New Abortion Laws Reportedly Affecting College Enrollment Decisions
“It puts my child into a situation [where] I might think twice about her safety.”

If you choose a college on the basis of the abortion laws of the state it’s located in, what does that say about you?
The New York Post reports:
‘Scared’ students are rejecting colleges in states with strict abortion laws
One Upper East Side family is sending Washington University a big, fat rejection letter.
On Friday, the governor of Missouri, where the well-respected school is located, signed a bill outlawing abortion after eight weeks.
The legislation was a deal-breaker for Ellen Bender and her daughter, Eliza, a junior at Horace Mann prep school, who planned to visit the school in June.
“These laws are not really good for women,” said Ellen, a retired litigator. “It puts my child into a situation [where] I might think twice about her safety.”
Missouri joins five other states — Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, Georgia and Louisiana — that have passed so-called “heartbeat bills” this year.
In April, Alabama passed a bill where doctors who perform abortions in the state could face 99 years in prison.
The bans, which are not yet in effect, are being vehemently fought by everyone from lawmakers and Hollywood celebrities to high-schoolers making college plans.
“This is a serious thing,” said Amanda Uhry, a private-school admissions consultant in New York City. “I’ve had 61 college-admission clients remove Georgia and Ohio schools from their list for next year,” she said, adding that one of these clients is a double legacy at Emory, in Atlanta.

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During Viet Nam I was called a baby killer and Ellen Bender would have been considered an upstanding person…?
Her daughter should feel like a lottery winner.
So Eliza’s going to have unprotected sex in college? Good to know.
Sounds like somebody’s interested in what a more genteel era called “the other education.”
For decades now women and the courts have demanded that men take absolute responsibility for the affects of their sexual activity. Now it’s their turn to deal with the results of their actions.
…. its called a poor excuse for birth control, have multiple sex partners, accuse them of non-c rape & then kill a child so ze can advance their careers & die childless…. welcome to land of the free & home of the depraved
Who knew birth control isn’t available there?
“If you choose a college on the basis of the abortion laws of the state it’s located in, what does that say about you?”
That you’re a loathsome human being?
Do I get a prize?
Oh no, the prestigious uni will have to take someone else’s money.