Mueller: Russians Also Tried to Help Hillary
So who did Russia want to win?

Robert Mueller said to the Intelligence Committee that hackers Hillary received a lot of the same behavior from Russian hackers that Trump received:
Asked by Democratic Rep. Jim Himes which candidate Russian hacking was designed to benefit, Mueller answered Trump — but he added “there were instances where Hillary Clinton was subject to much the same behavior.”
Here’s the full exchange:
Himes: “Director, who did the Russian social media campaign ultimately intend to benefit, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?”
Mueller: “Donald Trump.”
Himes: “The second operation —”
Mueller: “Let me say Donald Trump. There were instances where Hillary Clinton was subject to much the same behavior.”
Rep: @jahimes: “Who did the Russian social media campaign ultimately intend to benefit, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?”
Mueller: “Donald Trump. There were instances where Hillary Clinton was subject to much of the same behavior” #MuellerHearings
— Bloomberg Quicktake (@Quicktake) July 24, 2019

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“Per NBC’s tracker, Mueller has deflected or declined to answer a question 155 times so far today”
Forget about whether or not Mueller is in the Trump camp; has anyone ever checked if Mueller is related to Hillary?
and what percentage is from Republican questioners?
At a guess, I’d say somewhere north of 100%.
Mueller could not speak to, or answered that he did not know to a whole lot of Democrat questions.
Mueller is not helping the Democrats today.
He has strong ties to the Obama Regime and to the Clintons, despite him being supposedly a republican.
I wonder how Herr Mueller was able to read the Russian’s minds and know they were for Trump when Hillary has had many ties and a lot of money in her pocket from the Russians. They knew she was for sale.
Herr Mueller knew about the Clinton Crime family payoffs tied to the Uranium One deal, which his job was to stop the deal in it’s tracks, yet he gave it an OK. So he has been in the back pockets of the Clintons for quite some time.
Yeah, I thought it was interesting that he testified as to their intent.
oldgoat36: I wonder how Herr Mueller was able to read the Russian’s minds and know they were for Trump
Because Putin and Russian state media made their views clear. They tried to damage Clinton, cause divisions within the Democratic Party, and help Trump. Furthermore, intelligence intercepts show that senior Russian officials celebrated Trump’s win as a geopolitical victory for Russia.
Keep in mind that Trump and his campaign openly welcomed help from WikiLeaks, even after being informed they were disseminating emails stolen from his political opponents. Recently, Trump affirmed he would accept such help from foreign powers in the upcoming election.
Democrats will toss Mueller under the bus before sundown. Now they’ll demand a do over due to golden boy Mueller’s obvious incompetence. Blame Trump for having appointed their doddering old fool of a messiah in the first place. No way are they taking ownership of this mess.
Mueller makes a distinction between not recalling and having no knowledge of a situation.
Mueller’s mind is blown. It checked out months and months ago. He’s intellectually compromised. So lets stop pretending that this sham hearing is nothing more than a sham hearing. It’s The Prestige in a magic act. A grift.
Politicians are literally using Muellers husk-of-a-still-breathing corpse as a grandstand from which they hector the plebs. He’s a fleshy plinth. I find the whole thing disgusting.
Everyone in DC knows that this dude punched his ticket ages ago. Anyone in the media pretending that this is a shock – are liars and should never again be trusted to report more than tide tables in off season fishing months.
Jonah Goldberg just tweeted that “he’s undecided” on the question of Mueller’s intellectual decline. That right there is a fiction. Johan knows the score.
Oh, you know what’ll be the next talking point? Mueller was clearly loosing it, so couldn’t possible have directed a competent investigation. Never mind he was pretty much a figure head, with Weissman and co. running it.
“We demand a do-over!!”
With Barr as AG?! I doubt that they really want a do over.
Well, they’ve been busy trying to destroy Barr, so they’d demand he recuse himself, for someon clearly impartial, like Sally Yates. heh.
Weissman. I couldn’t remember the name. That’s the guy Republicans should be grilling, not this obvious patsy named Mueller.
Seriously, how long has Mueller been like this? Three or four years? And Rod Rosenstien appointed him? Rosenstein needs to be dragged up to the senate and publicly raked over the coals.
I guess McCabe appointed Muellers team since he was the guy that started the investigation.
Among the excuses offered for Mueller’s pathetic performance, the one that cracks me up is, “but he’s 74 years old.”
Trump, who’s sharp, alert, quick-witted, is Mueller’s contemporary at 72 years old. LOL
What I can’t figure out is if Mueller’s performance was on the level, or was if it was part of a staged performance. But why would he allow his appearance to go forward if it would make the Ds look like the duplicitous PsOS that they are.
He knows he is in troubled waters, his whole sham coup attempt which cost millions of dollars was mailed in by him, while his lefty team put together every last ditch hope they could to harm Trump. He was a puppet figurehead, to make the coup seem honest.
He can’t answer a lot of questions because he was hardly involved. I bet he didn’t even read the report, as was shown when he did that press conference. He still hasn’t read the report that bears his name, but I guarantee he cashed the paychecks, no matter who they came from.
It’s not an act.
He’s gotten old in this sense: he’s fine playing with the grandkids. He can make them sandwiches, don’t let him try to cook dinner AND don’t let him drive them to Jack and Diann’s Frosty Freeze for an ice cream.
