Student Govt. at U. Alabama Facing Backlash for Discouraging Disruptions During Trump Visit
“a media firestorm erupted”
Can you imagine how differently this scenario would have played out back when Obama was president?
Campus Reform reports:
UAlabama student gov faces backlash for warning AGAINST ‘disruptive behavior’ during Trump visit
President Donald Trump is expected to attend Saturday’s game between Lousiana State University and the University of Alabama and, ahead of his visit, the UA student government released a statement telling student organizations that if they engage in “disruptive behavior” they will be “removed from block seating instantly for the remainder of the season.”
That message, one source close to the UA student government told Campus Reform, was written with “no political intent.”
In a statement instructing students planning to attend the game to arrive early because of “increased security” due to the president’s visit, UA student government vice president Jason Rothfarb added, “additionally, security will also be in the student section during the game. Any organizations that engage in disruptive behavior during the game will be removed from block seating instantly for the remainder of the season.”
But, following that statement, a media firestorm erupted as multiple media outlets, reporters, and social media users conflated “protests” with “disruptive behavior.”
As a man from Alabama, and someone who served in his high school and college SGA, might I suggest the following:
The Student Government Association at University of Alabama can *checks notes* kiss absolutely all of my ass.
— Clay Phillips (@YuyuBastard) November 6, 2019
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You can protest without being disruptive. Asserting your opinion does not require making sure the people who want to hear the speaker cannot do so.
It now is considered unreasonable to expect the children to behave while the grown ups are talking!
The Student Government Association at University of Alabama can *checks notes* kiss absolutely all of my ass.
— Clay Phillips (@YuyuBastard)
So, this is the new norm in American discourse: kiss my @ss? From the 30 second sound bite to the character limited tweet, to vulgarities how much lower will it go?
Professor Jacobson: Thank you for providing this wonderful blog. Your appearances on Tucker Carlson Tonight are invaluable. You have a timely message for ALL Americans. Your ability to clarify and explain in non-lawyer terms helps clear up confusion.
and I hope the student government follows through if there are disruptions. They were warned.
So, they faced backlash from media…not a surprise.
If the admin had slapped them down, I would have raised an eyebrow.
Safe Guess: Clay Phillips couldn’t find his own a** even with the help of a road map and a GPS unit.