Rush Limbaugh Announces He has Advanced Lung Cancer
Limbaugh said “there will be days he won’t be able to be there due to treatment.”

The Hill’s Joe Concha tweeted that Rush Limbaugh announced of his radio show that he has advanced lung cancer.
Here's the audio of Rush Limbaugh announcing on his show that he has lung cancer.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) February 3, 2020
Rush Limbaugh just announced on his radio program he has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. Says there will be days he won't be able to be there due to treatment…
— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) February 3, 2020
"Every day I'm not here, I'll be missing you and thinking about you," Limbaugh said as he signed off. He also said he hopes to be back on Thursday.
— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) February 3, 2020
Ryan Saavedra has Limbaugh’s full remarks:
“Ladies and gentleman, this day has been one of the most difficult days in recent memory for me because I’ve known this moment was coming in the program today,” Limbaugh began. “I’m sure you all know by now, I really don’t like talking about myself and I don’t like making things about me other than in the usual satirical joking way.”
“I like this program to be about you and things that matter to all of us,” Limbaugh continued. “The one thing that I know that has happened over the 31 plus years of this program is that there has been an incredible bond that has developed between all of you and me.”
“So I have to tell you something today that I wish I didn’t have to tell you,” Limbaugh continued. “And it’s, it’s a struggle for me because I had to inform my staff earlier today.”
“I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer,” Limbaugh said.

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I lost both of my parents to lung cancer. Like Rush, they had “formerly nicotine stained fingers.”
If you smoke, quit now.
Prayers to Rush and his family, they’re in for a rough ride.
Rush is going to soon find out that treatment is brutal, and he will miss more days than he now thinks.
It’s shocking. He is a great national treasure, and important in the battle to save our way of life.
I was worried that he continued smoking cigars. People think they don’t inhale or cigars can’t hurt them.
This really hits home too me. I was diagnosed Stage 4, non-small cell lung cancer 11/17. I never smoked.
R.L., very sorry to hear this. I’ll say a prayer for you.
Someone in my family was diagnosed the same and never smoked.
Thoughts and prayers your way.
Second hand smoke also causes lung cancer.
No, it doesn’t. It’s been studied to death, and if the evidence existed it would have been found by now. The EPA wouldn’t have had to lie in the ’90s, when it announced that it had finally found the evidence, and was then forced by a court to withdraw the announcement because it was provably false.
Lung cancer existed before there was smoking, and it will continue to exist even if smoking completely disappears. The vast majority of cases are caused by smoking, but a significant minority are caused by the same unknown factors (including pure chance) that cause many other cancers.
This is why even when a chain smoker gets it, it’s impossible to be completely sure of the cause; he could be one of the lucky ones who are unharmed by smoking, but at the same time one of the unlucky ones who get lung cancer anyway.
“Second hand smoke” came about as an issue through a phone survey. Squamous cell lung cancer is related to smoking. Adenocarcinoma is not as well linked. There is also small cell lung cancer (the above are termed non-small cell lung cancer).
Those that say second hand smoke is more dangerous are incorrect. So… we do not know what type although best shot is squamous.
While I was a VP in a fairly large company I was tasked with evaluating cost of smoking. This came about because of escalating medical insurance costs.
1) Smokers are less productive.
2) With our self funded medical insurance, smokers and their families represented much higher medical costs than non smoking families.
3) There were considerable housekeeping costs associated smoking.
We banned smoking in our buildings (this was about 30 years ago), and we offered smoking employees help to quit smoking. We also gave preference to non smokers in hiring.
The bottom line is that smokers lower profits, in our case that thanslated to at least half a million a year in a division of about 400 people.
second hand is more of an allergy issue than carcinogen issue.
Prayers to you Redneck Law.
Some strange coincidences today. I was listening to Rush on the radio coming home from an appointment and there was an ad about cancer screening for lung cancer.
The ad said something like 60% of lung cancer was to people who had never smoked.
I lost a lobe to lung cancer three years ago and have been cancer free since thankfully.
Then when I got home I clicked onto a link to listen to Rush as he’s been gone more than normal so I heard him tell everyone about his cancer diagnosis. Surprised he told it without his voice cracking. He is truly one of the greatest at his craft.
Praying for Rush to heal from this nasty disease.
Nobody deserves cancer. In my case just from living in Japan, trying to live healthily, riding my bike to work, I nearly died. The bike riding thing lasted like three days. The big rigs and buses were belching their exhaust constantly into my face. To the point where I was hacking up my lungs in a bloody froth*.
Sorry if that’s TMI. The air in Japan was at least well into the 90s filthy.
