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Young America’s Foundation Scores Major Free Speech Win Over UC Berkeley

Young America’s Foundation Scores Major Free Speech Win Over UC Berkeley

“Following more than a year of hard-fought litigation in the hostile Ninth Circuit”

Not only is the school paying a cash settlement to YAF, the heckler’s veto at Berkeley is basically over. This is big.

From the YAF blog:

YAF Wins Landmark Free Speech Lawsuit, UC Berkeley To Pay $70,000 And Rescind Unconstitutional Policies

Following more than a year of hard-fought litigation in the hostile Ninth Circuit, Young America’s Foundation secured victory for free speech against the University of California, Berkeley. Through YAF’s lawsuit and subsequent settlement agreement executed over the weekend, UC Berkeley agreed to the following terms set by Young America’s Foundation:

1) Pay Young America’s Foundation $70,000.

2) Rescind the unconstitutional “high-profile speaker policy.”

3) Rescind the viewpoint-discriminatory security fee policy.

4) Abolish its heckler’s veto—protestors will no longer be able to shut down conservative expression.

This landmark victory for free expression means UC Berkeley can no longer wantonly treat conservative students as second-class members of its community while ignoring the guaranteed protections of the First Amendment.

No longer can UC Berkeley place a 3:00 p.m. curfew on conservative speech. No longer can UC Berkeley ban advertisements for Young America’s Foundation-sponsored campus lectures. And no longer can UC Berkeley relegate conservative speakers to remote or inconvenient lecture halls on campus while giving leftist speakers access to preferred locations.

Further, the policy that allowed Berkeley administrators to charge conservative students $20,000 for security to host Ben Shapiro—an amount three times greater than the fee charged to leftist students to host liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor—is gone. YAF and UC Berkeley agreed to a fee schedule that treats all students equally. Unless students are handling money or serving alcohol at an event, the security fee will be zero.


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So was the YAF awarded legal fees as well?

Wow! Impressive win!

    SDN in reply to ray. | December 4, 2018 at 4:12 pm

    Only when they can actually hold an event without antifa thugs being permitted to shut it down by the campus cops.

Might UCB now begin scouring social media postings of all applicants and refuse admission to anyone who might be viewed as conservative? If you can’t shut them up once on campus never let them make it to campus.

The left does not give up easily.