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The whole world is watching (the Supreme Court)

The whole world is watching (the Supreme Court)

You can check out the live action at ScotusBlog’s live feed.  The Supreme Court’s opinion page updates with new opinions not long after announced in court.

If either of the two biggies come down, I’ll create a separate post.

Updates:  Montana campaign case summarily reversed. Case might have ended Citizens United on the state level.  Since summarily reversed, didn’t require briefing or oral argument.  Was 5-4 decision on summary reversal, along expected split.  Decision here.

Arizona decision — (based on reports from ScotusBlog live feed) reversed in part affirmed in part.  Waiting for details.  Looks like mostly ruled against Arizona, but need to see decision itself.  Looks like upheld provision to check status of persons arrested.  Decision here.


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They want to torture us. The opinion will be out on Thursday.

5-4 decision striking down life sentence without parole for juveniles under the 8th Amendment.

I predict they strike the mandate but punt on rest, throwing it back to Congress. An affirmation of Judge Vinson’s ruling would be too good to be true.

Citizens United applies to Montana, too.

No Health care today

SB1070 got upheld in part.

The whole world is not watching this one, but it is important to many of us: There is still this legal matter in a lower court to be dealt with…

rabid wombat | June 25, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Re: Montana

all for stare decisis, except when they are not….


I think the pundits are saturating our news with analysis to the point of enough already. The court should sit on it some more. The easily manipulated segment of the population will move on to an apathetic “whatever” mode, and machinations to astro-turf Scotus with widespread disdain and indignation will fizzle.

Only three members of the Court who haven’t yet written at least seven opinions this term are Sotomayor, Thomas, and Roberts.

huskers-for-palin | June 25, 2012 at 9:20 pm

Okay, give juveniles 150 years….half off for good behaviour…..fixed.

BannedbytheGuardian | June 25, 2012 at 10:18 pm

Prof is right – the world is watching but generally they have made their judgements about this admin . If this was judged earlier it would have been central to the assessments of this admin’s domestic strength.

But it is all a bit retro. The world has moved on & maybe looking at Mitt & thinking -MMMMM he does look Presidential.