*It wasn’t ever bloody. But it was and is still a wet cough. Some mornings you’d see me go into a coughing fit and you would swear I smoked four packs a day. Nope. I never smoked cigarettes. I have smoked the occasional cigar. Probably fewer than 20 in my 57 years.
I will you include you in my prayers, Redneck Law.
I saw a picture of him from a few days ago. He didn’t look right.
Poor guy. Treatment is a tough road. However, I’m sure he has access to the best health care money can buy.
All we can do is to wish him the best. Also, if you smoke (anything), stop. Now. Even though lung cancer can happen to anyone – even with no known risk factors.
On Gateway Pundit they have video, and when I first looked at him, I thought the same thing.
I thought I had seen a recent photo of him a month or so ago, but I guess not.
Yes. It can happen to anyone, and it doesn’t have to happen to smokers, but it’s much much more likely to happen to smokers.
Your Mileage May Vary.
Basically, your chances of getting cancer goes up a lot if you smoke a pack or more per day. I was amused by the them trying to tell me there is no level of smoking that is safe.
Roger that. There is also no level of life that is safe. It all kills you in the end.
Actually my understanding is that there is a safe level of smoking, which is approximately one cigarette per day.
Doctors won’t admit to that, officially. Off the record the docs tell me that if my smoking is limited to one cigar once or twice a year with a glass of brandy (which it is) enjoy it. It seems they are professionally obligated to condemn the practice.
“Since the beginning of organized society, there has been a military establishment. Today, our sophisticated multi-service military observes many customs, traditions, and procedures traceable to the earliest of warriors. The dining-in as a military tradition has its roots in the shadow of antiquity. The pre-Christ Roman Legions probably began the dining-in tradition. Roman military commanders frequently held great banquets to honor individuals and units. These gatherings were victory celebrations during which past feats were remembered and the booty of recent conquests was paraded. The second century Viking War Lords stylized the format of the victory feast. “These celebrations saw all clan members present with the exception of the lookout, or watch. Feats of strength and skill were performed to entertain the members and guests. The leader took his place at the head of the board, with all others to his right and left in descending order of rank…”
Yes. The pain is really quite intense now. I’m only keeping up the talk because it keeps my mind off of it. I have a number of mind tricks I can use dating back to the Vietnam war.
But yes, your Navy is keeping alive the traditions of the Vikings. And really would you want it any other way?
The treatment wreaks havoc with one’s skin, so he’ll age significantly in appearance.
So long as he comes out of it alive, he and we will all be the better for it.
I am not looking forward to the way our friends on the Left will react to this.
How true. They already wish physical harm on “non-believes” so this is expected. The “advanced” part is the jolt. Despite major strides lung cancer will still a very tough opponent.
Part of the diagnostic tools we have now is “low dose CT” to allow any smoker an option to plug into a monitoring program.
No need to look forward to it, it’s already going on.
They are human filth.
The Left is only being who they are. For thirty years they have had no answer for Rush’s success.
We expect nothing of them in the way of genuine compassion, class or reverence for life. Unless you play basketball.
Time when that was the norm is long past. I used to feel sorry for the dems when something like that happened, but no more.
Remember Wellstone’s funeral and how the dems turned it into a political rally?
The touching recollections are followed by sharply political speeches urging Wellstone’s supporters to channel their grief into electoral victory. The crowd repeatedly stands, stomps, and whoops. The roars escalate each time Walter Mondale, the former vice president who will replace Wellstone on the ballot, appears on the giant screens suspended above the stage. “Fritz! Fritz!” the assembly chants.
“Politics is not about winning for the sake of winning,” Wellstone declares in a videotaped speech shown on the overhead screens. “Politics is about improving people’s lives.” But as the evening’s speakers proceed, it becomes clear that to them, honoring Wellstone’s legacy is all about winning the election. Repeating the words of Wellstone’s son, the assembly shouts, “We will win! We will win!” Rick Kahn, a friend of Wellstone’s, urges everyone to “set aside the partisan bickering,” but in the next breath he challenges several Republican senators in attendance to “honor your friend” by helping to “win this election for Paul Wellstone.”
Is there such a thing as lung transplantation? Would that be of any benefit?
He did not say if it had metastasized.
Close the Fed:
As I’ve been dealing with lung cancer for 2 years, there are some subtle clues. When a cancer is reported as ‘advanced’, it’s surely Stage 3 or 4, having metastasized to other areas. In my case, I had chased a strange back pain for 3 months when an MRI showed a metastasis in my L-4 causing a ‘non-traumatic fracture.’ A couple weeks later I was hospitalized with ‘difficult breathing’ just like Limbaugh. I’m on a third generation targeted therapy since then.
