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Flagler College Puts Fake Floating Alligator Head in Pool to Keep Away Ducks

Flagler College Puts Fake Floating Alligator Head in Pool to Keep Away Ducks

“If this works, it may be the most Florida solution to a problem we have ever seen.”

This is no different than putting one of those fake owls on your roof to keep away pigeons and squirrels.

JAX News reports:

Flagler College adds ‘gator’ to head off duck problem

Florida problems call for Florida solutions…

Flagler College, a private liberal arts college in St. Augustine, believes it may have a solution to its pesky duck problem around the student pool area: a faux disembodied alligator head.

The college maintenance staff sent an email on Tuesday morning explaining why students may see something eye-catching in the pool area after ducks keep inviting themselves in to take a dip.

The email reads:

“We have two ducks that have found our pool very inviting. Ducks make a mess of the water and pool area so we are testing different methods to make our pool less inviting. We have an owl decoy as a bird of prey sitting on the edge of the pool. The ducks seem to have adopted him so we now have a floating alligator head. Hopefully this will make them nervous and motivate them to find another home. Please keep the alligator head in the pool so we can see if it is effective. Thank you for your cooperation.”

If this works, it may be the most Florida solution to a problem we have ever seen.

They are hoping this will navi-gator the waterbirds in a new direction.

See a picture below:


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I have an over and under that would solve the problem in about two shots, err, seconds. pull!

Remember, this how The Sopranos started. 😉

That looks like a fake crocodile to me.

Florida does have crocs as well as gators, but they’re ‘way south. The ducks probably don’t know that.

If the fake one doesn’t work, they might have to try a real one. Possibly a hungry one.

I R A Darth Aggie | March 2, 2020 at 1:46 pm

Florida Man would have put a live gator in the pool. This is a fake Florida Man story.

Photo of a duck standing on the alligator head in 3… 2… 1…

This will fool them for sure. I’m certain there won’t be a single fake duck anywhere in that pool.

“It won’t make any difference” … Newt to Ripley …

surfcitylawyer | March 3, 2020 at 12:14 pm

Gator available on Amazon for $23.
I currently use ropes to limit the space available for ducks to land in my pool. I wonder if this would work in California.