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Branco Cartoon – Million-to-One Shot, Doc


4th armored div | May 14, 2018 at 9:07 am

that must have been a sitter pill to swallow – LOL.

Soon the Obama Legacy will consist of a single sentence –
“President Obama was widely hailed for successfully picking North Carolina in his NCAA bracket.”

    Barry in reply to MattMusson. | May 14, 2018 at 1:21 pm

    “President Obama was widely hailed for successfully picking North Carolina in his NCAA bracket”

    As I, a Tar Heel, and millions of others did. Not really a hard prediction to make. Hell, every year I predict that. Seem to be right about every 5/6 years…

Oh, ER doctors know never to ask that question. You’d be surprised (but they learn not to be) at the variety of things that mysteriously, er, end up there.

Oh I don’t know, after Vladimir Putin got done with him, the phone and pen would probably just fall out.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | May 14, 2018 at 10:20 am

What is Professor Branco trying to tell us????

That Obama will finally get his, in the end????

Maybe Professor Branco was inspired by this news.

“NRA-ILA made my inner 12-year-old very happy today”



This could be voted the Branco cartoon “most-likely-to-make-lefty-heads-explode”!

WAY better than an eraser !

He has more flexibility since the election. (boom- I’m here all week…try the ribs, don’t forget to tip your waitress)

The real orifice from which The One truly spoke.

This is pure In-You-End-Oh.

Best cartoon ever!

One of your better one’s, which are all always good.

Word around DC is this cartoon is closer to truth than you want to know. At least with Bill we could send the Oval Office rug out for “restoration”