God be with you. I have family risk and celebrate every time I get an ache or pain validated to NOT be cancer.
I look at people like Rush and hope that if I can love what I do as much as he does, I’ll charge death with a double leg takedown for having not wasted what God has bestowed.
Yes, there is such a thing as lung transplantation. I had a double lung transplant.
Generally, you can’t have cancer when you’re listed. At least, not this type. Because you have to be sick enough to need a transplant, but strong enough to survive it, and the whole cancer treatment thing is going to hurt there. Also, you don’t want the cancer to have gone somewhere else and then come back in the new lungs.
Lung transplantation is hard. You have to be really close to death to even be listed. So, yeah, I don’t think it’s an option here.
Wishing him all the best. Very tough diagnosis.
Rush Limbaugh deserves a lot of the credit for what good has been done in the USA in the last few decades.
“It’s proof again that the good die young, and pricks live forever.”
They have come a long way in treating cancer and everyday brings new treatments. 12 years ago my little sister was diagnosed with stage 3 level 4 ovarian cancer. Most of the past years she has been cancer free and able to travel, ski and ride her beloved horses. A year and a half ago it showed up in her brain – that tumor was successfully treated. However current reality looks like there will be always some cancer showing up somewhere her body. Advances in treatment keep coming though – she is now taking a monthly pill that seems to keep the tumors from growing and has most of them shrinking. Most importantly, she feels fine. She is not a rich person but she is receiving world-class medical care at Stanford. If there is a time and place to have hope with such a devastating diagnosis it is now, here, in the US.
My prayers will be with Rush, along with millions of others. That is important too. God be with him.
the problem with the cancer treatment protocols is that a lot of times they can cause the cancer they are trying to prevent. My sister had breast cancer beat it, came back a second time, and a third time killing her. I vowed that if I had cancer I would want the oncologist to introduce a strep/staph infection to see if that would do any good. doesn’t sound right but a doctor in the thirties did that sometimes it cured the patient.
Breast cancer can lay dormant with just a subset of the cancer being killed off with each episode of recurrence. The cancer may recur years later.
In some cases, activating the immune system allowed retargeting to a cancer.
I’ve been listening to Rush for almost 30 years. I don’t always agree with him, but he’s always worth listening to.
Prayer is a powerful thing.
I suggest we all participate!
I agree. I know someone who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and he has benefited greatly from a combination of standard medical treatment protocols, plus a 4 herb tea combination recommended by a part time minister he just happened to run into by chance at work, and lots of prayers from family and friends.
Prayer definitely helps.
Redneck, sorry to hear about your health. I will say a prayer for you.
He appeared to imply he hasn’t started treatment yet. Is waiting two weeks after diagnosis to start treatment normal for state 3 or 4 cancer?
Yes… depends on therapy. That surgery has not been suggested would make it “inoperable”. Takes time to plan radiation therapy and timing for chemo. Also want to get ancillary support up to speed. A few weeks is nothing.
They’ll move fast, but it isn’t like all the oncologists are sitting around waiting for their phones to ring.
In my case the doctor wanted me to get an oncologist immediately and to let him know if I didn’t have one within two weeks. First one I called didn’t have an opening for a month.
Fortunately at another hospital – St Joe’s in Ypsilanti – they have some outreach folks who will set up appointments for doctors, tests and procedures. And they called me to see if I needed any help.
They were so good it was amazing. I still remember getting the call from Kyla and saying yes immediately.
Was in class and then traveling all day. Found out about this late. A couple of days ago I was speaking with friends and the topic of Rush came up. We all agreed that the was irreplacable. There are many good radio show hosts, but no one who combines his knowledge, sense of humor, and analytical skills. I hope he survives this, but reality is reality.
Chemo/radiation is a year undertaking.
But if anyone can make it through, it’s Rush.
Hang in there Champ.
We’ll be talking with the Lord, the great physician, about you.
Take care, and we hope to hear you again real soon.
I quit cold turkey at 6 PM on November 6, 1993. I had “quit” a dozen times before that, but on 11/6/93 I crushed out my last smoke after 20 years of 1-3 packs a day. For a substitute, I would slowly drink a glass of warm water when I felt the urge, just to give me the sensation of the warm smoke. That helped a great deal. Also, when I found myself reaching for a pack (the one that wasn’t there-that’s a big key), I would recite the fact that “I don’t smoke anymore. I smoked my last cigarette on November 6, 1993, at 6 PM”. By the time I recited this mantra, the desire to light one up diminished enough for me to focus on non-smoking things. I used this technique for several years.
If you want to smoke your last cigarette, I hope this helps and I truly wish you the best of luck and inner strength.
Losing Rush would be like losing family.
I wish him the best.