More Controversy: Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx Let Convicted Killer Off the Hook
“My son is not here anymore and she gave us all this hope and she promised us that this was going to be OK.”

I agree with The Daily Wire’s Emily Zanotti Skyles when she said we may owe Jussie Smollett some gratitude because it has opened up the operations of Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s office.
Foxx remains quiet on why her office dropped 16 felony charges against Smollett, which led to questions about her office. It brought to light the fact that her office allowed a convicted killer of a 16-year-old to go free thanks to a local news station.
ABC 7 Chicago put its investigative team to work on this case. Derrion Albert, a 16-year-old honors student, died after he got “in the middle of a gang fight and killed in 2009.”
From ABC 7 Chicago:
Cook County prosecutors charged four teens involved in the gang melee that led to Albert’s death as adults. Three were convicted of murder at trial. One pleaded guilty. All are serving prison sentences.
But one teen – known then as “D.J.” – was 14 at the time. Prosecutors say he punched Albert and knocked him down, saying that he signed “his death certificate.”
Prosecutors decided to charge him as a juvenile in a special kind of case called an Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile prosecution or EJJ.
That means although “D.J.” was convicted as a juvenile – he was also sentenced to 30 years as an adult on the underlying offense of murder. However, that sentence would be stayed and not enforced unless he was convicted of a new felony after being released from juvenile custody.
Anjanette Albert, Derrion’s mother, told the news station that then-Assistant State’s Attorney Foxx explained the EJJ way was the best since “if he got in trouble he goes back.”
“D.J” is Dionte Johnson. Officers arrested and charged him “with felony aggravated fleeing after a Chicago police chase.” ABC 7 Chicago found within the records that “prosecutors filed notice that they were ‘seeking to revoke stay of his adult sentence.'” Officials told Anjanette that Johnson would receive 30 years.
Johnson received a conviction on November 8, 2016, the same day the people elected Foxx as the Cook County State’s Attorney. That’s when things changed for the Albert family:
“They call us down there and tell us that the state’s attorney decided to not pursue the motion,” said Norman Golliday, Derrion’s grandfather.
Anjanette Albert said they told them that, “Kim Foxx decided not to go any further with this to just, it’s over. She’s going to drop it and he’s going to get out and there was nothing that we could do.”
Cook County prosecutors were no longer seeking to enforce the 30-year sentence. Instead, they’d ask a judge for probation.
“One of the gentlemen said that it was determined that he had been rehabilitated,” said Golliday. “My face almost fell off my head. I could not believe that the guy actually said that.”
Anjanette Albert said she repeatedly called Foxx’s office, but Foxx never called her back.
“I felt like she sat in our face, she cried with us, she hugged us and then you turn around and let this murderer, I don’t care how old he is, he was convicted of first degree murder. My son is not here anymore and she gave us all this hope and she promised us that this was going to be OK. And it didn’t turn out like that,” Albert told the I-Team.
Foxx’s spokesman told ABC 7 Chicago: “Based on the Class 4 Felony, which carries a sentencing range of probation or up to three years in prison, it was not in the interest of justice to pursue a 30 year prison sentence in this case.” The spokesman also claimed that the office has “no personal knowledge of the Albert family asking to meet with State’s Attorney Foxx.”
I’m confused. Back in 2009, Johnson received 30 years as an adult unless he was convicted of a felony after he left juvenile custody.
Johnson was convicted of a felony. The process clearly states that he must spend 30 years in jail.
Foxx said those who criticize her over the Smollett case are racist. Will she call those racist who criticize her on the Albert case?
It also makes you wonder what else has happened since she became Cook County State’s Attorney.

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Is the word Kim ancient Uganda for crook?
Sending a black man to prison for 30 years for aggravated fleeing from police was political cyanide. I’m separating my general issues with Foxx’s philosophy to law enforcement from the situation in this one particular case. No prosecutor was going to have a fun time with this once the media started spinning it in the manner I have just demonstrated.
