watch before your very eyes how much “Progressive” Disney and your “Community” have done and will continue to do for you and your perfectly ordered family in “Tomorrowland.”
Obama’s campaign is furiously disavowing this video, which was shown at their very own national convention.
In walking this back so quickly, the video becomes a perfect microcosm of the basic dishonesty of the Obama presidency: C’mon Obama, man up!
If you believe something (like “we all belong to the government”), say so. If you said something (like “you didn’t build that!”), don’t walk it back after voters react in horror. Lead with what you believe. I’d give a lot for an honest few moments from the president.
Besides the obvious gaffe of saying we BELONG TO government, there is the comparison to different churches or clubs. Those separate us, he says, but we are “together” as a city and state. But we aren’t even “together” in the parties, let alone as a whole state. Limited government is a necessary evil, best when it governs least.
The kind of togetherness he refers to is attained by free will choice … freedom to assemble, to speak, to believe … with those that are like us, and to succeed as we will. That happens in churches, clubs and political groups. The idea of federalism is to decentralize as much as possible, so the needs of small areas are attended to best, and not always subordinated to the DC Nanny.
We are together as families, neighbors, small companies, churches, etc. Government is not our church or family. It is there to provide common defense, a set of laws, and I guess to build some infrastructure. This is all done to accommodate individual freedom and liberty.
Forced “diversity” is a destructive counterfeit of equal rights for all races, colors and creeds. Redistribution of success is stepping beyond the bounds of government, into fascism.
Or … as donb above noted, Reagan said “We are a nation that has a government–not the other way around.”
Oh the humanity! It must be an exclusive club.
This one almost makes as angry as the “You didn’t build that” meme. I belong to no one, especially not the government.
Government ownership of people. What an idea. Ought to go over big in the hood.
Could Billy Dyszel remake “Baby It’s Cold Outside” with a government bureaucrat singing Dean Martin’s part and Sandra Fluke singing Doris Day’s lyrics?
“Baby, it’s bad out there …”
Time for a new video response needed:
The government belongs to US!
We do not live our lives by the consent of government, the government only exists by the consent of the governed.
“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” Declaration of Independence
If a government is instituted by men (people), then it follows that the government does not own anyone but belongs to the people who created it. The creation does not own the creator. And now you understand why Democrats removed ALL references of “God” from their party platform. Any power not derived from the consent of the governed via the legislature, the people’s elected representatives is an act of tyranny.
“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms (of government) those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny”
Thomas Jefferson
It matters not that a legislature enacts laws by claiming they were elected, representation is a present continuing act, not a blind act of delegation of some single point of time in the past based upon some popularity contest with meaningless platitudes, false promises or deceitful intent. Anyone who reads the Declaration of Independence knows this simple but unwritten truth that a just government only exists at the leisure of its people with a remedy given to correct error. On November 6, 2012 we intend to correct this error.