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U. Kansas Prof Cancels Office Hours Due to Campus Carry Policy

U. Kansas Prof Cancels Office Hours Due to Campus Carry Policy

“I request that you not bring firearms to class or wherever I am present.”

The professor claims he no longer feels safe and now does consultations via email and Skype.

The College Fix reports:

My professor canceled office hours because KU allows concealed carry, says he ‘no longer feels safe’

My jaw dropped recently as I read the nine-page syllabus for an online history class I enrolled in for the fall semester at the University of Kansas. Two full pages of the document include arguments against the Second Amendment and chides students who support the university’s concealed carry policy or take advantage of it.

To be clear, this class is on the history of the Japanese Samurai and has nothing to do with U.S. history or the Second Amendment.

What’s more, Professor Eric Rath of the History and East Asian Studies departments also informs students in the syllabus: “With guns allowed on campus, I no longer feel safe having visitors in my office; so instead of in person office hours, I am available for consultation via email or Skype on the hours indicated above and by appointment. Should you wish to meet in person, the appointment will be at a secure or public location of my choosing, but not my office. Please read the statement about concealed weapons at the end of the syllabus.”

The two-page statement includes data that aims to paint the use of guns in a negative light, details provisos of the policy at KU that allows students and faculty to carry concealed weapons on campus, and states “I request that you not bring firearms to class or wherever I am present.”


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Not surprising, but at least he isn’t filing suit against the State as four UT profs did.

History of the samurai. Right. I’ll bet his favorite part was when the shoguns, after initial wild enthusiasm for Portuguese and Dutch matchlocks, abandoned guns entirely, thus securing the position of their samurai at the top of the abuse food-chain for another couple of centuries.

To be clear, this class is on the history of the Japanese Samurai and has nothing to do with U.S. history or the Second Amendment.

No, but the Samurai banned guns (for the same reason gun-banners always do, because guns are equalizers), so he’s in period.

So…..I guess he no longer needs an office on campus.

Professor Rath needs to go to a place where he can teach without fear of law abiding citizens. We Kansans wouldn’t want to responsible for his panty hose getting permanently knotted up!

When I was teaching, office hours were part of our contract and were required to be published on each class syllabus. Does Professor Rath think that people could not have come on campus with a weapon to shoot him before the advent of campus carry? I’d rather have someone around who could stop an active shooter situation before multiple lives were lost than to be a sitting duck.

I used to be a proud Jayhawk. Now I only claim KU as my alma mater during basketball season.