Southern Poverty Law Center fires co-founder Morris Dees for unspecified misconduct
Local reporter: “Looks like a combination of complaints regarding sexual harassment and racial biases in promotion and hierarchy led to this.”

I was critical of the Southern Poverty Law Center before it was cool to be critical of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
You can scroll through my posts about the SPLC dating back to 2009, including:
- Southern Poverty Law Center Completes Its Descent Into Madness (regarding SPLC attack on Sarah Palin)
- Confirmed – SPLC Exaggerated About Klan In Rhode Island
- Neo-Nazis in Rhode Island? SPLC exaggerates again
- SPLC’s hatewatch gives cover to hate
- SPLC Demonizes Supporters of Traditional Marriage
- Southern Poverty Law Center Still Peddling Lie That Giffords Shooter Was Right-Winger
I was quoted in a Politico article about the SPLC in January 2017, and it pretty much summed up my view:
William Jacobson, a law professor at Cornell and critic of the SPLC, says the group has wrapped itself in the mantle of the civil rights struggle to engage in partisan political crusading. “Time and again, I see the SPLC using the reputation it gained decades ago fighting the Klan as a tool to bludgeon mainstream politically conservative opponents,” he says. “For groups that do not threaten violence, the use of SPLC ‘hate group’ or ‘extremist’ designations frequently are exploited as an excuse to silence speech and speakers,” Jacobson adds. “It taints not only the group or person, but others who associate with them.”
SPLC is part of a Coalition of left-wing activist groups calls on big tech to censor online speech.
SPLC has accumulated a massive endowment, far in excess of what it needed for its operations, as The Free Beacon reported recently:
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a far-left nonprofit known for its “hate group” designations, has surpassed a half billion dollars in total assets and now has $121 million parked offshore, according to the group’s most recent financial statements.
The SPLC, which is based in Montgomery, Ala., has not publicly posted its most recent financial statements on its website. However, the organization applied for renewal in the state of California days ago and submitted a number of documents pertaining to its financial standing including its most recent audited statement and tax forms for calendar year 2018, which covers Nov. 1, 2017 to Oct. 31, 2018.
According to the filings submitted to California’s Office of Attorney General, the group reported total assets of $518 million from November 2017 to the Oct. 31, 2018, an increase of $41 million from the $477 million in total assets it reported on its previous year’s tax forms.
The SPLC’s assets increased despite its total revenue falling by $15 million last year. The SPLC hauled in $136 million in total revenue throughout 2017. This number fell to $121 million in 2018. Its contributions and grants also fell by more than $20 million from 2017 to 2018, from $132 million to $111 million.
So I was not exactly heart-broken to learn today that Morris Dees, the co-founder of SPLC, was unceremoniously fired yesterday under circumstances suggesting impropriety. The Montgomery Advertiser broke the story today:
The Southern Poverty Law Center has fired Morris Dees, the nonprofit civil rights organization’s co-founder and former chief litigator.
SPLC President Richard Cohen said in a statement Dees’ dismissal was effective on Wednesday, March 13. When pressed for details on what led to the termination, the organization declined to elaborate.
“As a civil rights organization, the SPLC is committed to ensuring that the conduct of our staff reflects the mission of the organization and the values we hope to instill in the world,” Cohen said in the emailed statement. “When one of our own fails to meet those standards, no matter his or her role in the organization, we take it seriously and must take appropriate action.” …
Dees’ termination is one of several steps taken by the organization this week, Cohen said.
“Today we announced a number of immediate, concrete next steps we’re taking, including bringing in an outside organization to conduct a comprehensive assessment of our internal climate and workplace practices, to ensure that our talented staff is working in the environment that they deserve — one in which all voices are heard and all staff members are respected,” Cohen said.
So what’s going on here? A local reporter says he heard it was a #MeToo type problem, something Dees denies:
The SPLC fired Morris Dees yesterday and announced it today. Multiple sources have told me that the allegations of inappropriate conduct involve sexual harassment incidents. Multiple incidents that have come to light after an initial recent allegation.
— Josh Moon ?? (@Josh_Moon) March 14, 2019
Just spoke with Morris Dees. He tells me that there were no incidents of inappropriate behavior by him and that the decision to remove him was driven by a difference of opinion on the direction of the SPLC. /1
— Josh Moon ?? (@Josh_Moon) March 14, 2019
I have been sent a number of internal SPLC emails that address the ongoing situation and specifically discuss Dees. Looks like a combination of complaints regarding sexual harassment and racial biases in promotion and hierarchy led to this.
