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U. Florida Students Protest Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

U. Florida Students Protest Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

“Parents should be afraid to send their 18-year-old freshman into a place where there is a one in three chance that they will become a victim of sexual violence.”

Justice Thomas is teaching at the school. The protest is being framed as a #MeToo thing. Do you you think it might have something to do with politics as well?

WCJB News reports:

University of Florida students protest arrival of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

A Supreme Court Justice with previous sexual harassment allegations is here teaching at the University of Florida and some students are protesting his arrival.

We Believe Survivors Founder Sloane Henry said, “Parents should be afraid to send their 18-year-old freshman into a place where there is a one in three chance that they will become a victim of sexual violence.”

We Believe Survivors Founder Sloane Henry is referring to the university’s 2019 sexual assault and misconduct survey which found that 30.1 percent of undergraduate women at u-f have experienced non-consensual sexual contact.

This was a key point made at the protest over the arrival of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

UF Law Student Dalia Figueredo said, “We think that the first step toward changing that culture is creating a culture where survivors know that they will be believed and that their abusers will actually face consequences and that they wont be touted around because they are prestigious and powerful.”


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Survivors should be believed. Pretend survivors should be reviled.

Understanding that both categories exist is too much for “activists” who really just want a club they can use against, well, anyone they happen to feel like clubbing today.

For the record, Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford are pretend survivors.

Unfortunately, frequently “we believe survivors” turns out to be “we believe the liers”.

I can only think of KKK and N–r memes with Thomas picture saying “Lynch the oversexed N–r!!!, high tech if necessary”.

“University of Florida students protest arrival of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas”

Accuse them of racism.

“Oh no, we’re protesting the things he writes and how he thinks”

“That’s a pretext. You hate blacks, especially uppity successful blacks”

Give them a taste of their own medicine.

He’s going to be remembered as one of the great justices in the future.

The future of the practice of law in America looks pretty dim right now, based on all of the craziness coming out of law schools.

Apparently, UF doesn’t teach its law students about the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

Pretty amazing how much mileage leftists always seem to get out of their false accusations. In this case, almost 30 years’ worth.

“Parents should be afraid to send their 18-year-old freshman into a place where there is a one in three chance that they will become a victim of sexual violence.”

Not only “should”. Parents would be afraid to send their children to such a place, and they would do everything they could to prevent their children from going there. Though ultimately, of course, it wouldn’t be their decision, they would certainly not help in any way, which would mean in the vast majority of cases the child would agree not to go.

For that matter, students themselves would be afraid to go to such a place. Thus it would be practically empty.

The University of Florida has 56,000 students. Therefore it is not such a place. QED.

Here are the data from the 2019 survey:

There is a huge amount of detailed data. It would be nice if someone with more expertise and time would provide an analysis.

One thing which stands out is that although UF currently has 52,492 students on campus, there were 6,561 responses to the survey. That might dilute the 30.1% due to selection bias.

Most of the most serious incidents involved perps with a previous relationship with the victim, and situations involving alcohol.

In any case, the results of the sexual revolution have not been good for women.

Antifundamentalist | February 1, 2020 at 10:11 am

Wait, wait….isn’t this racism by the very definitions used by the Left?