As Governor Jerry Brown leaves office, he blasts rural voters and pardons immigrants facing deportation
Brown’s prohibited from being governor again, thanks to term limits, is one of my few, civic joys.

California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom will officially become governor on Jan. 7th. On his way out of office, our current governor is leaving in his trademark “Moonbeam” style.
For openers, Jerry Brown blamed rural Californians for not wanting higher taxes to help fight climate change.
Chuck Todd, host of MSNBC’s “Meet the Press,” asked about how California’s new gas tax hurts rural residents who need cars because they don’t have access to public transportation. He cited an article from CityLab, which said the gas tax “punishes people for not having access to transit options,” but Brown bowled right over Todd’s research and blamed rural Californians for not being on board with his agenda.
“You won your gas tax fight, but rural Californians didn’t like it,” Todd said.
“No, they don’t. They don’t like a lot of things. They voted against housing bonds, they voted for the Republican Cox who didn’t even make 40 percent,” Brown said, referring to his reelection’s vote margin.
He then went on to divide residents of his own state into the categories of “red” and “blue,” siding with the wealthier, more Democratic residents on the coast, who have a majority and want to raise taxes on rural Californians.
“There is the same divide in California as in America. The red is different than the blue, and it is associated definitely with rural areas,” he said.
That divide will likely only increase during Newsom’s time in office.
Next, Brown gave 143 pardons and 131 commutations for Christmas, including a handful of refugees and immigrants that he hopes to spare from deportation by scrubbing their criminal histories.
…Brown also granted pardons to five Cambodian refugees brought to the country when they were 5 years old or younger, and now face deportation because of their criminal pasts. He likewise pardoned a Honduran immigrant facing deportation.
While the orders don’t automatically stop federal deportation proceedings, Brown’s actions allow the immigrants’ lawyers to argue that the federal government’s assertion that criminal histories qualify them for deportation is now no longer applicable.
Finally, Newsom will have to deal with the mechanical albatross better known as Brown’s high speed rail system.
Gov. Jerry Brown has devoted half a century of political knowledge and power to advance the California bullet train construction project, but he leaves office with its future badly damaged by cost overruns, mismanagement and delays.
It hands incoming Gov. Gavin Newsom a tough decision: delay indefinitely the goal of a statewide bullet train system and salvage something useful out of the billions of dollars already spent, or stick with the original vision and find at least $50 billion in new money to keep it going.
Either option will probably lead to a clash between the project’s die-hard supporters and its skeptics. Almost every major engineering and construction firm has a big stake in the project, as do unions, small businesses and city governments. The outcome will depend on how much fiscal pain and risk Democrats are willing to accept.
As a Californian, I have few things about which I can be politically grateful for. Brown’s being prohibited from being Governor again, thanks to term limits, is one of my few, civic joys.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
You’ll feel that way until Gavin starts implementing his policy.
question – can illegal aliens successfully receive pardons that still make their presence on US soil legal?
in other words – they are still breaking the law regardless of said pardon or not
it is not like some guy south of the border suddenly becomes “lawful” when caught and detained in the US because he receives a pardon from a “blue” governor
Immigration violations are violations of federal law, and so can not be pardoned by state governors.
And the criminals pardoned by Brown still committed the crimes for which he pardoned them. The fact that Brown pardoned them for political reasons does not change the fact that their criminal histories in this country prove that they do not deserve the great privilege of being allowed to legally reside in the U.S.
California has become the epitome of the Democrat welfare state. It is a snapshot of exactly what the Democrats will turn the US into if given the chance.
California Democrats have created a welfare society, with a rich ruling oligarchy, in the coastal cities. The entire thrust of the Democrat political majority is to support and expand that. As they no longer need the support of the residents outside those cities, they are content to allow them to wither on the vine.
It is short-sighted and stupid, and eventually self destructive, but, that’s the Dems for you.
I’m a native Californian and I’ve lived in So Cal all my life. I can remember when Ronald Regan was Governor and California was a law-and-order red state where everyone decent and hardworking in America wanted to live. And I remember when, among other minor degenerate governors, major degenerate Jerry Brown was governor his first time too and he earned his nickname “Moonbeam”. Despite initial herculean efforts by conservatives and the GOP to stem the tide early on, I’ve witnessed California devolving and turning into a shìthole with my own eyes where, now, vast swaths of malingering shìtheels want to live in California because they can get ‘free-stuff’, and California coddles and enables junkies and scofflaw criminals and anyone else who wants to do whatever they want to do no matter how indecent and/or unproductive. And, as such, they will always vote Democrat.
Take, and take, and take while the taking is good….. and give nothing back but bìtching and moaning and marching and rioting for much much more. California Democrats are responsible for the devolution of California. They are the exact opposite of “progressive” in every way.
Jerry Brown is an unnatural freak of epic proportion, but Gavin Newsom is even more degenerate than Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown is. Way, way more. It’s already ugly in California, but it’s going to get real damn ugly real damn soon in California after über-degenerate Gavin Newsom gets his agenda going. God Help Us All.
Doesn’t change their immigration status. They are still illegals.
I wish I could say Californian’s are better off for Moonbeam leaving, but Gavin waits in the wings. The rural parts of California need to secede and form their own state.
State of Jefferson, my friend. We are trying.
Many of us deplorable gun-clutchers were hoping CA would secede and we could unite our rural counties and get back into the US as Jefferson. CA got buck-fever and couldn’t pull the trigger, however.
In his first turn as governor Brown committed mass murder, leading the blockade to stop South Vietnamese refugees, drowning in the South China Sea, from being allowed into America, and it was a political mass murder. Brown wanted them dead because they were anti-communist while Brown was/is communist.
So disgusting after that to hear him in his second governorship claiming a humanitarian interest in letting Democrat-voting non-refugee illegals from Mexico in. This time he has been murdering our republic. Instead of the people choosing who shall represent them we have had the government bringing in a new electorate more to its liking, the exact inversion of small “r” republicanism, which is guaranteed to all Americans in Article IV section 4 of the Constitution.
Brown is as evil a man as has ever lived.
I know this started a while ago, but I’m noticing the Georgia seal on a lot of movies these days. Cali’s days of owning entertainment are numbered.
Georgia, British Columbia, and other places are doing very well with entertainment. This is especially true of location shooting. The main reason is that Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other former location sites, got VERY greedy regarding fees and permits. Lots of conditions attached as well regarding catering, minimum local-business-usage percentages, and that sort of thing.
The problem is they migrate like locust.
This excellent essay by Victor Davis Hanson sums up the disaster known as California. Glad I am 3000 miles away!
I’m a native Californian and I’ll always love California, but now more as a place to occasionally visit in the future.
I don’t want to live here anymore and can’t wait to leave.
Hey–is that Linda Ronstadt in the passenger seat?
Democratic leverage is enjoyed at the cost of violating civil rights. Cosmopolitan, high-density population centers are expensive to operate and maintain. The medical insurance market is already regulated (effectively single-payer). The niche green blight energy market was his last hope for a ready source of sustainable, renewable, laundered greenbacks.
Governor Moonbeam till the end.
“till the end.”
It’s near.
You really want to know what is the biggest irony?
The rural parts of Califrnia probably have a total 1/1000th the carbon footprint of the urban parts.
Do you think Moonbeam is in for 2020?