— Josh Moon ?? (@Josh_Moon) March 14, 2019
I was contacted by The NY Times for comment. I don’t know if they’ll include my comment in whatever story they run, so here it is:
I am glad to see Dees leave SPLC, whatever the reason. SPLC long ago focused on combating the Ku Klux Klan, but then abused the reputation it earned for those efforts by demonization of political opponents through the use of hate and extremist lists to stifle speech by people who presented no risk of violence. The SPLC lists, which in the past have included people such as Dr. Ben Carson and Rand Paul, now are weaponized by internet companies to suppress non-liberal speech. Good riddance to Dees.”
Here’s the Times quote:
“I am glad to see Dees leave S.P.L.C., whatever the reason,” William A. Jacobson, a professor at Cornell Law School and an outspoken critic of the group, said on Thursday.
“S.P.L.C. long ago focused on combating the Ku Klux Klan, but then abused the reputation it earned for those efforts by demonizing political opponents through the use of hate and extremist lists to stifle speech by people who presented no risk of violence,” Mr. Jacobson said.

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So, was he playing Morris the Cat with the ladies? And, in addition, being finicky about whom he hired?
Time to get him out of the litter box then.
It’s become a cliché, but …
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
Why are the sending millions of dollars to offshore banks? More lawsuits that they’ll lose on the dockets?
Southern Poverty Surpasses Half Billion in Assets; $121 Million Now Offshore
“Hmmmm. Can’t imagine a single reason why” The DOJ/FBI/DNC/Feinstein Hit Team.
The new red guard is purging the bourgeois capitalist-roader leftists via internal struggle meetings. And all of it timed to help the radical progressives during the primary season.
I have this odd sense of dread as the radicals sieze power – as if this world were Middle Earth and we are witness to Bolrog emerging from Mines of Moria.
Other than this creep hiding $80M in the Caymans, I don’t see much wrong.
It’s ok: this leftist rathole has the seal of approval of google, facebook and twitter.
SPLC Top Twelve Contributors 2000 – 2015
Picower Foundation, $3,793,112 , 2001-2008
Fidelity Investments Charitable Fund, $2,307,330, 2003-2015
JBP Foundation, $1,918,589 , 2011-20
Cisco Systems Foundation, $1,620,000 2001-2004
Grove Foundation, $1,275,000, 2003-2015
Public Welfare Foundation, $1,150,000, 2008-2015
Americas Charities, $956,454, 2011-2014
Unbound Philanthropy, $850,000, 2006-2013
Rice Family Foundation, $785,000, 2000-2015
Schwab Charitable Fund , $758,540, 2009-2014
Vanguard Charitable Endowment, $747,980, 2006-2014
W.K. Kellogg Foundation, $700,000, 2010-2015
This sickens me.
– Fidelity is where my 401(k) is
– Schwab just bought my investment account from CapitalOne
– Vanguard has a previous company 401(k) sitting there (I think – it may have been moved. I need to check)
Yeah, I’m with Vanguard. This seems to be more than coincidence, though. Most of the big firms are listed in top 10, and I’m sure more are outside of it. There’s more incentive than just charity there.
A few weeks ago I did something I rarely do. Instead of tearing up the mailing I received from SPLC I opened it up and filled out their response form.
I told them how I felt in few relatively polite words. I then mailed it back, using their postage free envelope. I was thrilled last night to learn that maybe they are listening and aware of their extremist views. Ironic, isn’t it?
The SPLC may have been a good organization for a few years, many decades ago. When their mailings target the President they’ve gone too, too far. (Not that they hadn’t already.)
“I was critical of the Southern Poverty Law Center before it was cool to be critical of the Southern Poverty Law Center.”? Me too, but for a much longer period of time. I love that the ‘head rat’ has been ferreted out. Now let’s get around to destroying the rest of this hateful and hideous organization.
The head rat was thrown out by the other rats for not being ratty enough.
In other words, don’t get your hopes up…onward and upward with the newspeak for SPLC.
Further proof 1) that fraud in the name of “social justice” is a profitable undertake; 2)that the one positive side of leftist activist is the proclivity for purging one another (e.g., by 1937, all
the Bolsheviks who had come back to. Russia with Lenin were dead, most at the hands of their fellow comrades); 3) there should be a hall to tax-free privileges for foundations, colleges, universities, churches, and so-call;ed non=profit organizations SPLC. In other words, every
one’s income should betted equally .One result would be to reduce the government’s budgetary shortfalls; even more important, it would safeguard individual taxpayers from being forced to subsidize institutions, activities, and causes with which they do not argue and in many cases detest. Most important, though such a policy will hurt conservative activists to some extent, the really big losers will be the left.
They have hundreds of millions in assets and have never produced anything of value. Sounds like a fight for control of all that money.What happens if they lose tax exempt status???