Ted Cruz Investigating Alleged Faith Based Discrimination at Yale
“public news reports indicate that Yale Law School has recently adopted a transparently discriminatory policy”

Ted Cruz is an excellent person to have as an ally in a case like this.
Campus Reform reports:
Cruz closes in on Yale, demands key docs on alleged faith discrimination
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is investigating Yale Law school claiming that the institution has unconstitutionally discriminated against students espousing “traditional Christian views.”
On Monday, according to the Washington Examiner, Cruz, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Constitution Subcommittee, sent Yale Law School a demand letter, urging the college to release communication records related to the treatment of conservative and Christian students.This is not the first letter Yale has received from Cruz. In April, the dean of Yale Law, Heather Gerken, was sent a message from Cruz detailing his plans to investigate a recently approved school policy that he believes allows the school to “blacklist Christian organizations” and “punish” students based on their beliefs.
“As one of the nation’s most respected law schools, Yale Law School has an obligation to protect intellectual diversity and to respect the constitutional rights of its students. However,” Cruz continued, “public news reports indicate that Yale Law School has recently adopted a transparently discriminatory policy: namely, that Yale will no longer provide any stipends or loan repayments for students serving in organizations professing traditional Christian views or adhering to traditional sexual ethics.”
Gerken’s formal response to Cruz’ accusation cited the school’s desire to protect students from discrimination on the “basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.” Rather, Gerken claims that the policy was designed to ensure that no Yale Law funding inadvertently, through stipends or loans, would go toward organizations that discriminate against minorities, namely, the LGBT community.

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