“Jonah Goldberg just tweeted that “he’s undecided”…”
Goldberg is as corrupt as Mueller, but perhaps not as criminal.
If it might make Trump look good, Goldberg will lie.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Anyone ever seen Jonah and Zachriel together?
Jonah Goldberg use to work at the now defunct “Weekly Standard” of Never Trumper, Bill Kristol. Goldberg is another phony just like Kristol and no matter where he goes to work, has for ever lost any respect among Conservative Republicans.
Matthew 7:15-20 New King James Version (NKJV)
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”
Mueller, I would think a fossil like you would be familiar with the old saying Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. Trump was the don’t. Clinton was already on the payroll
“… asked by Democratic Rep. Jim Himes which candidate Russian hacking was designed to benefit, Mueller answered Trump — but he added “there were instances where Hillary Clinton was subject to much the same behavior. …”
Sure. By that dastardly Russian Agent, Seth Rich. I suppose you could call a “botched Robbery” arkancide.
Asange admitted it in an interview.
And DWS’s Pakistani Intel Tech support. Who had access to the same servers, IIRC. And who were vastly over paid.
Exactly how did the Russians help Trump? From what I’ve read, they purchased some Facebook and Google ads.
Oops, I almost forgot: Vladimir Putin was distributing Trump campaign materials in my subdivision the week before the election. Nice guy, but he talks funny.
“Nice guy, but he talks funny.”
And he can sing Fats Domino, and you’d be able to understand,
So who did Russia want to win?
Simple: Whoever they thought they could influence once sworn into office. IOW, it makes no difference; either one works.
It makes far more strategic and tactical sense to try and garner favor with both sides than to cast their entire lot with one or the other. And it’s not like they don’t have the manpower to work both angles simultaneously.
Both parties are still trying to frame this as a “Trump vs. Hillary” thing, as if one is the good guy and the other is the bad guy. But the reality is more of an “America vs. Russia” scenario.
“Who did the Russians try to help more?” is the wrong question.
A far better question is, “Why are the Russians putting so many resources into interfering in American elections?”
But that question isn’t partisan or divisive – rather, it would help unify the American people despite political preferences – so I strongly doubt it will be asked.
(And I personally believe that the Russians’ intent was to foster distrust among the American people. Distrust in each other and distrust in the election system. If so, then mission accomplished. Especially since Congress still stubbornly refuses to ask the right questions.)
The Russians didn’t need to foster any distrust LOL. Obama had long done that for them.
To paraphrase Sun Tzu, stay out of the way when your enemy is shooting himself in the foot.
The correct answer to “Who did the Russians want to win?” is “It doesn’t matter, get leverage with them both.”
We have plenty of evidence that the Russians secretly attempted multiple times to get ‘in’ with the Trump campaign and were bumped away every time. Why did they keep trying? Because they had tried and failed, so they would change their approach and try again.
We have little evidence that the Russians tried to get ‘in’ with the Hillary campaign (despite them being the 95% odds to win). Why? Because they already had succeeded, and had the Clinton campaign *paying* them for the information, so why would they try to open a secondary source when they have the primary right where they want her?
Thank God for President Not-Hillary.
Archer: So who did Russia want to win? Simple: Whoever they thought they could influence once sworn into office.
Putin and Russian state media made their views clear. They tried to damage Clinton, cause divisions within the Democratic Party, and help Trump. Furthermore, intelligence intercepts show that senior Russian officials celebrated Trump’s win as a geopolitical victory for Russia.
Keep in mind that Trump and his campaign openly welcomed help from WikiLeaks, even after being informed WikiLeaks was disseminating emails stolen from his political opponents. Recently, Trump affirmed he would accept such help from foreign powers in the upcoming election.
Well Clinton was supposed to win stands to reason you wouldn’t juice a horse that was given a 90% + chance of winning
the 90% was pure propaganda, when ran for senate in NY, I believe she only got about 75% of the vote the presidential candidate got. If the Russian tried to help0 anyone she was the one. The reasons you can figure them out.
But they did
what did the Russians do? I know they did FaceBook ads. What else?
Russia wanted Sanders to win. Pretty obvious. So did Assange.
What was it, $50,000 or something in that realm. I wonder what they could force with a multi-billion dollar journolist and social media budget.
“Director, who did the Russian social media campaign ultimately intend to benefit, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?”
Wrong question. Russia ultimately intended to benefit Russia. They played both sides of the field because the US in turmoil benefits Russia. This should all be pretty damn obvious from how Russian agents pushed the “not my president” movement after Trump was elected. It has never been about getting a pawn in the White House, they know the U.S. is weakest when we are busy fighting ourselves. The grand irony is that Mueller’s investigation has only bolstered the entire purpose of their election interference.
Lots of threads on how Mueller is so suddenly feeble minded.
I’ve heard a rumor, can’t remember where, not supported, most likely not true. But the rumor is that there is or soon will be a DOJ investigation into the Russian Uranium One deal. If it’s true, and Mueller with his contacts would know better than you or me, this is a very good time for Mueller to start a very public slip into dementia. The guy is as slimy as any swamp dweller. His history proves it.
The point, however, is that the investigation came up with NO evidence of Russian govt interference.
REMant: The point, however, is that the investigation came up with NO evidence of Russian govt interference.