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Rider U. Schedules ‘Seeing Privilege’ Event at Same Time as Conservative Event Debunking Privilege

Rider U. Schedules ‘Seeing Privilege’ Event at Same Time as Conservative Event Debunking Privilege

“political science department refused to promote the event”

The Turning Point USA chapter at Rider set up an event to disprove “white privilege.” Not only would the school not promote it, they scheduled a counter event for the same time.

Campus Reform reports:

Rider schedules ‘Seeing Privilege’ event at same time as ‘White Privilege Is A Myth’

After a conservative group at Rider University announced a “White Privilege Is A Myth” event, and the political science department refused to promote the event promoting “fake facts,” the school announced a “Seeing Privilege” event occurring at the same time.

As previously reported by Campus Reform, Rider University’s political science department stopped advertising Turning Point USA events to its students earlier in March due to the lack of “a clear understanding of historic realities,” according to Barbara Franz, chairwoman of the department when TPUSA attempted to advertise a “White Privilege Is A Myth” event.

Franz compared the political science department advertising the “White Privilege Is A Myth” function to an astronomy department promoting a “flat-earth” event, in a follow-up interview with The Rider News.

Rider’s Turning Point USA chapter continued spreading the word, through other venues, about its Tuesday event featuring Brandon Tatum and Anna Paulina from Turning Point USA’s national organization. But Rider’s Department of Sociology and Criminology began posting advertisements on bulletin boards throughout the school to promote a teach-in gathering called “Seeing Privilege.”


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