Bullshit. The little thug took part in a murder, got a sweetheart deal predicated on keeping his nose clean. He’s right back to his criminal ways, so lock his punk ass up. See how that works?
Bullshit on you. 14. That was gonna be reversed bigtime.
Bullshit on you. 14. That was gonna be reversed bigtime.
I’ve read the Chicago Police Department has been very very very unhappy with Kim Sum Crum from the get go.
He was a good boy. That’s what his mother said. (From her jail cell.)
and an aspiring rapper, i’m told, preparing for college
Is there anyone young black kid who is not an aspiring rapper?
There is a reason for this: the skill set needed for ‘rapping’ is simply possessing a motormouth full of lame profanity. No singing or musical instrumental ability required. The reward: millions, for the very, very, very few who make it.
George Soros has made a large number of contributions to his endorsed candidates for DA / Attorney Generals across the country, including Ms. Foxx. Here in Houston he contributed hundreds of thousands to Kim Ogg, another progressive democrat. He is systematically undermining the rule of law and pushing us towards lawlessness.
Soros has wreaked the same destruction in Philadelphia, where he installed the execrable, crime-loving Larry Krassner as DA.
Destroying America one major city at a time.
“… was not in the interest of justice to pursue a 30 year prison sentence in this case.”
What, exactly, is in the “interest of justice” then, if s convicted murderer can go free?
That photo looks like its should be in a post office wanted poster section.
Remember: that lowlife Jesse Jackson’s son just got out of federal prison – probably for the same crimes Jackson Sr. got away with for years.
Jackson in prison:
From prison to very cushy pension and disability payments.
I live in Will county but grew up in cook county and have friends who became cops in cook county. None of them like Kim Foxx. . . Or Kim Fixx as they call her. She is an activist SA who grew up in engleqoos and whose goal is to implement her own form of legal justice on law breakers who come from poor neighborhoods. It is extremely frustrating for them to catch bad guys only to see them let go. And when the residents and business owners complain, they blame the cops.
Foxx is symptomatic of her political indoctrination, and that of black culture at large – even up the income stream. It’s no different than liberal white culture.
Both groups might be the nicest people, but they are among the world’s greatest ignoramuses.
I”m the opposite…grew up in Will, live in Cook.
She’s from Englewood? ‘Nuf said.
Foxx revoked the prosecutorial direction of the previous State’s Attorney the day she took office. That’s some chutzpah.
Foxx does seem rather protective of black perpetrators. I wonder if, as more of these shenanigans are revealed, any of these sweetheart examples of prosecutorial discretion were for the benefit of a hispanic or white perpetrator.
She is keeping quiet about Smollett because anything she says can and will be used against her. By not saying anything is screaming out that there is something underhanded in what was done for the celebrity on behalf of Obama.
Of course racism is playing a role in all this. Though to the left those in minorities cannot be racist, which is just another lie being pushed. Jack-son and Sharpton have made a lot of money pushing their brand of racism and preying on those they can shake down with their thuggery.
She is just waiting out the news cycles, as she knows this all goes away soon with Trump DS news. See, it doesn’t matter, cause now it’s in the past.
Don’t need no stinkin’ laws. 150 years ago someone had some slaves. You OWE us, cracker!
As an officer on the Titanic all she can do is rearrange the deck chairs. Returning violent criminals to the population will not help. Trying to reduce the Black incarnation rate by brute force rather than dealing with the underlying problems is a predetermined failure. At some point the civilians will realize she has a reservation for a life boat and they don’t. The police will see risking their lives as a futile gesture. Riots, destruction and burning buildings by election 2020. There will be a massive attempt to blame Trump.
Foxx is the Chief Undersecretary of Narcissistic Tyrants
What does that spell out, obama? clinton? Fauxcahontas? booker? Omar? Tlaib? Cortez? Pelosi? Schumer? Schiff?