We’ve seen plenty of plays on the “O” in words, but this bumper sticker is a double.
From commenter martywd, a footnoted email:
Today, when leaving our Public Library situated in a ‘burb just north of the *Bluest City in Texas I saw this pickup just screaming for some Le▪gal In▪sur▪rec▪tion.
(Even I knew that.)
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Straight out of the pages of Bastiat’s The Law.
Not to mention Atlas Shrugged 🙂
I’ll have to find that for my truck.
I got tired of living in Austin. It’s a great college city with a lot to do, but in essence it’s a city for people who don’t want to grow up.
You nailed it perfectly!
The people that run this city have no sense of reality. The city council is made up from failed circus clowns and the electorate has the consistency of spoiled elementary school kids.
The only plus that I can see is that it doesn’t snow too much in the winter…
lol… not just circus clowns, but FAILED circus clowns. Ah doan care who y’are, thet ‘ere’s funny.
I want to vote for this one THREE times!
I have quoted George Washington with this before “The last official act of any government is the looting of the treasury.” I have not been able to verify this 100% to him but it does apply here.
[…] in a 'burb just north of the *Bluest City in Texas I saw this pickup just … Read more on legal Insurrection (blog) Filed Under: Bumper Stickers Tagged With: Colorado, Glory, Relying, […]
If only we were so fortunate. The process employed to loot America has greater, long-term ramifications. He is creating false premises which sabotage individuals and businesses’ ability to properly manage risk. Currently, the federal deficit alone accounts for the creation of a virtual economy approximating 10% of our total economy (according to GDP). We are in the process of excavating the ground for our burial.
I think “Looters” would be a good name for a theme restaurant staffed by flat-chested girls made up as the Obama administration.
Dan Riehl would be happy.
*** Language Warning ***
Best bumper sticker yet: LOOTER; HYPE & BLAME 2012 excellent also. Gotta love those Texans.
How do I get myself an avatar here?
The good thing about Austin? It’s a blue speck right in the middle of a sea of red.
It used to be a genuinely weird place and a lot of fun. Then, the young, fun-loving hippies grew into mean, bad-tempered old Lefty yuppies. South Congress (SOCO), once the embodiment of the ‘Keep Austin Weird’ meme, is now the yuppiest, most gentrified, homogenized and plasticized place in Texas. Faux Weird. Where vacant storefronts once housed head shops and kitsch stores, there are now designer shops, those ubiquitous galleries and glitzy franchise stores.
Austin ain’t been truly weird since they tore down the original Armadillo World Headquarters.
Oh, and the obligatory, “UT sucks”. 😀
Seen in comments at HotAir:
“Palin is one of two whose endorsements are particularly important to me. The second is Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection.
I like that fella too. He’s Victor Davis hanson smart.”