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Jewish Member of Harvard Club Claims Prof Assaulted Her at Pro-Palestinian Lecture

Jewish Member of Harvard Club Claims Prof Assaulted Her at Pro-Palestinian Lecture

“called her a whore in Arabic and grabbed her by the arm, bruising it as he tried to take the microphone, according to court papers”

She has since filed a lawsuit. Good for her.

The New York Post reports:

Jewish Harvard Club member assaulted during pro-Palestinian lecture, lawsuit says

A Jewish member of the Harvard Club claims she was assaulted by a professor during a pro-Palestinian lecture at the swanky venue — and then was booted by the Ivy League institution.

Vanesa Levine is suing to get reinstated to the prestigious Midtown club, whose notable present and past members include Michael Bloomberg, John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Levine, 28, a marketing manager in Brooklyn, said she was a newly minted member of the 154-year old club when she and her mom attended a February 2019 lecture called, “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine” by Rashid Khalidi, a former press officer for the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

She said she “peacefully” asked during a question-and-answer session how Mideast peace could be achieved if Palestinians are taught “to support terrorism against Jews and Israelis.”

The audience erupted in “mob-like” fury at her query, according to the lawsuit.

Harvard finance professor Faris Mousa Saah, 53, called her a whore in Arabic and grabbed her by the arm, bruising it as he tried to take the microphone, according to court papers.

“I’ve been to hell and back ever since the Harvard Club incident,” Levine told The Post.


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SeekingRationalThought | February 10, 2020 at 4:42 pm

Its about what one would expect from Harvard.

This is just the type of thing (Muslim men attempting to physically intimidate Jewish women) that Samantha Mandeles spoke about last evening at the Legal Insurrection event here in L.A.

I’m confused as to why ANY Jewish woman would sue to get back into a club that appears to side with Moslems? Harvard seems to be working overtime to destroy it’s own reputation and credibility.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Pete. | February 11, 2020 at 9:35 am

    Because there are some who insist on pushing their way in to places where they just aren’t wanted or desired. I don’t understand it either.